Changes in tfplot version 2021.6-1 o Fixed example writing to file in user directory. Now uses tempfile(). o Fixed Guide and tsScan examples so data length and matrix dimension match (as caught by a new CRAN check). o Fixed Rbuildignore so that files from building vignettes are not omitted in the package build. Changes in tfplot version 2015.12-1 o Increased split plot right margin size to avoid label truncation. o Fixed date rounding that occasionally caused a Xaxis label shift by a month in split plots. Changes in tfplot version 2015.7-1 o Added default package imports as now required by CRAN. Changes in tfplot version 2015.4-1 o Change require to requireNamespace for googleVis. Changes in tfplot version 2014.2-2 o Minor change (rep_len to rep) to accommodate older R versions. Changes in tfplot version 2014.2-1 o Eliminated passing par to plot and other plotting functions. It is now set in tfplot or tfOnePlot. (It was probably not working previously.) o Removed mar as an argument to tfplot (previously deprecated). Margins must now be passed by par=list(mar=...). o Added import of tframe in NAMESPACE. Changes in tfplot version 2013.12-1 o Added extra space at top when title or subtitle has a new line character. o Added splitPane argument to tfplot and tfOnePlot to provide option to produce a two pane graph, with more detail for lasy observations. o Added Yaxis arguments to tfplot and tfOnePlot to provide more options for Y axis format. o Added Xaxis argument to tfplot and tfOnePlot to provide better handling of X axis format. o Changed tfplot behavior for zooreg series so they are treated as ts series. Changes in tfplot version 2013.4-1 o Changed tplot and tfOnePlot default for pch from NULL to 1 to avoid warning in R-3.0.0 trying to rep() NULL. o Added tfOnePlot tests. Changes in tfplot version 2012.7-1 o Minor change in tfVisPlot to avoid note when building, regarding googleVis (which is only suggested not required). Changes in tfplot version 2012.4-1 o First release. Separated user utilities (tfplot, tfOnePlot, and simple series manipulations) out of tframe. See tframe NEWS for older history.