% why have I set this one using `lualatex`? % (a) to keep my build process consistent, so that I am using luamplib for *all* % the external pictures % (b) to show you that you can use the full traditional MP typesetting with "infont" % even though you are compiling with lualatex... % Toby Thurston -- 04 Apr 2023 \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \begin{document} \begin{mplibcode} beginfig(1); ypos = 0; picture matrix; for $="texnansi-lmr10", "pplr8r": draw ("Font: " & $) infont "texnansi-lmss10" scaled .7 shifted (-20,ypos) withcolor .67 red; for m=0 upto 15: ypos := ypos - 12; if (m mod 4)=0: ypos := ypos - 4; fi label.lft(decimal 16m infont "texnansi-lmss10" scaled .7, (-7,ypos+3)) withcolor .67 red; for c=0 upto 15: xx := 16m+c; if (xx<>0) and (xx<>10) and (xx<>13) and (xx<>160): matrix := char (16m+c) infont $; draw matrix shifted (c*14,ypos) shifted 1/2(llcorner matrix - lrcorner matrix) withcolor if ((32