CyrFonts Font Packages Downloads

installation module for BaKoMa TeX 4/5

The CMCYR fonts are an add-on to Knuth's CM fonts designed to cover the modern Russian letters. These fonts were designed by N.Glonty and A.Samarin at IHEP, Protvino.

This module includes virtual fonts that combine these fonts with CM fonts to produce font families for Russian users:

Note: In addition to installing these fonts, this module creates substitution records for LH* and LA* fonts. For this reason, standard LaTeX 2e russification based on T2A encoding and LA* fonts will work with these fonts without any modifications.

This module installs under BaKoMa TeX 4.0 and later.
Just open the CYRFONTS.BKZ unit.

1999/06/30 - This module was released by BKM.
1999/12/23 - Removed --/--- ligatures in some typewriter fonts.
2000/05/02 - Refine configuration for V 2.30.
2001/10/18 - CZ fonts was regenerated by MakeVF instead of TFMerge
2001/11/01 - Removed --/--- ligatures from cztt*, czsltt10, and czitt10.