% \file{locale/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the base file of the Slovak locale.\iffalse %<*base> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/fithesis-slovak.def}[2021/02/26] % \end{macrocode} % The locale file defines all the private macros mandated by the % locale file interface. % \begin{macro}{\thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka} % The locale file also defines the |\thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka| % macro, which expands to the correct verb ending based on the % value of the |\thesis@ifwoman| macro and the % \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ} % |\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ| containing the accusative case % of the thesis type name. % \end{macro}\begin{macrocode} % Pomocná makrá \gdef\thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka{% \ifthesis@woman a\fi} % Csquotes štýl \gdef\thesis@slovak@csquotesStyle{german} % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@universityName{Názov univerzity} \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Názov fakulty} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.3.47}{2017/07/09}{Moved the \cs{ifthesis@digital} % tests from \texttt{locale/*.def} to \texttt{locale/mu/*.def}, % since \cs{ifthesis@digital} is undefined in % \texttt{fithesis3.cls}. [VN]} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\thesis@slovak@assignment{% Na tomto mieste sa v~tlačenej práci nachádza oficiálne podpísané zadanie práce.} \gdef\thesis@slovak@declaration{Text vyhlásenie ...} % Časové údaje \gdef\thesis@slovak@spring{jar} \gdef\thesis@slovak@fall{jeseň} \gdef\thesis@slovak@semester{% \thesis@{slovak@\thesis@season} \thesis@seasonYear} \gdef\thesis@slovak@formattedDate{{% \thesis@day. \newcount\@month\expandafter\@month\thesis@month\relax \ifnum\@month=1% januára \else\ifnum\@month=2% februára \else\ifnum\@month=3% marca \else\ifnum\@month=4% apríla \else\ifnum\@month=5% mája \else\ifnum\@month=6% júna \else\ifnum\@month=7% júla \else\ifnum\@month=8% augusta \else\ifnum\@month=9% septembra \else\ifnum\@month=10% októbra \else\ifnum\@month=11% novembra \else\ifnum\@month=12% decembra \else <> \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \thesis@year}} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/11}{Added title for summary. [TV]} % \begin{macrocode} % Rôzne \gdef\thesis@slovak@authorSignature{% Podpis autor\ifthesis@woman ky\else a\fi} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{Lifted the \texttt{advisorSignature} % string to the global locale file interface. [VN]} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\thesis@slovak@advisorSignature{Podpis vedúceho} \gdef\thesis@slovak@fieldTitle{Odbor} \gdef\thesis@slovak@advisorTitle{Vedúci práce} \gdef\thesis@slovak@authorTitle{Autor} \gdef\thesis@slovak@abstractTitle{Zhrnutie} \gdef\thesis@slovak@keywordsTitle{Kľúčové slová} \gdef\thesis@slovak@thanksTitle{Poďakovanie} \gdef\thesis@slovak@declarationTitle{Vyhlásenie} \gdef\thesis@slovak@summaryTitle{Resumé} \gdef\thesis@slovak@idTitle{ID} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@sempaper{Seminárna práca} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@bachelors{Bakalárska práca} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@masters{Diplomová práca} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@proposal{Tézy záverečnej práce} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@doctoral{Dizertačná práca} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@rigorous{Rigorózna práca} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName{% \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@sempaper \thesis@slovak@typeName@sempaper \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@bachelors \thesis@slovak@typeName@bachelors \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@masters \thesis@slovak@typeName@masters \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@proposal \thesis@slovak@typeName@proposal \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@doctoral \thesis@slovak@typeName@doctoral \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous \thesis@slovak@typeName@rigorous \else <>% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@sempaper{Seminárnu prácu} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@bachelors{Bakalársku prácu} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@masters{Diplomovú prácu} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@proposal{Tézy záverečnej práce} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@doctoral{Dizertačnú prácu} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@rigorous{Rigoróznu prácu} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ{% \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@sempaper \thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@sempaper \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@bachelors \thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@bachelors \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@masters \thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@masters \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@proposal \thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@proposal \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@doctoral \thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@doctoral \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous \thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@rigorous \else <>% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Masaryk % University in Brno. It replaces the \texttt{universityName} % placeholder with the correct value and defines the % \texttt{declaration} and \texttt{idTitle} strings. % \iffalse %<*mu> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fithesis-slovak.def}[2018/02/11] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@universityName{Masarykova univerzita} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.3.49}{2018/02/11}{Fixed casing in the % definition of the \texttt{declaration} string for the Masaryk % University in Brno. [VN]} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\thesis@slovak@declaration{% Vyhlasujem, že som predloženú \thesis@lower{% slovak@typeName@akuzativ} vypracoval% \thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka\ samostatne len s~použitím uvedenej literatúry a prameňov.} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.3.47}{2017/07/09}{Moved the \cs{ifthesis@digital} % tests from \texttt{locale/*.def} to \texttt{locale/mu/*.def}, % since \cs{ifthesis@digital} is undefined in % \texttt{fithesis3.cls}. [VN]} % \changes{v0.3.47}{2017/07/09}{Added an % \cs{ifthesis@blocks@assignment@hideIfDigital@} test to the % definition of the \texttt{assignment} string for the Masaryk % University in Brno. [VN]} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\thesis@slovak@assignment{% \ifthesis@blocks@assignment@hideIfDigital@ \ifthesis@digital@ Na tomto mieste sa v~tlačenej práci nachádza oficiálne podpísané zadanie práce. \else Namiesto tejto stránky vložte kópiu oficiálneho podpísaného zadania práce. \fi \else Nastavte pomocou kľúča <> názov súboru PDF s~oficiálnym podpísaným zadaním práce. \fi} % Bibliografický záznam \gdef\thesis@slovak@bib@title{Bibliografický záznam} \gdef\thesis@slovak@bib@pages{str} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.3.46}{2017/06/02}{Lifted the \texttt{bib@author}, % \texttt{bib@thesisTitle}, and \texttt{bib@advisor} strings from % \texttt{locale/mu/sci/*.def} to \texttt{locale/mu/*.def}, % so that they can be shared with \texttt{locale/mu/econ/*.def}. % [VN]} % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\thesis@slovak@bib@author\thesis@slovak@authorTitle \gdef\thesis@slovak@bib@thesisTitle{Názov práce} \global\let\thesis@slovak@bib@advisor\thesis@slovak@advisorTitle % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/04}{Lifted the \texttt{bib@programme}, % \texttt{bib@academicYear}, and \texttt{bib@pages} strings from % \texttt{locale/mu/sci/*.def} to \texttt{locale/mu/*.def}, % so that they can be shared with other faculties. [TV]} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\thesis@slovak@bib@programme{Študijný program} \global\let\thesis@slovak@bib@field\thesis@slovak@fieldTitle \gdef\thesis@slovak@bib@academicYear{Akademický rok} \gdef\thesis@slovak@bib@pages{Počet strán} \global\let\thesis@slovak@bib@keywords\thesis@slovak@keywordsTitle % Rôzne \gdef\thesis@slovak@idTitle{UČO} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/law/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of Law at % the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the correct value, defines % the \texttt{facultyLongName} required by the % |\thesis@blocks@cover| and the |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| blocks % and replaces the \texttt{abstractTitle} string in accordance % with the requirements of the faculty. % \iffalse %<*mu/law> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/law/fithesis-slovak.def}[2015/06/26] % Rôzne \gdef\thesis@slovak@abstractTitle{Abstrakt} % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Právnická fakulta} \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyLongName{Právnická fakulta Masarykovej univerzity} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/fsps/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of Sports % Studies at the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the correct value and % redefines the \texttt{fieldTitle} string in accordance with the % common usage at the faculty. The locale file also redefines the % \texttt{declaration} string in accordance with the requirements % of the faculty. % \iffalse %<*mu/fsps> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fsps/fithesis-slovak.def}[2017/05/15] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Fakulta športových štúdií} \gdef\thesis@slovak@declaration{% Vyhlasujem, že som \thesis@lower{% slovak@typeName@akuzativ} vypracoval% \thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka\ samostatne a~na základe literatúry a~prameňov uvedených v~použitých zdrojoch.