tidywater: Water Quality Models for Drinking Water Treatment Processes

Provides multiple water chemistry-based models and published empirical models in one standard format. Functions can be chained together to model a complete treatment process and are designed to work in a 'tidyverse' workflow. Models are primarily based on these sources: Benjamin, M. M. (2002, ISBN:147862308X), Crittenden, J. C., Trussell, R., Hand, D., Howe, J. K., & Tchobanoglous, G., Borchardt, J. H. (2012, ISBN:9781118131473), USEPA. (2001) <https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2017-03/documents/wtp_model_v._2.0_manual_508.pdf>.

Version: 0.7.0
Depends: R (≥ 2.10)
Imports: dplyr, tidyr, knitr, ggplot2, ggrepel, magrittr, purrr, furrr, methods, rlang
Suggests: rmarkdown, testthat (≥ 3.0.0)
Published: 2025-01-22
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.tidywater
Author: Sierra Johnson [aut, cre], Libby McKenna [aut], Riley Mulhern ORCID iD [aut], Chris Corwin ORCID iD [aut], Rachel Merrifield [ctb], Mayuri Namasivayam [ctb], Phoebe Chen [ctb], USEPA [cph] (Copyright holder of included TELSS fragments (dissolve_pb function)), Brown and Caldwell [fnd, cph]
Maintainer: Sierra Johnson <sjohnson2 at brwncald.com>
BugReports: https://github.com/BrownandCaldwell-Public/tidywater/issues
License: Apache License (≥ 2) | MIT + file LICENSE
URL: https://github.com/BrownandCaldwell-Public/tidywater
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: tidywater results


Reference manual: tidywater.pdf
Vignettes: help_functions_blend (source, R code)
help_functions_chemdose_ph (source, R code)
intro (source, R code)
Getting started with tidywater (source, R code)


Package source: tidywater_0.7.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: tidywater_0.7.0.zip, r-release: tidywater_0.7.0.zip, r-oldrel: tidywater_0.7.0.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): tidywater_0.7.0.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): tidywater_0.7.0.tgz, r-release (x86_64): tidywater_0.7.0.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): tidywater_0.6.2.tgz
Old sources: tidywater archive


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