% 10/08/93 % % ibm RESume file, Uncommented, Filled in, /pub/ibmres-tex/res_u_f.ltx % % George B. Leeman, Jr., leeman@watson.ibm.com. % % Please read /pub/README.FTP on software.watson.ibm.com before using % % this file. Change the text in the arguments, then run LaTeX on this % % file to produce resume, cover letter, mailing label, and selected % % abstracts. % \documentstyle[12pt,ibmres]{article} \begin{document} \name{George B. Leeman, Jr.} \preferredtitle0{Mr. Leeman} \school0{The University of Michigan} \email{leeman@um.cc.umich.edu} \discipline0{mathematics} \highestdegree0{PhD} \degreeyear0{1972} \workaddressandphone{ The University of Michigan\\ Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science\\ Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122\\ (313) 764--8504 } \homeaddressandphone{ 2904 Washtenaw Avenue, Apt. 1B\\ Ypsilanti, MI 48198\\ (313) 434-1815 } \presentstatus{Postdoc Student} \immigrationstatus{US citizen} \typeofpositiondesired{Permanent} \availabledate{June, 1973} \employerspecifictitle{} \employerspecificdata{} \objective{To obtain a research or development position in the areas of stochastic analysis or program correctness.} \education{} \when{Aug. 1972} \place{The University of Michigan} \location{Ann Arbor, MI} \degree{PhD in Mathematics; advisor: Peter L. Duren; thesis title: The constrained coefficient problem for typically real functions.} \gpa{8.217} \outof{9.000} \when{May 1969} \place{The University of Michigan} \location{Ann Arbor, MI} \degree{MA in Mathematics} \gpa{8.041} \outof{9.000} \when{June 1968} \place{Yale University} \location{New Haven, CT} \degree{BA in Mathematics} \gpa{abolished 11/30/67; class percentile: 97.} \outof{} \employment{} \when{summers, 1970, 1971} \place{The University of Michigan} \location{Ann Arbor, MI} \text{Instructor, teaching undergraduate introductory and intermediate calculus courses.} \when{summers, 1965--1969} \place{Perkin-Elmer Corporation} \location{Norwalk, CT} \text{Scientific programming for problems in engineering and physics.} \skills{} \text{Programming in FORTRAN, IBM 360 Assembler, SNOBOL4, LISP, C.} \honors{} \text{National Science Foundation Traineeship, September, 1968 to August, 1972.} \text{BA Magna Cum Laude, honors with exceptional distinction, 1968.} \text{Election to Phi Beta Kappa, November, 1967.} \publications{} \text{The seventh coefficient of odd symmetric univalent functions, G. B. Leeman, Jr., to appear in Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 43, no. 2, June, 1973.} \text{A new proof for an inequality of Jenkins, G. B. Leeman, Jr., Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 54, Jan. 1973, 114--116.} \text{The constrained coefficient problem for typically real functions, G. B. Leeman, Jr., Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 186, Dec. 1972, 177--189.} \miscellaneous{Member of Board of Directors, Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra, Ridgefield, CT.} \references{} \referencename{Peter L. Duren, Professor, The University of Michigan, (313) 764-0202.} \referenceemail{duren@um.cc.umich.edu} \referencename{Bernard A. Galler, Professor, The University of Michigan, (313) 764-5832.} \referenceemail{bernard\_a.\_galler@um.cc.umich.edu} \referencename{Maxwell O. Reade, Professor, The University of Michigan, (313) 764-7227.} \referenceemail{} \coverletter{ The University of Michigan\\ Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science\\ 1301 Beal Avenue\\ Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 } \rightlines{ George B. Leeman, Jr.\\ leeman at um.cc.umich.edu\\ (313) 764-8504 } \recipient{ Manager, PhD Recruiting\\ IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center\\ P. O. Box 218\\ Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 } \letterbody{ Dear Sir: \bigskip I would like to apply for a position in the research and development divisions of your corporation. I have included a resume and a few abstracts from some of my published papers. \bigskip I can be reached at the number shown above every afternoon from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. I answer electronic mail throughout each day, including weekends. \bigskip Thank you for your consideration. } \closing{ Sincerely yours,\\ George B. Leeman, Jr. } \cc{} \encl{resume\\selected abstracts} \ps{} \letterlabel{} \abstracts{} \text{ {\em The seventh coefficient of odd symmetric univalent functions, by G. B. Leeman, Jr.}\vskip 3ex Let $S_{odd}$ be the collection of all functions $f(z) = z + c_3z^3 + c_5z^5 + c_7z^7 + \cdots$ odd, analytic, and one-to-one in the unit disk. In 1933 Fekete and Szeg\"o showed that for all $f$ in $S_{odd}$, $|c_5| \leq 1/2 + e^{-2/3}$, but no sharp bounds have been found since that time, even for the subclass of $S_{odd}$ with real coefficients. In this paper we find the sharp bound $|c_7|\leq 1090/1083$ for this subclass, and we identify all extremal functions.\vskip 7 ex } \text{ {\em A new proof for an inequality of Jenkins, by G. B. Leeman, Jr.}\vskip 3 ex A new proof of Jenkins' inequality $${\rm Re}(e^{2i\theta}a_3 - e^{2i\theta} a_2^2 - \tau e^{i\theta}a_2) \leq 1 + {3\over8} \tau^2 - {1\over4}\tau^2 \log ({\tau\over4}),\ \ 0 \leq \tau \leq 4,$$ for univalent functions $f(z) = z + \sum_{n=2}^\infty a_n z^n$ is presented.\vskip 7 ex } \text{ {\em The constrained coefficient problem for typically real functions, by G. B. Leeman, Jr.}\vskip 3 ex Let $-2 \leq c \leq 2$. In this paper we find the precise upper and lower bounds on the $n$th Taylor coefficient $a_n$ of functions $f(z) = z + c z^2 + \sum_{k=3}^\infty a_k z^k$ typically real in the unit disk for $n=3,4,\cdots \ .$ In addition all the extremal functions are identified. } \end{document}