
CRAN Version DOI:10.2139/ssrn.4342487 R-CMD-check Total Downloads codecov


This package contains the forecasting algorithm developed by Adämmer, Lehmann and Schüssler (2023). Please cite the paper when using the package.

The package comprises four functions:


You can install the released version of hdflex from CRAN:


You can install hdflex from GitHub:

# install.packages("devtools")

The package compiles some C++ source code for installation, which is why you need the appropriate compilers:


First example using the stsc() function:

######### Forecasting quarterly U.S. inflation ##########
#### Please see Koop & Korobilis (2023) for further  ####
#### details regarding the data & external forecasts ####

    # Packages

    ########## Get Data ##########
    # Load Data
    inflation_data   <-  inflation_data
    benchmark_ar2    <-  benchmark_ar2

    # Set Index for Target Variable
    i  <-  1   # (1 -> GDPCTPI; 2 -> PCECTPI; 3 -> CPIAUCSL; 4 -> CPILFESL)

    # Subset Data (keep only data relevant for target variable i)
    dataset  <-  inflation_data[, c(1+(i-1),                          # Target Variable
                                    5+(i-1),                          # Lag 1
                                    9+(i-1),                          # Lag 2
                                    (13:16)[-i],                      # Remaining Price Series
                                    17:452,                           # Exogenous Predictor Variables
                                    seq(453+(i-1)*16,468+(i-1)*16))]  # Ext. Point Forecasts

    ########## STSC ##########
    # Set Target Variable
    y  <-  dataset[,  1, drop = FALSE]

    # Set 'Simple' Signals
    X  <-  dataset[, 2:442, drop = FALSE]

    # Set External Point Forecasts (Koop & Korobilis 2023)
    F  <-  dataset[, 443:458, drop = FALSE]

    # Set Dates
    dates  <-  rownames(dataset)

    # Set TV-C-Parameter
    sample_length  <-  4 * 5
    lambda_grid    <-  c(0.90, 0.95, 1)
    kappa_grid     <-  0.98

    # Set DSC-Parameter
    gamma_grid  <-  c(0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90,
                      0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98, 0.99, 1.00)
    psi_grid    <-  c(1:100)
    delta       <-  0.95

    # Apply STSC-Function
    results  <-  hdflex::stsc(y, 
                              burn_in_tvc = 79,
                              burn_in_dsc = 1,
                              method = 1,
                              equal_weight = TRUE,
                              risk_aversion = NULL,
                              min_weight = NULL,
                              max_weight = NULL)

    # Assign STSC-Results
    forecast_stsc    <-  results[[1]]
    variance_stsc    <-  results[[2]]
    chosen_gamma     <-  results[[3]]
    chosen_psi       <-  results[[4]]
    chosen_signals   <-  results[[5]]

    # Define Evaluation Period (OOS-Period)
    eval_date_start      <-  "1991-01-01"
    eval_date_end        <-  "2021-12-31"
    eval_period_idx      <-  which(dates > eval_date_start & dates <= eval_date_end)

    # Trim Objects to Evaluation Period (OOS-Period)
    oos_y                <-  y[eval_period_idx, ]
    oos_forecast_stsc    <-  forecast_stsc[eval_period_idx]
    oos_variance_stsc    <-  variance_stsc[eval_period_idx]
    oos_chosen_gamma     <-  chosen_gamma[eval_period_idx]
    oos_chosen_psi       <-  chosen_psi[eval_period_idx]
    oos_chosen_signals   <-  chosen_signals[eval_period_idx, , drop = FALSE]
    oos_dates            <-  dates[eval_period_idx]

    # Add Dates
    names(oos_forecast_stsc)     <-  oos_dates
    names(oos_variance_stsc)     <-  oos_dates
    names(oos_chosen_gamma)      <-  oos_dates
    names(oos_chosen_psi)        <-  oos_dates
    rownames(oos_chosen_signals) <-  oos_dates

    ########## Evaluation ##########
    # Apply Summary-Function
    summary_results  <-  summary_stsc(oos_y,
                                      benchmark_ar2[, i],

    # Assign Summary-Results
    cssed  <-  summary_results[[3]]
    mse    <-  summary_results[[4]]

    ########## Visualization ##########
    # Create CSSED-Plot
    p1  <-  plot(x    = as.Date(oos_dates),
                 y    = cssed,
                 ylim = c(-0.0008, 0.0008),
                 main = "Cumulated squared error differences",
                 type = "l",
                 lwd  = 1.5,
                 xlab = "Date",
                 ylab = "CSSED") + abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "darkgray")
    # Create Predictive Signals-Plot
    vec  <-  seq_len(dim(oos_chosen_signals)[2])
    mat  <-  oos_chosen_signals %*% diag(vec)
    mat[mat == 0]  <- NA
    p2  <-  matplot(x    = as.Date(oos_dates),
                    y    = mat,
                    cex  = 0.4,
                    pch  = 20,
                    type = "p",
                    main = "Evolution of selected signal(s)",
                    xlab = "Date",
                    ylab = "Predictive Signal")
    # Create Psi-Plot
    p3  <-  plot(x    = as.Date(oos_dates),
                 y    = oos_chosen_psi,
                 ylim = c(1, 100),
                 main = "Evolution of the subset size",
                 type = "p",
                 cex  = 0.75,
                 pch  = 20,
                 xlab = "Date",
                 ylab = "Psi")
    # Relative MSE
    print(paste("Relative MSE:", round(mse[[1]] / mse[[2]], 4)))
    # Print Plots

Second example using the tvc() and dsc() functions:

######### Forecasting quarterly U.S. inflation ##########
#### Please see Koop & Korobilis (2023) for further  ####
#### details regarding the data & external forecasts ####

