rankhazard NEWS CHANGES IN rankhazard 1.1.0: Visible changes: * More flexibility for perfecting the look of the plot by new arguments. * Plenty of new error and warning messages added. * Updated examples in the rankhazardplot documentation. * A bug regarding the use of refpoints in some special situations is fixed. Added arguments: * col.CI * lty.CI * lwd.CI * axes * xtext * add * graphsbefore * args.legend Changes in argument names: * confint -> draw.confint * refline.col -> col.refline * refline.lty -> lty.refline * refline.lwd -> lwd.refline Non-visible changes: * The hidden functions coxph_CI and cph_CI are now hidden functions rankhazard_CI.coxph, rankhazard_CI.cph and rankhazard_CI and some of the code regarding the calculation of the confidence intervals has been moved from rankhazardplot.coxph and rankhazardplot.cph into rankhazard_CI.coxph and rankhazard_CI.cph. * The plotting functions are matplot, matlines and matpoints instead of plot, lines and points in the previous version.