<2023-11-28> * Fix CRAN warning "format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) [-Wformat-security]". <2023-09-03> * Fix "The valgrind 'additional issue' checks are now being done with Fedora 38 and its valgrind 3.21.0. This is flagging 'realloc with size 0' in packages" issue. * Thanks to Kurt Hornik for providing a fix to the issue shown in the CRAN `clang-UBSAN` checks. <2022-08-04> * Small changes in the docs. * Thanks to Kurt Hornik for providing a fix to the issue shown in the CRAN `clang-UBSAN` checks. <2020-01-07> * Fixed some warnings showed with pedantic. * The package orphaned since ROI.plugin.lpsolve depends on lpSolveAPI I volunteered to take over the package.