} % Rôzne \gdef\thesis@slovak@fieldTitle{Špecializácie} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/fss/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of Social % Studies at the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} and \texttt{assignment} strings with the % correct values. % \iffalse %<*mu/fss> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fss/fithesis-slovak.def}[2016/05/25] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Fakulta sociálnych štúdií} \gdef\thesis@slovak@assignment{% \ifthesis@digital@ Na tomto mieste sa v~tlačenej práci nachádza oficiálne podpísané zadanie práce alebo vyhlásenie autora školského diela alebo obidve. \else Namiesto tejto stránky vložte kópiu oficiálneho podpísaného zadania práce alebo vyhlásenie autora školského diela alebo obidve v~závislosti na požiadavkách príslušnej katedry. \fi} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/econ/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of % Economics and Administration at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} and \texttt{abstractTitle} % placeholders with the correct values. The locale file also % redefines the \texttt{declaration} string in accordance with % the requirements of the faculty and defines the private macros % required by the |\thesis@blocks@|\discretionary{}{}{}|bibEntry| % block defined within the \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-econ.sty} % style file. % \iffalse %<*mu/econ> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/econ/fithesis-slovak.def}[2017/07/09] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Ekonomicko-správna fakulta} % Rôzne % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.3.46}{2017/06/02}{Updated the % \cs{abstractTitle} string in \texttt{locale/mu/econ/*.def} in % accordance with the 2/2017 dean's directive. The patch was % submitted by Jana Ratajská. [VN]} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\thesis@slovak@abstractTitle{Anotácie} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.3.46}{2017/06/02}{Updated the \texttt{declaration} string % in \texttt{locale/mu/econ/*.def} in accordance with the 2/2017 % dean's directive. [VN]} % \changes{v0.3.47}{2017/07/09}{Updated the \texttt{declaration} string % in \texttt{locale/mu/econ/*.def} in accordance with the 2/2017 % dean's directive. [VN]} % The following extra data field is defined for the % \texttt{declaration} string: \begin{itemize} % \item|advisorSkGenitiv| -- the advisor's name in % genitive following Slovak morphology. % \end{itemize} % \begin{macrocode} \thesis@def@extra{advisorSkGenitiv} \gdef\thesis@slovak@declaration{Vyhlasujem, že som \thesis@lower{slovak@typeName@akuzativ} \thesis@title{} spracoval% \thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka\ samostatne pod vedením \thesis@extra@advisorSkGenitiv\ a~uvied\ifthesis@woman la\else ol\fi\ v~nej všetky odborné zdroje v~súlade s~právnymi predpismi, vnútornými predpismi Masarykovej univerzity a~vnútornými aktmi riadenia Masarykovej univerzity a~Ekonomicko-správnej fakulty MU.} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/med/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of % Medicine at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value and redefines the \texttt{abstractTitle} % string in accordance with the common usage at the faculty. % The file also defines the \texttt{bib@title} and % \texttt{bib@pages} strings required by the % |\thesis@blocks@bibEntry| block defined within the % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-med.sty} style file. % \iffalse %<*mu/med> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/med/fithesis-slovak.def}[2016/03/23] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Lekárska fakulta} % Rôzne \gdef\thesis@slovak@abstractTitle{Anotácie} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/fi/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of % Informatics at the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the correct value and % redefines the \texttt{declaration} string in accordance with the % requirements of the faculty. % \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{Lifted the \texttt{advisorSignature} % string to the global locale file interface. [VN]} % \iffalse %<*mu/fi> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fi/fithesis-slovak.def}[2021/02/26] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Fakulta informatiky} \gdef\thesis@slovak@assignment{% \ifthesis@digital@ Na tomto mieste sa v~tlačenej práci nachádza oficiálne podpísané zadanie práce a vyhlásenie autora školského diela. \else Namiesto tejto stránky vložte kópiu oficiálneho podpísaného zadania práce a vyhlásenie autora školského diela. \fi} \gdef\thesis@slovak@declaration{% Vyhlasujem, že táto \thesis@lower{slovak@typeName} je mojím pôvodným autorským dielom, ktoré som vypracoval% \thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka\ samostatne. Všetky zdroje, pramene a literatúru, ktoré som pri vypracovaní používal\thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka\ alebo z~nich čerpal\thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka, v~práci riadne citujem s~uvedením úplného odkazu na príslušný zdroj.