lingtypology 1.1.19 - update `lang.gltc()` function lingtypology 1.1.18 - update `wals` dataset after Michael Cysouw's comment #89 lingtypology 1.1.17 - update Glottolog to v. 5.0 lingtypology 1.1.16 - fix not empty popup display whith minicharts - fix empty line in multiple warnings in `is.glottolog()` lingtypology 1.1.15 - update Glottolog to v. 4.8 lingtypology 1.1.14 - add `description` and `feature_name` fields to `grambank.feature()` - update the `autotyp.feature()` function after the new release 1.1.1 - fix `stroke.color` #87, thanks to Maksim Melenchenko - change `%>%` to `|>` - fix sign languages in `lang.aff()`, thx to Anton Buzanov - update `uralex.feature()` lingtypology 1.1.13 - change `map.feature()` default palette using - add `grambank.feature()` lingtypology 1.1.12 - fast fix of the `wals.feature()` function lingtypology 1.1.11 - update Glottolog to v. 4.7 - remove `rgeos` depndency see [details]( - correct `contry.lang()` lingtypology 1.1.10 - remove `ggplot2` dependencies - add startup message with the Glottolog version - fix `autotyp.feature()` - add the `iso3.iso1()` function - add the `frequency_list.feature()` function lingtypology 1.1.9 - fix colors in `map.features()` - update the `autotyp.feature()` function after the new release 1.0.0 - make it possible to have just one group in the `control` - update glottolog to v. 4.6 - make `country.lang()` and `` functions work with real country names (Ekaterina Zalivina) lingtypology 1.1.8 (12.10.2021) - fix `country.lang()` functions, close #70 - update Glottolog to v. 4.5 - add the `level.lang()` function lingtypology 1.1.6 (12.10.2021) - add `bantu.features()` function API for Bantu Basic Vocabulary Database (by Anna Smirnova, - replace `glottolog` with one from Glottolog database 4.4 as CLDF ( - add `country.lang()` and `subc.lang()` functions for geting countries and subclassification in the Newick tree format lingtypology 1.1.5 (15.05.2021) - add `bivaltyp.feature()` function API for a typological database of bivalent verbs BivalTyp - add `tile.opacity` argument to the `map.feature()` function - add `vanuatu.feature()` function API for a typological database of Vanuatu Voices (by Mikhail Leonov, - add `eurasianphonology.feature()` function API for a typological database (by Kirill Koncha, - add `soundcomparisons.feature()` function API for a typological database (by Anna Smirnova, - change glottolog v. 4.3 to v. 4.4 lingtypology 1.1.4 (02.10.2020) - change Glottolog v. 4.2 to v. 4.3 - change `control` argument behaviour of the "map.feature()" function; now it is possible to specify independent variable to appear/disappear. lingtypology 1.1.3 (26.04.2020) - add "point.cluster" argument into the "map.feature()" function - change Glottolog v. 4.1 to v. 4.2 lingtypology 1.1.2 (29.02.2020) - correct the sails.feature() function - correct the abvd.feature() function - replace "ejective_and_n_consonants" with "phonological_profiles" dataset adding there new columns: tone, stress, long_vowels - add an argument "include.dialects" to the "lang.aff()" function - the argument "atlas_name" of the "atlas.database()" function replaced with "" - change arguments "longitude_width" and "latitude_width" into "longitude.width" and "latitude_width" - remove point with bar minicharts - add "bar" minichart as default type - fix a stringsAsFactors = FALSE default, which is planned to become the new default for the upcoming R 4.0.0. (#44) - fix wrong affiliations lingtypology 1.1.1 (09.02.2020) - make "minicharts" and "label" work together! - fix "rowr" dependency (#43) - change glottolog v. 2.7 to v, 4.1. Now "glottolog.original" and "glottolog.modified" replaced with "glottolog". There are much more data and dialects included. (#12, #36, #42) - remove all arguments "glottolog.source" - remove all functions that worked with countries :( lingtypology 1.0.15 (22.11.2019) - remove NA apearence from popup window when "fake" language argument is used. - fast fix of colors tests lingtypology 1.0.14 (25.08.2019) - font in a legend changed to the same as the label font - change rgeos, MASS and sp packages to suggetions - add "uralex.feature()" function API for Uralic Lexicon Database - correct "phoible.feature()" function after minor changes on their github. From now this function will return the whole phoible database - rebuild glottolog database, so there will be minor changes in affiliations and number of languages since there were a lot of changes - add first attempt to create high quality maps with ggmap.feature(). This function need further improvement lingtypology 1.0.13 (14.06.2018) - add the possibility to use "fake" language in the "map.feature()" function. - lingtypology take into account leaflet 2.0.0 updates - add possibility to use combination of shape and label arguments - the base layer of the mini-map is the same as the base layer of the main map - add the "label.font" argument to the "map.feature()" function - update a "circassian" database - add the "valpal.feature()" function API for Valency Patterns Database - add the "oto_mangueanIC.feature()" function API for Oto-Manguean Inflectional Class Database - add new method for density counterplot. "density.method" argument with two options: "kernal density estimation" or "fixed distance". - arguments "density.longitude.width", "density.latitude.width", "isogloss.longitude.width", "isogloss.latitude.width" are deprecated. There are "density.width" and "isogloss.width" instead. - add "facet" argument lingtypology 1.0.12 (09.03.2018) - add the "" argument to the "map.feature()" function (Thanks @nikopartanen for the idea). - repair the "afbo.feature()" function. - add a message with citation information to all "...feature" function (Thanks @nikopartanen for the idea). - add the "atlas.database()" function for creating atlases with rmarkdown. - add the "isogloss" argument to the "map.feture()" function for creating multiple isoglosses. - correct Even coordinates, - correct "is.glottolog()" function. lingtypology 1.0.11 (15.01.2018) - add "shape" arguments. - argument "label.only" is deprecated. lingtypology 1.0.10 (15.12.2017) - add the argument "line.type", that could be used for creating the decision boundary of the logistic regression on the map. - add arguments "line.opacity", "line.label", "line.width". - add the argument "graticule" to function map.feature(). - add argument "label.only" to function map.feature(). lingtypology 1.0.9 (30.11.2017) - correct queries of the length one for wals.feature() and afbo.feature() functions. #22 - add arguments for line ("line.lng", "", "line.color"). lingtypology 1.0.8 (07.10.2017) - add argument "density.control" to function map.feature(). - add argument "label.emphasize" to function map.feature(). - add arguments "minichart", "", "minichart.labels" and "minichart.time" to function map.feature(). - coloring scheme is changed. - argument "radius" renamed to "width". lingtypology 1.0.7 (15.09.2017) - add argument "zoom.level" to function map.feature(). - colour repetition bug corrected. Issue #18 - NA bug in stroke.features corrected. Issue #19 - add arguments for rectangle (rectangle.lng,, rectangle.color). lingtypology 1.0.6 (16.08.2017) - all functions that takes iso or glottolog codes from user remove spaces and punctuation marks. So users can make mistakes (like lang.gltc('icel1247 ') or lang.gltc('icel1247,')), but functions will ignore them. (Thanks @macleginn for this idea) - add argument "official" to function - add function phoible.feature() for downloading PHOIBLE data. - add function wals.feature() for downloading WALS data. - add function afbo.feature() for downloading AfBo data. - add function sails.feature() for downloading SAILS data. - add function abvd.feature() for downloading ABVD data. lingtypology 1.0.5 (21.06.2017) - coloring bug corrected. - add function autotyp.feature() for downloading AUTOTYP data. - density estimation arguments works with independent features. lingtypology 1.0.4 (13.05.2017) - glottolog database is improved. - added warning for languages without coordinates. - label.hide option terned to TRUE. - added density estimation visualization. - transfered to ropensci. lingtypology 1.0.3 (14.04.2017) - improved spellchecker. - added the argument for zoom panel appearence. - added some official languages to the countries dataset. - added instructions for using dplyr with lingtypology. - glottolog databases are improved. - added search by alternative language names to is.glottolog() function. - makelink changed to make.url; link creation improved (Thanks @languageSpaceLabs and @tzakharko for the comments). - added numeric features processing (Thanks @languageSpaceLabs and @tzakharko for the comments). - map.orientation with values 'Pacific' and 'Atlantic' added (Thanks @languageSpaceLabs and @tzakharko for the comments). lingtypology 1.0.2 (23.02.2017) - ROpenSci wishes met. - coloring the bug caused by leaflet new release fixed. - added position arguments to every legend. - added arguments for working with scale bar. - added arguments for working with minimap. - added arguments for working with labels. - all changes are illustrated in package vigniette. lingtypology 1.0.1 (29.01.2017) - fixed all warnings in CRAN checks. - fixed the bug with two feature set mapping. - added map.feature arguments for legends (stroke.title, stroke.legend). - changed default for control argument to FALSE. - corrected Rmd, examples and help. - added image arguments. - added the tile argument for layouts. - added the multiple tile argument. - added the argument. - added the argument glottolog.source (Many thanks to Robert Forkel for his issue and his work!). - fixed the coloring problem. - fixed the makelink function. - some coordinates and language names corrected and stored in glottolog.modified. lingtypology 1.0.0 (29.12.2016) - initial release.