Changes in Version 2.7.4 (February 2017) o the observed Fisher information matrix is now returned as attribute ('FisherI') of the returned object Changes in Version 2.7.3 (January 2017) o New baseline hazard family: inverse Weibull (Fréchet) Changes in Version 2.7 (January 2017) o optimization is now based on the optimx package o the default optimizer is now nlminb (from the stats package) o fixed issue in the likelihood with lognormal frailties o new function coeff() Changes in Version 2.6.0 (November 2016) o new baseline distribution: log-skew normal Changes in Version 2.5.10 (September 2015) o added Kendall's tau for the lognormal frailty distrubution Changes in Version 2.5 (October 2012) o new frailty distrubution available: lognormal Changes in Version 2.01 (June 2012) o Added function anova.parfm() to compare models Changes in Version 1.01 (March 2012) o Added stratification Changes in Version 0.66-2 (February 2012) o Added example datasets