} % Rôzne \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@proposal{Tézy dizertačnej práce} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@proposal{Tézy dizertačnej práce} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/phil/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of % Arts at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value. It also defines the \texttt{declaration} string % and redefines the \texttt{typeName} and % \texttt{typeName@akuzativ} strings in accordance with the % requirements of the faculty. % % The locale file also defines the \texttt{departmentName} % string, which is used by the \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-phil^^A % .sty} style file, when typesetting the names of known % departments. % \iffalse %<*mu/phil> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/phil/fithesis-slovak.def}[2016/03/22] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Filozofická fakulta} \gdef\thesis@slovak@departmentName{% \ifx\thesis@department\thesis@departments@kisk Kabinet informačných štúdií a knihovníctva% \else <>% \fi} \gdef\thesis@slovak@declaration{% \ifx\thesis@department\thesis@departments@kisk Vyhlasujem, že som predkladanú prácu spracoval% \thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka\ samostatne~a použil% \thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka\ len uvedené pramene~a literatúru. Súčasne dávam súhlas k~tomu, aby elektronická verzia tejto práce bola sprístupnená cez informačný systém Masarykovej univerzity.% \else Vyhlasujem, že som predloženú \thesis@lower{% slovak@typeName@akuzativ} vypracoval% \thesis@slovak@gender@koncovka\ samostatne na základe vlastných zistení a len s~použitím uvedenej literatúry a prameňov.% \fi} % Rôzne \global\let\thesis@slovak@typeName@super \thesis@slovak@typeName \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName{% \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@bachelors Bakalárska diplomová práca% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@masters Magisterská diplomová práca% \else \thesis@slovak@typeName@super \fi\fi} \global\let\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@super \thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ{% \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@bachelors Diplomovú prácu% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@masters Diplomovú prácu% \else \thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@super \fi\fi} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/ped/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of % Education at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value. The file also defines the % \texttt{bib@title} and \texttt{bib@pages} strings required by the % |\thesis@blocks@bibEntry| block defined within the % \texttt{style/mu/\discretionary{}{}{}fithesis-ped.sty} % style file. % \iffalse %<*mu/ped> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/ped/fithesis-slovak.def}[2017/06/02] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Pedagogická fakulta} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi\file{locale/mu/sci/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of % Science at the Masaryk University in Brno. % The locale file also defines the private macros % required by the |\thesis@blocks@|\discretionary{}{}{}|bibEntry| % block defined within the \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty} style % file. It also replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with % the correct value and redefines the \texttt{abstractTitle} and % \texttt{declaration} strings in accordance with the formal % requirements of the faculty. % \changes{v0.3.45}{2017/05/21}{Added Slovak localization for the % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty} style file. The localization % was submitted by Juraj Pálenik. [VN]} % \iffalse %<*mu/sci> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/sci/fithesis-slovak.def}[2017/05/21] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Prírodovedecká fakulta} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/26}{Added specifics for the % Faculty of Pharmacy. [TV]} % \fi\file{locale/mu/pharm/fithesis-slovak.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of Pharmacy % at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value and redefines the \texttt{abstractTitle} % in accordance with the guidelines of the faculty. % \iffalse %<*mu/pharm> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/pharm/fithesis-slovak.def}[2021/03/26] % Zástupné texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Farmaceutická fakulta} % Rôzne \gdef\thesis@slovak@abstractTitle{Anotácie} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse % % \fi