..... pst-cie.tex
1.06b 2021-11-04  - fix for origin of the axes 0->0.0 in pst-cie.pro
1.06a 2018-12-16  - use only _one_ pro file 
1.06  2017-08-24  - use always URW fonts instead of PostScript, 
                    eg Helvetica->NimbusSanL
1.05  2016-05-16  - split pro file into two files
1.04  2016-05-15  - define \pstCIEContour as ClosedObj
                  - fixed bug with scaling
1.03  2016-04-26  - use always the internal area 0..1
1.02  2016-04-25  - added support of Planckian locus
                  - \pstPlanck
                  - \pstCIEcontour
1.01  2016-04-18  - initial version

..... pst-cie.pro
1.06  2017-08-24  - use always URW fonts instead of PostScript, 
                    eg Helvetica->NimbusSanL
1.05  2016-05-16  - extract the data part to make it more
1.04  2016-05-01  - fixed bug with scaling
1.03  2016-04-25  - deleted tabxy
1.02  2016-04-24  - added support of Planckian locus
1.01  2016-04-18  initial version

..... pst-cie-data.pro
0.03  2021-11-04  - use 0.0 for the origin (only lualatex)
0.02  2018-12-16  - the data arrays
0.01  2016-05-16  - the data arrays

..... pst-cie.sty
      2016-04-18  first version

..... pst-cie-doc.tex
2016-04-18  initial version