Changes for 1.1-1 (2024-07-07) * blrm: added argument showopt to show Stan optimizer steps, default is FALSE * blrm: added options(rmsbmsg=FALSE) to allow the user to suppress information messages * lrmconppot.stan: fixed bug for dim(C2) p -> q * replaced use of survival::survConcordance and Hmisc::somers2 with concordancefit Changes for 1.1-0 (2024-03-11) * Store cppo as deparsed for opt object from optimization (MLE) to prevent huge environment from being carried along * blrm: Non-downward compatible changes: removed keepsep argument * blrm: Added npcontrast argument for specification of priors for non-proportional-odds parameters in the constrained partial PO model through the use of contrasts, parallel to pcontrast for the PO part of the model; changed 3 stan code modules for this Changes for 1.0-0 (2023-09-26) * blrm: added support for cmdstan and cmdstanr package using backend= * When using cmdstan uses bayesplot package for pairs plots * stanDx: new code for cmdstan diagnostics * stackMI: corrected erroneous implementation of file= where it was only applying to one of the imputations; also handled generally the conversion of functions in fit object to character strings for efficient serializing * Added non-exported function cluster so as to not depend on survival package * blrm: added sampling.args argument * blrm: trapped ppairs error in case plot region too small to hold graph * blrm: added pcontrast argument for user-specified priors on linear combinations of regression coefficients; required changing all Stan code * blrm: removed priorsd argument (NON-DOWNWARD-COMPATIBLE CHANGE) Changes for 0.1-0 (2022-04-12) * blrm: got around bug in model.response not keeping class Ocens * soprobMarkovOrdPost: removed since Hmisc has soprobMarkovOrdm * lrmconppot.stan: removed redundant pi simplex (thanks Mark Jones <> Changes for 0.0-2 (2021-02-27) * Removed @title lines from Roxygen comments * Enhanced predict.blrm and changed prediction methods to use it * Changed storage of cppo function in fit object to character strings so as to not have saveRDS serialize it with all its environment data * Added lrmconppot.stan to implement flat and t-distribution priors for intercepts * blrm: added iprior argument for lrmconppot * predict.blrm: fixed fun= with finint=FALSE