ibawds provides useful functions and datasets for the Data Science course at IBAW.
You can install the released version of ibawds from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("stibu81/ibawds") devtools
Windows and Mac Users can download the installer for their operating system from https://cran.r-project.org/. For Windows, installation should be possible also for non-admin users. Mac users may also need to install XQuartz.
Linux users find instructions for installation under Debian, Fedora/Redhat, and Ubuntu under the same link. Note that the official package sources may contain an outdated version of R, but usually the current version can be installed from some other source. Make sure that you install version 4.0 or newer.
We will use RStudio as our IDE
in the course. You can download it from this link. Usually, it
is easiest to use the installer for your operating system. However, if
you don’t have admin access on your computer, you should instead
download the appropriate zip-file / tarball. Under Windows, extract the
zip-file to a folder where you have write access. The executable file is
located under bin/rstudio.exe
When you run RStudio for the first time, you have to select the R version that you want to use. Usually, the dialogue box should list available R versions for you to choose. If not, click on “Browse…” and navigate to the folder where you installed R.
We will use a variety of R Packages during the course. To set them up, first install ibawds with
and then run the following to install additional packages:
You will be asked to install missing packages. Confirm to install them. Note that this may take more than 30 minutes depending on your system and configuration.
In order to check that everything is set up correctly for the course, run the following command:
The function verifies that
The function must be run from RStudio in order to run properly. If everything is set up correctly, you will see a message that confirms that your system is ready for the course similar to this one:
ℹ Checking the setup for the course ...
ℹ Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
✔ R is up to date: 4.2.2
✔ RStudio is up to date: 2023.6.1.524
✔ All the required packages are installed.
✔ ibawds is up to date: 1.0.0
✔ 🎉 Your system is ready for the course! 🎉
If not, the function will inform you about the steps that are needed
to fix the remaining issues. Rerun check_ibawds_setup()
after performing those steps to verify that your system is now