% This is a free program written by TONY KHOSHABA, May 1995. % Modifications to be used with serto - LaTeX-package by Johannes Heinecke % 8 November 2003 u#:=16/36pt#; % unit width Change ONLY this % parameter to change the size of the fonts. boxx#:=4u#; % Asyyrian font basic size boxx. huassyr#:=1.5u#; % 'bold' means larger here vuassyr#:=u#; %ht#:=5boxx#; % height of the character font_size 10pt#; %font_size 7boxx#; % the design size of the fonts %xgap#:=0.6pt#; % horizontal adjustment % For vowels taken from sertofont.mf stu#:= 2.9u#; % the unit, used in serto10.mf hu#:=stu#; % the horizontal unit vu#:=stu#; % the vertical unit basestroke# := stu#; %s#:=0#; % extra space at the left and the right %o#:=2boxx#; % overshoot %px#:=2/3pt#; % horizontal thickness of the pen; px#:=3/2u#; slant :=0; % This parameter controls the slantness of the % fonts. Change it to for example 1/4 or -1/4 to % produce italic fonts. mode_setup; if unknown slant: slant :=0 else: currenttransform:= identity slanted slant yscaled aspect_ratio fi; %ygap#:=(ht#/13.5u#)*xgap#; % vertical adjustment %ho#:=0#; % horizontal overshoot %leftstemloc#:=2.5u#+s#; % position of left stem %barheight#:=0.45ht#; % height of bar lines py#:=0.9px#; % vertical pen thickness %% Font-Parameter for TeX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Added by Johannes Heinecke font_quad 5u#; % 1 em font_x_height 4u#; % 1 ex (used by syriac.sty to define accent position) font_normal_space 6u#; % word gap font_normal_stretch 4u#; % word gap may stretch by ... font_normal_shrink 2u#; % word gap my shrink by ... font_slant slant; define_pixels(hu, vu, basestroke); %%% Taken from sertobase.mf (for vowels) pickup pencircle xscaled .5basestroke yscaled .3basestroke; vowel_pen:=savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled .5basestroke yscaled .2basestroke rotated 30; vowelII_pen:=savepen; pickup pencircle xscaled .3basestroke yscaled .2basestroke rotated 30; vowelIII_pen:=savepen; let sertochar=\; define_pixels(u,huassyr,vuassyr); %define_whole_pixels(xgap); %define_whole_vertical_pixels(ygap); define_blacker_pixels(px,py); pickup pencircle xscaled px yscaled py; logo_pen:=savepen; %define_good_x_pixels(leftstemloc); %define_good_y_pixels(barheight); %define_corrected_pixels(o); %define_horizontal_corrected_pixels(ho); def makebox(text r) = for y=0 step u until h: r((0, y), (w, y)); endfor for y=0, -d, h: r((0, y), (w, y)); endfor % vertical lines on x-values: for x=0 step u until w: r((x, -d), (x, h)); endfor enddef; input assyrfont; input syriacvowels; end;