-- Copyright 2001-2004, 2007, 2008, 2010-2013 American Mathematical Society -- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+ -- -- Adapted from the amsrefs package documentation, which can be found at -- https://ctan.org/pkg/amsrefs. ctan_package = "amsrefs" package = { options = { alphabetic = { details = [[ This generates alphabetic labels similar to the `alpha` BibTeX style, consisting of the first letter(s) of each author name plus the year of publication. ]] }, shortalphabetic = { details = [[ This generates a shorter alphabetic label using only the first letter of each author name. ]] }, ["author-year"] = { details = [[ This switches to the popular author-year citation format, similar to that described in The Chicago Manual of Style. ]] }, y2k = { details = [[ When using the `alphabetic` option, normally only the last two digits of the year are used in the label. The `y2k` option instructs amsrefs to use the full year. ]] }, ["non-compressed-cites"] = { details = [[ Turn off range compression; citations will still be sorted. Range compression is also automatically turned off if amsrefs detects that the hyperref package has been loaded. (In order for this to work correctly, the hyperref package must be loaded after the amsrefs package.) ]] }, ["non-sorted-cites"] = { details = [[ Turn off range sorting. This also turns off range compression as a side-effect. ]] }, abbrev = { details = [[ This is equivalent to requesting all four of the options `initials`, `short-journals`,`short-months` and `short-publishers`. ]] }, initials = { details = [[ Replace the given names of all authors, editors, and translators with their initials. ]] }, ["short-journals"] = { details = [[ Print short form instead of full form for journal names. This works only with abbreviations defined with the `\DefineJournal` command. ]] }, ["short-months"] = { details = [[ Print short version of month names (e.g., Jan. instead of January). This works only when you write all dates in ISO 8601 format. ]] }, ["short-publishers"] = { details = [[ Print short form instead of full form for publisher names. This works only with abbreviations defined with the `\DefinePublisher` command. ]] }, backrefs = { details = [[ This option causes “back-references” to be printed at the end of each bibliography entry to show what page it was cited on. This option will work only if the hyperref package is installed. ]] }, ["bibtex-style"] = { details = [[ By default, amsrefs formats references using the AMS house style. The `bibtex-style` option instructs it to use a format that is very similar to the one implemented by the standard BibTeX styles (plain, alpha, abbrv, and unsrt). ]] }, ["citation-order"] = { details = [[ This option applies only when using amsrefs in conjunction with BibTeX. Consequently, changing this option will have no effect until after the next bibtex run. The `citation-order` option corresponds to the standard BibTeX style unsrt, where items are printed in the reference list in the order in which they are cited in the document. ]] }, lite = { details = [[ Suppress the loading of the following packages, which amsrefs will normally automatically load: - mathscinet: Define a number of special characters and accents that are sometimes encountered when downloading data from MathSciNet. - txtcmds: Provide shorthand commands for a number of characters that are usually specified via ligatures (e.g., -- for an en-dash or ?` for ?. Using these ligatures can cause problems if you're using fonts other than the Computer Modern Roman family or if you want to make it easy to convert your document to, say, HTML. LaTeX does provide macros for these characters, but their names tend to be rather unwieldy (e.g., `\textendash` and `\textquestiondown`, so txtcmds provides shorter names (`\ndash` and `\qd` in this case). ]] }, ["msc-links"] = { details = [[ Redefine the `\MR` command to create hypertext links to the MathSciNet database. This option will work only if the hyperref package is installed. ]] }, nobysame = { details = [[ If two or more consecutive bibliography items have the same authors, amsrefs will normally replace the author names in the second and succeeding entries by a horizontal rule. This option disables this feature, causing the full author names to always be printed. ]] } } } commands= { bibselect = { summary = "Read \\bib entries from an ltb file.", action = "input", filename = "?.ltb", arguments = { { meta = "*", summary = "If present, print all bibliography items, including not cited.", optional = true, type = "literal" }, { meta = "files", summary = "A list of files with ltb extension." } } }, bib = { action = "amsrefs_bib", summary = "Create a bibliogprahy item.", arguments = { { meta = "label" }, { meta = "type", keys = { article = { details = [[ A relatively short but self-contained item that is typically published as part of a larger collection, such as a journal, a conference proceedings, an edited collection published as a book, or even as part of a World Wide Web document. ]] }, book = { details = [[ A written work by one or more authors where the authors share credit for the work as a whole. For compatibility with BibTeX, the following entry types are available