Changes in version 2.6.6 - Fix function prototype error in C code for RS type Changes in version 2.6.5 - Fix documentation CRAN issues - nested , escaped & Changes in version 2.6.4 - New function fit.fkml.moment() - does the same as fit.fkml(method="MoM") - na.rm now works for starship method in fit.gpd Changes in version 2.6.3 - New maintainer email address - fit.gpd() now allows method="starship", then calls starship() Changes in version 2.6.2 - gl.check.lambda bugfix Changes in version 2.6.1 - Add LambdaZeroEpsilon argument to fit.gpd to allow wider range of Lambda values to count as zero, and thus Quantile Based Skew Logistic. Changes in version 2.6 - plot method for starship, plot.starship now defaults to - The fit.fkml function now; * Returns and prints trimming values in Trimmed mean estimates * Has the LMom method which is trimmed mean with zero trimming * Has MoM, method of moments Changes in version 2.5 - Standard Errors for the L Moment estimates for the GPD type fit.gpd defaults to recording cpu time usage (so that it is the same as fit.fkml) Changes in version 2.4.2 - Fix bug in fit.gpd - BetaLambdaLambda function added (utility function for gpd L-Moment estimation) Changes in version 2.4.1 - Fix pgl() example comment - inverse.eps had defaulted to .Machine$double.eps since version 1.9 Changes in version 2.4 - L Moment estimation for the GPD type Changes in version 2.3.3 - print.starship, summary.starship and plot.starship now display estimation method and gld type Changes in version 2.3 - Moment estimation for FKML type - qdgl function deprecated in favour of dqgl as it calculates the density quantile function of the gld Changes in version 2.2 - New estimation methods for the FKML parameterisation: Numerical MLE, Maximum Spacings Product, Titteringtons, L Moments, TL Moments, Distributional Least Absolutes - Starship has C speedups from Ben Dean, in fit.fkml function