% add a ruler along the left hand and lower edges % of the bounding box of the currentpicture % ** meant to be embedded by something that sets u[] appropriately ** path B; B = bbox currentpicture; for s=0, 1: path p; numeric a; pair o; p = subpath (0, 1) of if s=0: reverse fi B; a = arclength p; o = if s=0: left else: down fi; for i=0 upto 3: exitif not known u[i]; for j=0 upto floor(a/u[i]): pair t; t = point arctime j*u[i] of p of p; draw (origin -- (6 - 2i) * o) shifted t; if i=0: label(decimal j, t shifted 12 o); fi endfor endfor draw p; endfor