2011-06-17 Martin Maechler * inst/doc/BspecFGN.Rnw: add vignette about Paxson's approximation and my own ideas. UNFINISHED ... --> ./TODO 2011-06-15 Martin Maechler * R/WhittleEst.R (simFGN.fft): new function, basically using Paxton(1997)'s code. 2011-06-14 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.1-0, released .. not yet * R/WhittleEst.R (B.specFGN): use the fast method of Paxton, found in Rmetrics 'fArma', however clearly based on Paxton(1997) (and on Taqqu's S version of that, whittle.S). 2011-06-10 Martin Maechler * R/WhittleEst.R (coef1): define coef() methods, such that confint() works via default method. * R/WhittleEst.R (WhittleEst): use scale=FALSE as new default. Allow to specify the periodogram instead of 'x'. * man/plot.FEXP.Rd: example using a different periodogram. 2011-06-09 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.0-0, released to CRAN 2011-06-14 * R/WhittleEst.R (WhittleEst, print.WhittleEst, plot.WhittleEst): finally debug, export, test a bit; new methods.. * man/WhittleEst.Rd: docu, including examples. * NAMESPACE: add one; otherwise lazydata data sets are visible in search() 2009-11-18 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.9-7 * man/specFGN.Rd, man/specARIMA.Rd: fix \link[]{}s. 2009-01-10 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): 0.9-6 * man/specARIMA.Rd, ..: 3 Rd_parse fixes 2007-06-12 Martin Maechler * R/polyFEXP.R (llplot, lxplot): define 'n'. * R/WhittleEst.R (Qeta): extract (p,q) from pq.ARIMA when needed. 2006-11-15 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.9-5 {not yet released} * R/polyFEXP.R (print.FEXP): also show H = .. (s.e.), d = * (s.e.) 2006-09-08 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION (LazyData): yes (Version): 0.9-4 (Enhances): fracdiff 2006-04-04 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): 0.9-3 trivial change: move R/README and add some to .Rbuildignore 2005-07-26 Martin Maechler * R/WhittleEst.R: some cosmetic; do not define WhittleEst(), as long as I don't have time for the 'FIXME' parts. 2005-04-09 Martin Maechler * R/WhittleEst.R (Qmin): made this a *local* function inside WhittleEst() * man/Qeta.Rd: dito 2005-04-05 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.9-2 {for putting up for FTP} * R/polyFEXP.R: define a print() and a plot() method for "FEXP" objects. * man/plot.FEXP.Rd: consequently. 2005-02-11 Martin Maechler * INDEX: updated 2004-06-25 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.9-1 {still unreleased} * R/polyFEXP.R (FEXPest): switched from glim() to glm(); use t-based glm() P-values rather than the z-based ones. 2004-05-31 Martin Maechler * tests/FEXP-ex.R: for testing FEXPest() * R/polyFEXP.R: which now works -- only with the hack of for(fn in c('glim', 'glim_print')) source(paste("/u/maechler/S/S+3.4/",fn,".R",sep='')) 2004-05-29 Martin Maechler * R/polyFEXP.R (FEXPest): new function from J.Beran's "main" program 2003-12-23 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.9-0 {for the new sim*() setup}. * R/sim.R: new file with simARMA0(), simFGN0() and new simGauss() * man/simGauss.Rd: simGauss() is now the work horse, really. 2003-12-05 Martin Maechler * tests/: new test directory, currently with * tests/sim-ex.R HOORAY: version 0.8-0 passes "R-devel CMD check" perfectly * man/ethernetTraffic.Rd: * man/llplot.Rd: updated man pages in many places * man/lxplot.Rd: * R/WhittleEst.R (Qeta): add "FIXME" -- not yet usable + whitespace 2002-08-12 Martin Maechler * R/WhittleEst.R (specFGN): made the spectral functions return proper "spec" objects as base::spectrum() * ... many more changes; including help pages, examples, (not quite finished) 2002-05-18 Martin Maechler * man/*: created help files for everything; not yet edited much 2002-05-13 Martin Maechler * DESCRIPTION: Package created; not much yet but datasets