%% This is file `fontmath.cfg', %% a configuration file to use Sauter fonts in math %% declares the FontEncodings used, reads sautmath.fd and %% then reads fontmath.ltx with \input temporarily disabled, %% so that it won't read the standard .fd files %% (c) 1998 Jeroen Nijhof \ProvidesFile{fontmath.cfg} [1998/12/10 v2.5 (Sauterised math font Setup)] \DeclareFontEncoding{OML}{}{} \DeclareFontEncoding{OMS}{}{} \DeclareFontEncoding{OMX}{}{} \DeclareFontEncoding{U}{}{\noaccents@} %% these will be redeclared in fontmath.ltx below, but that won't hurt \begingroup \nfss@catcodes \input sautmath.fd \endgroup \let\sauter@input\input \let\input\@gobble \sauter@input{fontmath.ltx} \let\input\sauter@input