 # Packages

 ########## Get Data ##########
 # Load Data
 inflation_data   <-  inflation_data
 benchmark_ar2    <-  benchmark_ar2

 # Set Index for Target Variable
 i  <-  1   # (1 -> GDPCTPI; 2 -> PCECTPI; 3 -> CPIAUCSL; 4 -> CPILFESL)

 # Subset Data (keep only data relevant for target variable i)
 dataset  <-  inflation_data[, c(1+(i-1),                          # Target Variable
                                 5+(i-1),                          # Lag 1
                                 9+(i-1),                          # Lag 2
                                 (13:16)[-i],                      # Remaining Price Series
                                 17:452,                           # Exogenous Predictor Variables
                                 seq(453+(i-1)*16,468+(i-1)*16))]  # Ext. Point Forecasts

 ########## STSC ##########
 ### Part 1: TV-C Model ###
 # Set Target Variable
 y  <-  dataset[,  1, drop = FALSE]

 # Set 'Simple' Signals
 X  <-  dataset[, 2:442, drop = FALSE]

 # Set External Point Forecasts (Koop & Korobilis 2023)
 F  <-  dataset[, 443:458, drop = FALSE]

 # Set TV-C-Parameter
 sample_length  <-  4 * 5
 lambda_grid    <-  c(0.90, 0.95, 1)
 kappa_grid     <-  0.98
 n_cores        <-  4

 # Apply TV-C-Function
 results  <-  hdflex::tvc(y,

 # Assign TV-C-Results
 forecast_tvc      <-  results[[1]]
 variance_tvc      <-  results[[2]]

 # Define Burn-In Period
 sample_period_idx  <-  80:nrow(dataset)
 sub_forecast_tvc   <-  forecast_tvc[sample_period_idx, , drop = FALSE]
 sub_variance_tvc   <-  variance_tvc[sample_period_idx, , drop = FALSE]
 sub_y              <-  y[sample_period_idx, , drop = FALSE]
 sub_dates          <-  rownames(dataset)[sample_period_idx]

 ### Part 2: Dynamic Subset Combination ###
 # Set DSC-Parameter
 nr_mods     <-  ncol(sub_forecast_tvc)
 gamma_grid  <-  c(0.40, 0.05, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90,
                   0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98, 0.99, 1.00)
 psi_grid    <-  c(1:100)
 delta       <-  0.95
 n_cores     <-  4

 # Apply DSC-Function
 results  <-  hdflex::dsc(gamma_grid,

 # Assign DSC-Results
 sub_forecast_stsc    <-  results[[1]]
 sub_variance_stsc    <-  results[[2]]
 sub_chosen_gamma     <-  results[[3]]
 sub_chosen_psi       <-  results[[4]]
 sub_chosen_signals   <-  results[[5]]

 # Define Evaluation Period (OOS-Period)
 eval_date_start      <-  "1991-01-01"
 eval_date_end        <-  "2021-12-31"
 eval_period_idx      <-  which(sub_dates > eval_date_start & sub_dates <= eval_date_end)

 # Trim Objects to Evaluation Period (OOS-Period)
 oos_y                <-  sub_y[eval_period_idx, ]
 oos_forecast_stsc    <-  sub_forecast_stsc[eval_period_idx]
 oos_variance_stsc    <-  sub_variance_stsc[eval_period_idx]
 oos_chosen_gamma     <-  sub_chosen_gamma[eval_period_idx]
 oos_chosen_psi       <-  sub_chosen_psi[eval_period_idx]
 oos_chosen_signals   <-  sub_chosen_signals[eval_period_idx, , drop = FALSE]
 oos_dates            <-  sub_dates[eval_period_idx]

 # Add Dates
 names(oos_forecast_stsc)     <-  oos_dates
 names(oos_variance_stsc)     <-  oos_dates
 names(oos_chosen_gamma)      <-  oos_dates
 names(oos_chosen_psi)        <-  oos_dates
 rownames(oos_chosen_signals) <-  oos_dates

 ### Part 3: Evaluation ###
 # Apply Summary-Function
 summary_results  <-  summary_stsc(oos_y,
                                   benchmark_ar2[, i],
 # Assign Summary-Results
 cssed  <-  summary_results[[3]]
 mse    <-  summary_results[[4]]

 ########## Visualization ##########
 # Create CSSED-Plot
 p1  <-  plot(x    = as.Date(oos_dates),
              y    = cssed,
              ylim = c(-0.0008, 0.0008),
              main = "Cumulated squared error differences",
              type = "l",
              lwd  = 1.5,
              xlab = "Date",
              ylab = "CSSED") + abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "darkgray")

 # Create Predictive Signals-Plot
 vec  <-  seq_len(dim(oos_chosen_signals)[2])
 mat  <-  oos_chosen_signals %*% diag(vec)
 mat[mat == 0]  <- NA
 p2  <-  matplot(x    = as.Date(oos_dates),
                 y    = mat,
                 cex  = 0.4,
                 pch  = 20,
                 type = "p",
                 main = "Evolution of selected signal(s)",
                 xlab = "Date",
                 ylab = "Predictive Signal")

 # Create Psi-Plot
 p3  <-  plot(x    = as.Date(oos_dates),
              y    = oos_chosen_psi,
              ylim = c(1, 100),
              main = "Evolution of the subset size",
              type = "p",
              cex  = 0.75,
              pch  = 20,
              xlab = "Date",
              ylab = "Psi")
 # Relative MSE
 print(paste("Relative MSE:", round(mse[[1]] / mse[[2]], 4)))
 # Print Plots


Philipp Adämmer, Sven Lehmann and Rainer Schüssler


GPL (>= 2)