Installation instruction for LaTeX2e cyrillizator

This file describes how to 'cyrillize' LaTeX2e.
Special attention is given to installation for EmTeX
(MSDOS-OS/2 implementation of TeX).

The CMCYR2E font distribution presented here was originally uploaded
to CTAN by Vadim V. Zhytnikov (
on behalf of Alexander Harin (

I added this INSTALL file to make instllation easier for users
that don't have a lot of TeX/LaTeX experience.

What is required

1. TeX ver 3.0 or later, version 3.1415 is preferable.

MSDOS-OS/2 users:
You can get EmTeX 3.0 from CTAN directory /systems/msdos/emtex
(CTAN is Common TeX Archive Network, its site in the US
You also can get beta release of EmTeX 3.1415
from /systems/msdos/emtex/betatest.

UNIX users:
You probably already have newest version of TeX on your system.
Otherwise take a look at /systems/unix of CTAN.

2. LaTeX2e package. You can get it from CTAN directory /macros/latex.

How to unpack and install

1. Create directory cmcyr2e and unpack the zip file into it
with preserving directory structure.

For example, in MSDOS:

pkunzip -d

1a. MSDOS users only: In this distribution end-of-line
character for text files is LF.
To convert text files to MSDOS convention (end-of-line is
CR-LF), type "convers.exe +r *.*" in directory cmcyrfnt
and all its text subdirectories (that is, all subdirectories).
Convers.exe is supplied together with this distribution.

2. Add cmcyr2e subdirectory to TeX input environment variable.

For example, in MSDOS:

set texinput=d:\emtex\texinput;d:\cmcyr2e;

3. Test it on files in examples subdirectory.