A revision history for the R package 'linkcomm'. Author: Alex T. Kalinka (alex.t.kalinka@gmail.com). linkcomm 1.0-14 =============== - Fixed doi format in DESCRIPTION file. linkcomm 1.0-13 =============== - Fixed return() parenthesis issue in getOCG.clusters() and read.OCG(). - Fixed getCommunityCentrality() and getClusterRelatedness() issues. - Updated README; vignette PDF now static. linkcomm 1.0-12 =============== - Fixed class inherits issues. linkcomm 1.0-11 =============== - Fixed downwards-incompatibility issue related to the "ward.D" clustering method name change. linkcomm 1.0-10 =============== - Attempted to fix file access error relating to Sparc Solaris system. linkcomm 1.0-9 ============== - Improved efficiency of edge.duplicates() function. - Fixed a small memory-usage bug in linkdensities.cpp. - Fixed memory leaks in OCG_algorithm.c. linkcomm 1.0-8 ============== - Fixed a clang-specific bug affecting the calculation of edge similarities. - Added dynamicTreeCut package to the imports field. - Added function "meta.communities" to hierarchically cluster link communities and automatically identify clusters using dynamicTreeCut. - Added function "get.community.overlaps" to find communities that share nodes. - Added function "get.shared.nodes" to extract the shared nodes between specific sets of communities. - Updated the vignette. linkcomm 1.0-7 ============== - Changed dependency from "igraph0" to "igraph". - Added support for bi-partite networks to "getLinkCommunities". - Added argument "use.all.edges" to "getLinkCommunities" to allow edge similarities to be calculated for all pairs of edges, not just those sharing a node. - Added function "linkcomm2clustnsee" to enable the export of clusters to Cytoscape and the Clust&See plug-in. - Added function "integer.edgelist" to enable conversion of networks into integer edgelists. - Fixed a bug in "newLinkCommsAt" which prevented the $edges output from being modified. - Added "fastcluster" to the Suggests field. - Changed function "getLinkDensities" to "LinkDensities". linkcomm 1.0-6 ============== - Improved memory usage during the calculation of link densities. - Added "node.pies" argument to "plotLinkCommGraph" to enable the visualization of nodes as pie charts of edge community membership. - Included "edge.duplicates" function that finds loops, duplicate and bi-directional edges using a C++ function. - Added "dist" argument to "getLinkCommunities" to allow the user to specify their own distance matrix. - Fixed a bug that prevented link dendrograms from rendering correctly when trivial clusters are included. - Fixed a bug that that led to summary plots rendering incorrectly if plotted sequentially on the same graphics device. - Modified "plotOCGraph" so that node labels overlay node symbols. - Changed Windows progress indicators to percentages. - Updated vignette documentation to highlight node pie plots. linkcomm 1.0-5 ============== - Added functions "getOCG.clusters", "plot.OCG", "read.OCG", "print.OCG", "numberEdgesIn", and "which.communities" to enable a port of the Overlapping Cluster Generator (OCG) algorithm into the linkcomm package. - Fixed a bug that prevented linkcomm summary plots from rendering correctly on different sized graphics devices. - Updated the vignette documentation to include information on the OCG algorithm and how to use it. - Changed dependency from "igraph" to "igraph0" to avoid incompatibilites, and included "utils" in the imported package list. linkcomm 1.0-4 ============== - Added functions "getEdgesIn" and "graph.feature" and modified "getNodesIn" to allow customization of network visualizations. - Added "verbose" option to "getLinkCommunities", "plotLinkCommDend", and "plotLinkCommSummary". - Added "directed" logical component to the "linkcomm" object. - Fixed a bug that led to loss of the partition density axis in "summary" plots. - Fixed a bug that prevented the correct colouring of dendrograms when several clusters merge at the same height. - Updated vignette and manual documentation. linkcomm 1.0-3 ============== - Fixed bug that prevented partition density summary plots from being saved correctly as PDFs or other file types. - Updated citation information. - Updated documentation. linkcomm 1.0-2 ============== - Fixed Windows-specific bug that prevented progress indicators from working. - Included a start-up message about documentation, demos, and read-write directory permissions. - Added a note about bidirectional edges in directed networks to the documentation for "getLinkCommunities". linkcomm 1.0-1 ============== - Windows binaries released after fixing bugs related to file reading and writing. linkcomm 1.0-0 ============== - Function-complete version of linkcomm uploaded onto CRAN.