% -*-LaTeX-*- % Document name: /usr/csc-sun/u/sy/beebe/tex/tugboat/kwic.ltx % Creator: Nelson H.F. Beebe (beebe) at plot79.utah.edu % Creation Date: Mon Feb 1 12:22:50 1988 %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % EVERYTHING TO THE RIGHT OF A % IS A REMARK TO YOU AND IS IGNORED BY % LaTeX. % % WARNING! DO NOT TYPE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING 10 CHARACTERS AS NORMAL TEXT % CHARACTERS: % & $ # % _ { } ^ ~ % % The following seven are printed by typing a backslash in front of them: % $ & # % _ { and }. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \documentclass{article} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{supertab} \usepackage{landscape} % Arg #1 (head) makes table too wide, so we omit it % Arg #3 is the sort key % Arg #5 is bibliography key, so we put it first \newcommand{\kwic}[5]{#5 & #2 & #3 & #4\nextline} \begin{document} \section*{KWIC Index to TUGboat} \footnotesize %this table is WIDE, so use the %smallest possible character size \tablehead{\hline} \tabletail{\hline} \begin{supertabular}{lrll} \input{tugboat.kwic} & & & \\[-2\baselineskip] %dummy final row to avoid error %messages from last \hline \end{supertabular} \end{document}