## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", out.width = '70%' ) ## ----Installing rYWAASB package----------------------------------------------- if(!require('rYWAASB')){ install.packages('rYWAASB') # call the package } library('rYWAASB') ## ----setup,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE---------------------------------------- ## For graphical displays library(metan) library(ggplot2) library(graphics) library(factoextra) library(FactoMineR) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- waasb_model <- waasb(data_ge, env = ENV, gen = GEN, rep = REP, resp = everything(), random = "gen", #Default verbose = TRUE) #Default data <- waasb_model$GY$model print(data) ## ----echo = TRUE, fig.height = 14, fig.width = 18, fig.align = "center", message=F, warning=F---- plot_scores(waasb_model, type = 3) ## ----Showing the maize dataset------------------------------------------------ data(maize) head(maize) ## ----apply package by ranking the genotypes----------------------------------- data(maize) ranki(maize) ## ----echo = TRUE, fig.height = 14, fig.width = 20, fig.align = "center", message=F, warning=F---- data(maize) bar_plot1(maize) ## ----echo = TRUE, fig.height = 14, fig.width = 20, fig.align = "center", message=F, warning=F---- data(maize) bar_plot2(maize, verbose=TRUE) ## ----echo = TRUE, fig.height = 14, fig.width = 20, fig.align = "center", message=F, warning=F---- data(maize) PCA_biplot(maize) ## ----echo = TRUE, fig.height = 15, fig.width = 30, fig.align = "center", message=F, warning=F---- data(maize) maize <- as.data.frame(maize) row.names(maize) <- maize[, 1] maize[, 1] = NULL GEN <- row.names(maize) maize <- scale(maize) nbclust(maize, verbose = FALSE) # Perform bootstrap or jackknife clustering by shipunov package. # The examples should be run in the console manually due to # problems occurs in the ORPHANED package "shipunov". # # 1- Bootstrap clustering: # data.jb <- Jclust(maize, # method.d = "euclidean", # method.c = "average", n.cl = 2, # bootstrap = TRUE) # # plot.Jclust(data.jb, top=TRUE, lab.pos=1, # lab.offset=1, lab.col=2, lab.font=2) # Fence(data.jb$hclust, GEN) # # data.jb <- Jclust(maize, # method.d = "euclidean", # method.c = "ward.D", n.cl = 2, # bootstrap = TRUE) # # plot.Jclust(data.jb, top=TRUE, lab.pos=1, # lab.offset=1, lab.col=2, lab.font=2) # Fence(data.jb$hclust, GEN) # # # if(verbose = TRUE): # cat("\nnumber of iterations:\n", data.jb$iter, "\n") # # For "bootstrap": # data.jb$mat <- as.matrix((data.jb$mat)) # cat("\nmatrix of results:\n", data.jb$mat, "\n") # cat("clustering info, by eucledean distance measure:\n") # print(data.jb$hclust) # cat("groups:\n", data.jb$gr, "\n") # cat("\nsupport values:\n", data.jb$supp, "\n") # cat("\nnumber of clusters used:\n", data.jb$n.cl, "\n") # # 2- Jackknife clustering: # data.jb <- Bclust(maize, # method.d = "euclidean", method.c = "average", # bootstrap = FALSE) # plot(data.jb) # # data.jb <- Bclust(maize, # method.d = "euclidean", method.c = "ward.D", # bootstrap = FALSE) # plot(data.jb) # # if(verbose = TRUE): # For"jackknife": # cat("Consensus:\n", data.jb$consensus, "\n") # cat("Vlaues:\n", data.jb$values, "\n")