This is the FONTLOG for the Emmentaler OpenType fonts 
distributed together with the lilyglyphs LaTeX package.
lilyglyphs is maintained by Urs Liska (

Emmentaler is the music font of the LilyPond engraving software 
( and contains all musical symbols that 
LilyPond doesn't draw itself.
lilyglyphs is a package that makes LilyPond's notational elements 
available as character commands in LuaLaTeX/XeLaTeX documents.

The font files distributed with lilyglyphs are the ones shipped with 
LilyPond 2.18.0 without any modifications.

The fonts have been created by "The LilyPond authors" and are licensed 
under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. See the file
LICENSE.OFL in the same directory for details.
More information on LilyPond and the Emmentaler fonts can be obtained

The Metafont sources for the fonts can be obtained at LilyPond's 
Git repository at,
in particular they are in the 'mf' directory of the source tree at