Changes to mcmcplots version 0.4.3 * corrected package Rd file to comply with CRAN specifications Changes to mcmcplots version 0.4.2 * made changes for compatibility with changes in coda (thanks to Martyn Plummer for the patches). * added "cat.shift" parameter to allow more directly control over caterpillar placement (thanks to GitHub user "sumtxt") * added argument "reorder" to caterplot which (when TRUE) reorders caterpillars according to their medians. * added function rmeanplot (thanks to Evangelos Evangelou) * added function rmeanplot1 * changed mcmcplot to use rmeanplot1 instead of autplot1(partial=TRUE) Changes to mcmcplots version 0.4.1 * corrected errors in documentation Changes to mcmcplots version 0.4 * convert.mcmc.list - added this function to help convert objects to mcmc.list objects. * denplot, denoverplot1: - corrected a bug that would not recognize the "lwd" option when style="gray". (Thanks to Pei-Hsuan Chiu.) - added option "ci" to plot credible intervals. * caterplot: - added the eps option which controls the spacing between chains (or density strips) when collapse=FALSE. - added the las option which controls the rotation of the parameter labels on the label axis. (Thanks to Jessi Brown for the idea.) * mcmcplot, mcmcplot1, denoverplot1 - added xlim and ylim options. (Thanks to Ilya Goldin for the idea.) * denplot, corplot, denoverplot, traplot, caterplot - added the greek option which attemts to convert the names of greek letters in labels to greek characters on the plot. * denoverplot - corrected bug that plotted a gray background for the legend when style="plain" - added option "ci" to plot credible intervals. * traplot, denoverplot - added plot.title option and changed the functionality of the main option to match denplot * mcmcplotsPalette - added option "type" which selects the type of color palette to create: rainbow, sequential, or grayscale. (Thanks to Ilya Goldin for the idea.) - deprecated "seq" option * caterplot, mcmcplot, denplot, traplot - These functions now assign variable names (with a warning) when the mcmcout argument does not have valid variable names. * parms2plot - simplified function logic (at least, that was my intent... maybe I just made things more complicated) - added "leaf.marker" option - added "do.unlist" option to allow for hyperlinking to parameter groups in the mcmcplot plot function. (Thanks to Ilya Goldin for writing some initial code.) * mcmcplot - added hyperlinking to parameter groups, improved layout of plots with CSS file, removed dependence on R2HTML. * .html.begin, .html.end, .html.img - new functions contributed by Ilya Goldin for use by mcmcplot. Changes to mcmcplots version 0.3 * autplot1: - now plots confidence intervals - corrected broken compatibility with as.ts.mcmc in the coda package. (Thanks to Martyn Plummer for supplying a patch) * caterplot: added new arguments - denstrip: plots density strips instead of quantile lines - width: width of the density strips - add: add to the existing plot instead of creating a new plot Changes to mcmcplots version 0.2 * graypr: coloring and weights of gridlines modified slightly * autplot1: default coloring changed from black to mcmcplotsPalette(1) * mcmcplotsPalette: added arguemnt 'seq' to allow for corplot to use sequential_hcl as the default colors. * corplot: changed the default colors (see above) * mcmcplotsPalette: changed the default chroma value to be brighter (old=75 to new=100) * caterplot: argument 'horizontal' added to allow horizontal or vertical plotting of intervals. * caterpoints: argument 'horizontal' added to match caterpoints. * corplot: adds a legend by default * denplot: added 'plot.title' argument and 'main' argument for labeling of the whole plot and labeling of individual plots * corplot: added argument 'legend.scale' to allow user control over the size of the legend relative to the size of the rest of the plot * mcmcplot1: changed formatting of plot * autplot1: added 'partial' argument for the plotting of partial autocorrelation * caterplot: changed 'labels' argument to 'labels.loc' and let 'labels' argument be a character string of labels