hybridModels 0.3.7

* Adding reference to examples and more detailed material- published in the Journal of Statistical Software

hybridModels 0.3.6

* Using doRNG package to perform reproducible parallel foreach loops:
* Documentation mistakes.

hybridModels 0.3.5

* stop condition fix

hybridModels 0.3.4

* ssa methods were fixed in the following files:
  custom_inf, custom_migr, sim_custom_migr, sim_custom_migr_prob,
  sim_custom_migr_rule, sim_custom_migr_rule_prob, hybrid_Model

* Adding stop messages to arguments in hybriModel function

hybridModels 0.3.3

* fixing documentation and data sample description

hybridModels 0.3.2

* emigrRule: bug fix in variable emigrants$emi

hybridModels 0.3.1

* Documentation fix

* emigrRule: bug fix

* emigrRule: caveat fix, nodes get in line randomly to recieve imigrants 

hybridModels 0.3.0

* adding argument emigrRule

* adding argument probWeight

hybridModels 0.2.15

* adding few short comments

* adding date option in summary method

* updating summary documentation

* updating description field

hybridModels 0.2.14

* findContactChain: it retrieves chains without selected.node.

* networkSample: removing unnecessary data.

hybridModels 0.2.13

* New class and methods to handle customizable models of influence link type.

* new example with a influence link type.

hybridModels 0.2.12

* summary - bug fix.

* roxygen2 warning fix.

hybridModels 0.2.11

* Documentations mistakes.

* summary method.

hybridModels 0.2.10

* Identation and naming mistakes corrected.

hybridModels 0.2.9

* new column names of example data set (new documentation).

* adjusting all examples for the new column names.

hybridModels 0.2.8

* implemantation of findContactChain function.

hybridModels 0.2.7

* example data have one column name changed.

hybridModels 0.2.6

* using PSOCK cluster type for all OSs.

hybridModels 0.2.5

* Considering Mac OS cluster type for parallel functions.

hybridModels 0.2.4

* faster examples (from SIR to SIS and smaller pops).

* back to doParallel package.

* foreach package from Depends to Imports.

* layout changes data set help.

* removing unnecessary function.

hybridModels 0.2.3

* stats package from Depends to Imports.

hybridModels 0.2.2

* It uses the superseded package: 'doSNOW' since it passes the cran check and 
  the doParallel did not.

hybridModels 0.2.1

* Changing examples: examples are now using custom equations.

* plot.HD function: it is possible to customize through ggplot2.

hybridModels 0.2.0

* hybridModel function: now it includes new class (customMigr).

* buildModelClass function: now it includes it includes new class (generic function).

* buildModelClass.customMigr: method to create an object of the class customMigr.

* simHM.customMigr function: method to run custom models (migration link type).

* plot.HD function: new plot opstions.

* networkSample data: new data set

* nodesCensus data: new data set

hybridModels 0.1.0

* hybridModel function: now it includes link.type parameter.

* buildModelClass function: now it includes link.type parameter (generic function).

* buildModelClass.siWoDemogrMigr: replaces buildModelClass.siWoDemogrMigr method.

* buildModelClass.siWoDemogrInfl: method to create an object of the class siWoDemogrInfl.

* simHB function: generic that calls the method based on model's class.

* simHB.siWoDemogrMigr function: method to run the 'SI without demographics' model
                                 of migration link type.

* simHB.siWoDemogrInfl function: method to run the 'SI without demographics' model
                                 of influence link type.

* plot.HD function: replaces plot.siWoDemogrmethod method.

* networkSample data: replaces network.sample

* nodesCensus data: replaces nodes.Info

hybridModels 0.0.1

* hybridModel function: main function to simulate the spread of diseases using 
                        an model.

* buildModelClass function: generic that calls the method based on model's class.

* buildModelClass.siWoDemogr: method to create an object of the class siWoDemogr.

* simHB function: generic that calls the method based on model's class.

* simHB.siWoDemogr function: method to run the 'SI without demographics' model.

* plot.siWoDemogr function: method to plot the 'SI without demographics' results.

* network.sample data: a sample of a dynamic network of traded animals between

* network.Info data: farms' censitary information.