as aliases for book: collection, proceedings, manual, and unpublished. ]] }, misc = { details = [[ Anything that doesn’t fit into one of the other types. ]] }, report = { details = [[ A technical report, white paper, or the like. Similar to an article but usually published and distributed by an organization such as a university or corporation whose primary business is usually not publishing. Also known as a techreport. ]] }, thesis = { details = [[ Like report but produced by the author for an educational institution to satisfy the requirements for a degree. Not (normally) produced by a commercial publisher for sale. ]] }, webpage = { details = [[ An online resource. It is limited to the following fields: accessdate, author, date, note, subtitle, title, url. ]] } } }, { meta = "fields", keys = { accessdate = { details = [[ Used to specify the date on which a webpage was viewed, as opposed to the date on which the resource was last modified, which would be put in the date field. ]] }, address = { details = [[ Usually the address of the publisher or other issuing organization, but inside the conference compound field it refers to the address of the conference. ]] }, booktitle = { details = [[ Used in the article type to specify the title of the book in which the article appeared. If anything other than a simple book title is required, the book compound field should be used instead. ]] }, date = { details = [[ Usually the date of publication, except inside the conference field, where it is the date of the conference. This replaces BibTeX's year and month fields. Its value should be written in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 1967-02-24. The day and/or month can be omitted, so all of the following are valid representations of February 24, 1967: ``` date={1967-02-24} date={1967-02} date={1967} ``` Using this format allows amsrefs maximum flexibility in formatting dates, for example, by allowing month names to be printed in full or abbreviated as necessary. For Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, either use month numbers of 13, 14, 15, 16 (respectively) or just put in the text before the year: ``` date={Summer 1987}, ``` For compatibility, year is provided as an alias for date, but its use is discouraged. ]] }, edition = { details = [[ For books or reports. If the value of this field is a simple number, bib will convert it to cardinal form and add “ed.” (or alternative text if specified by the bibliography style). Otherwise it will be printed as is. ]] }, eprint = { details = [[ Electronic preprint information such as for . See for recommended form. ]] }, hyphenation = { details = [[ This corresponds to the Babel package notion of language. The hyphenation language used for a given bib entry is determined from various clues, which are checked in the following order: - The Babel language specified by the hyphenation field. - The Babel language specified by the \emph{first word} of the language field (after lowercasing). - The current Babel language that was in effect before the \cn{bib} command started. - The current hyphenation patterns of the document, if there are no Babel language modules loaded. The hyphenation field applies to an entire entry. To change the Babel language for a single field, see the discussion of the language attribute. ]] }, journal = {}, label = { details = [[ When the alphabetic or shortalphabetic options are used, amsrefs will usually try to generate the label on its own. If necessary, you can override the automatically generated label by specifying a label field. ]] }, language = { details = [[ Language of the work. The language name should be the printed form, not a Babel-style language name, since in principle this field could contain more complicated remarks such as “Russian, with French abstract”. ]] }, note = { details = [[ Any additional information that does not fit into one of the other fields. ]] }, number = { details = [[ The issue number of the journal for an article or the technical report number for a report. ]] }, organization = { details = [[ The school, university, corporation, or other nonpublisher organization that issued the document. ]] }, pages = {}, part = {}, publisher = {}, series = {}, setup = { details = [[ This is a special field that can be used to give arbitrary commands to be executed at the beginning of the current bib entry, after all the fields have been read. The idea is that one can alter the formatting of an individual entry through this field to handle special cases. ]] }, status = { details = [[ Typically used for notes such as “to appear” or “in preparation” or “unpublished” with journal articles. ]] }, subtitle = { details = [[ Typically used with a multipart journal article to give a subtitle for each part, but it can also be used for books. ]] }, type = { details = [[ The type of a thesis, e.g., “Master's Thesis” or “Ph.D. Thesis”. ]] }, xref = { }, author = { details = [[ The authors of the item. If there are other contributors that should be acknowledged, they should be listed in contribution fields. ]] }, editor = { details = [[ The editors of the item. If there are other contributors that should be acknowledged, they should be listed in contribution