***           CHANGES IN LM.BETA PACKAGE VERSIONS            ***

Stefan Behrendt
mailto: r@behrendt-stefan.de


Changes in Version 1.7-2
+ fixed problems with S3-methods

Changes in Version 1.7-1
+ fixed the support of weighted cases
+ added the enhancement to xtable

+ base code is revised to guarantee simplier understanding
+ depending help files are revised

Changes in Version 1.6-2
+ added a second type of standardization (argument
  complete.standardization) for models without intercept

+ changed 'standardized intercept' from '0' to 'NA'
+ package vignette 'implementation' added
+ depending help files are revised

Changes in Version 1.5-1
+ bug fixes belonging to problem of printing the standardized
  coefficients in front of the output of summary- and, in some
  cases, coef-function are implemented
+ depending help files are revised

Changes in Version 1.5
+ terms without intercept can be handled
+ all possible left-hand terms can be handled
+ coef.lm.beta extended by additional arguments passed through
+ generating the coefficient table in summary.lm.beta corrected
+ all help files are basically revised

Version 1.0
+ first release