Version 0.5.1 (2024-01-23) ------------------------------------------------------------ * fixes requested by the CRAN again Version 0.5.0 (2023-03-09) ------------------------------------------------------------ * fixes to have the packages on the CRAN again Version 0.4.7 (2015-05-22) ------------------------------------------------------------ * re-submission addressing package's Description change requested by Kurt Hornick * changed package URL in DESCRIPTION * addes BugReports in DESCRIPTION * updated call to plot diagrams: `diagram::plotmat` * updated vignette with all plots displayed * fixed bug in rebus.pls example documentation Version 0.4.6 (2015-05-21) ------------------------------------------------------------ * updated documentation in funciton `plspm` for non-metric argument scaling * updated `install_github` call in README Version 0.4.5 (2015-05-05) ------------------------------------------------------------ * fixed bug in 'get_boots' so now repeated names of MVs in constructs of 2nd order are displayed when requiring bootstrapping Version 0.4.4 (2015-02-08) ------------------------------------------------------------ * change package dependencies and Import options, in order to comply with CRAN Policies Version 0.4.3 (2014-03-23) ------------------------------------------------------------ * fixed factorial scheme bug in `get_weights_nonmetric` * get_dummy allows `x` to include zero Version 0.4.2 (2013-12-09) ------------------------------------------------------------ * fixing a bug for non-metric data in `get_boots` Version 0.4.0 (2013-12-08) ------------------------------------------------------------ NEW FEATURES * Full redesigning of the popular plspm package that now provides all the cool features for handling non-metric data. * argument `maxiter` replaces `iter` * new argument `scaling` to handle non-metric variables * term `path_matrix` replaces `inner_matrix` * term `blocks` replaces `outer_list`. Moreover, now you can specify blocks using character strings * `inner_model` gives the full set of coefficients results from 'lm' * Simplified output of `plspm()` containing data frames compatible with ggplot2 Version 0.3.6 (2013-01-28) ------------------------------------------------------------ * fixing a typo in `print.plspm` (thanks to Jeff Daniels) * Decreasing required R version to 2.14.0 (suggested by Mikko Ronkko) Version 0.3.5 (2013-01-03) ------------------------------------------------------------ * `innerplot` allows parameter arr.lwd to be expressed as a matrix; this can be used to plot arrows with different line widths * fixing a typo in `innerplot.Rd` * fixing a typo in `outerplot.Rd` Version 0.3.4 (2012-12-29) ------------------------------------------------------------ * changing print format of `print.local.models` * fixing a typo in `futbol.Rd` Version 0.3.3 (2012-12-15) ------------------------------------------------------------ * new function `rescale` to express latent variable scores in scale of indicators * `print.summary.plspm` shows Model Specifications in an aligned (pretty) way * new data set `offense` for Offense Performance model (NFL teams 2011) * new data set `college` for GPA model (life sciences undergrad students) * new data set `cereals` for Cereals Rating model (cereals) * internal `get_boots` changed to 95% confidence interval Version 0.3.2 (2012-11-17) ------------------------------------------------------------ * new data set `technology` for User and Acceptance of Technology model Version 0.3.1 (2012-11-12) ------------------------------------------------------------ NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS * PLSTROIKA has started (restructuring my pls packages) * Revamped version of the renowned plspm package that from now on will only contain functions related to Partial Least Squares Path Modeling. Other methods such as nipasl, pls regression, and canonical analysis, now happily live in the package "plsdepot" * `plspm` has updated documentation * New implemented functions `innerplot` and `outerplot` to provide simpler but prettier graphics * delete split option for plotting loadings and outer weights * `plot.plspm.groups` has been deleted * `resclus.plot` has been deleted * internal functions are exported for developing reasons. Don't use them unless you're me or a super user or a package developer * Using 'roxygen2' for documentation and literate programming BUG FIXES * Pain-in-the-butt warning message about 'sd() deprecated' has been tackled