fields. ]] }, translator = { details = [[ The translators of the item. If there are other contributors that should be acknowledged, they should be listed in contribution fields. ]] }, isbn, issn = { details = [[ An International Standard Book or Serial Number. (These are not printed by the standard styles, but are reserved for future use.) ]] }, review = { details = [[ A review number or similar pointer to, for example, Mathematical Reviews or Zentralblatt. You must supply any special markup for the number; i.e., you should write review={\MR{2015463}} instead of review={2015463} ]] }, book = { details = [[ This is used for conference articles to make it easier to differentiate between an article and the book or proceedings that it appeared in. The book field can contain any of the following subfields: title, part, subtitle, edition, editor, translator, contribution, series, volume, publisher, organization, address, date, note. It is often used in conjunction with the conference field. ]] }, conference = { details = [[ The conference field can contain a title, address, and date. \bib{Burkholder1986a}{article}{ author={Burkholder, Donald L.}, title={Martingales and Fourier analysis in Banach spaces}, conference={ title={C.I.M.E. Lectures}, address={Varenna, Italy}, date={1985} }, book={ series={Lecture Notes in Math.}, volume={1206}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, address={Berlin and New York}, date={1986}, }, pages={61--108}, review={\MR{0864712}} } ]] }, contribution = { details = [[ This field can be repeated as many times as necessary to list any contributors other than authors, editors, or translators. contribution={ type={illustrations}, author={Gorey, Edward} } which in the default style produces with illustrations by Edward Gorey Since contributions are potentially complicated, so is the contribution field: - Sometimes it is necessary to add additional material to the type in order to produce intelligible text: contribution={ type={an appendix}, author={Doe, John} } - amsrefs tries very hard to format multiple contributions, each of which may have multiple authors, in an appropriate way. However, there might be cases where the default rules aren't flexible enough, in which case you can instead use the contribution field as a simple field and format it exactly the way you want: contribution={some arbitrary text about contributions} This feature should only be used as a last resort, though. ]] }, partial = { details = [[ This is used with the article type for multipart articles. Like the contribution field, it is repeatable. It can contain any of the following fields: part, subtitle, contribution, journal, volume, date, number, pages. \bib{Zho-fan1972}{article}{ author={Zho-fan, Z.}, title={Monomials}, partial={ part={I}, journal={Tot. Math.}, volume={19}, date={1972}, pages={335--350} }, partial={ part={II}, journal={Tot. Math.}, volume={20}, date={1973}, pages={19--37} } } ]] }, reprint = { details = [[ This can be used inside an article to indicate another place (usually a book) where the article can also be found. It can contain any field that the book type can. \bib{Sokal96}{article}{ title={Trangressing the boundaries}, subtitle={Toward a transformative hermeneutics of quantum gravity}, author={Sokal, Alan}, journal={Social Text}, volume={46/47}, date={1996}, pages={217--252}, reprint={ title={Fashionable Nonsense}, subtitle={Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science}, author={Sokal, Alan}, author={Bricmont, Jean}, publisher={Picador USA}, address={New York}, date={1998} } } ]] }, translation = { details = [[ This is the only compound field that can be used with any bibliography type. It can contain any field that its parent type can contain. ]] } } } } }, citelist = { details = [[ This is used to group a number of individual `\cite` commands into a single citation. Among other things, this makes it possible to add an optional argument to any of the `\cite` commands unambiguously: \citelist{\cite{xx} \cite{yy}*{Theorem 4.9} \cite{zz}} Note that there is no punctuation or other text between the `\cite commands. Any necessary commas or other punctuation will be supplied automatically. Any attempts to supply it by hand will backfire. ]] }, cites = { action = "cite", arguments = {{meta = "labels"}}, details = [[ This is a variant of citelist, provided for convenience: \cites{aa,bb,cc} is equivalent to \citelist{\cite{aa}\cite{bb}\cite{cc}} Note that cites does not take an optional arguments. ]] }, nocite = { action = "cite", arguments = {{meta = "labels"}}, details = [[ This continues to work the same way that it does in standard LaTeX when used with BibTeX, but see the manual for limitations when it is used with bibselect and ltb files. ]] }, ocite = { action = "cite", arguments = {{meta = "label"}}, summary = "Cite as an object.", action = "cite" }, ycite = { action = "cite", arguments = {{meta = "label"}}, summary = "Cite year.", action = "cite", }, DefineName = { arguments = { {meta = "label"}, {meta = "text"} } }, DefinePublisher = { arguments = { {meta = "label"}, {meta = "text"} } }, DefineJournal = { arguments = { {meta = "label"}, {meta = "text"} } } } environments = { bibdiv = {}, biblist = {} }