2023-08-30 vs. 2.4.52 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Adjustment of files as required by the cran 2023-06-20 vs. 2.4.51 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Adjustment of files as required by the cran 2022-05-12 vs. 2.4.5 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Set to 1e-9 all element of the vector/matrix less than -1e-5 in lba.ls function. * Redeeming the publication date of the first version of lba in 2015/01/22, 1.0 version. * Added correct citation of the package. * Change partial argument "col" to "color" in plotcorr.lba.3d function. * Corrected all data files .Rd, MANHATAN, PerfMark, etc. \usage{MANHATAN} to \usage{data(MANHATAN)}. * Change manteiner Enio to Ivan. 2018-01-02 vs. 2.4.4 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Changed default of the estimation ls method. Now, the default is wls. If row.weights and col.weights arguments are NULL, then weights are respectivaly - square root of the sum of frequences marginal rows by total frequences and one by square root of the sum of frequences marginal columns by total frequences. * The output of the budget proportions are decreasing ordered and the mixing parameters and lantent components follow this planning. * The file pregnancy.Rd is properly described. 2017-07-09 vs. 2.4.3 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Fixed bug in the class matrix object without labels in row and column. 2017-02-07 vs. 2.4.2 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Changed integer value of radius argument in plotcorr.lba.1d to vector of the size lba. 2016-12-19 vs. 2.4.1 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman and Enio G. Jelihovschi * Update date to submit to cran 2016-10-31 vs. 2.4 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Added new database (pregnancy). 2016-09-28 vs. 2.3 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Corrected bug in the plotcorr.lba.1 function. Arguments pch.points and pos.points working. * Added reference line in the plotcorr.lba.2d and plotcorr.lba.3d functions. 2016-09-19 vs. 2.2 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Structural changes in plotcorr and plotlba functions again. * Implementation of methods plotlba.lba.1d, plotlba.lba.2d, plotcorr.lba.1d, plotcor.lba.2d e plotcorr.lba.3d. * Dependence on package ca has been removed. * New dependences on packages scatterplot3d and rgl. * New features have been implemented. Now it is possible to use a 3D plot in dynamic mode by using the function plotcorr. * The method lba.formula have been altered, now the procedure is made by columns as a function of rows, that is, Col ~ Row. * New database was added (postmater). 2016-08-25 vs. 2.1 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Structural changes in plotcorr and plotlba functions. The arguments were modified. 2016-08-25 vs. 2.0 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Put export(lba,plotlba) and export(lba,plotcorr) in NAMESPACE file to a correct compilation. 2016-06-30 vs. 1.9 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Fixed bug in plot.lba function. * Fixed error in goodnessfit functions. Forgot parenthesis in "if" conditions. 2016-06-24 vs. 1.8 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Fixed bug in constmleFEalabama. Added brackets in conditions cB and else related to !is.null(cB). * Correction in the chi2b object within goodnessfit.mle functions. 2016-06-22 vs. 1.7 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Added row obj[obj==0] <- 1e-4 in lba.mle.fe function. * Fixed bug in constrainAB function. Corrected aux1 < 1 to aux1 <=1. * Fixed bug in constmleFEalabama. Added brackets in conditions cB. * The function auglag were changed to constrOptim.nl in all functions of the package. 2016-06-14 vs. 1.6 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Bug in goodnessfit functions of the mle family. Add row N[N==0] <- 1e-4. 2016-06-11 vs. 1.5 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Bug in the lba.formula function corrected. The instruction length(length(var.row1)) in the line 69 was wrong. Changed to length(var.row1). * Update code of the print.lba, print.goodnessfit, summary.goodnessfit and summary.lba functions 2016-03-17 vs. 1.4 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Included print method to lba functions. * Included summary method to goodnessfit function. * Changed constrOptim.nl function to auglag function. 2016-01-12 vs. 1.3 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Minor corrections in file lba.mle.R. The zeroes of the object were change into 1e-4 in the line 19. * Minor corrections in file plot.lba.R. For type "corr" the latent components were chosen from matrix Boi and when .fe or .logit the latent components were chosen from matrix B. 2015-06-25 vs. 1.2 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * Minor corrections in file lba.Rd. * Minor corrections in the lba.mle.fe and lba.mle functions. Included rescB in resc object and changed Aoi and Boi by A and B in the Pij object respectively. * Correction in the goodnessfit function. Changed G2 by G2b in the 260, 263, 277 and 279 rows. Changed dfd by dfdb in the 287 and 288 rows. 2015-04-29 vs. 1.1 - Ivan Bezerra Allaman * The plot function was corrected. Rescaled latent components were placed instead of latent components. * The rescaled latent component were added to lba.ls.fe,lba.ls.logit,lba.mle.fe and lba.mle.logit, therefore the summary was also changed.