frapplot 0.1.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * User need to specify the path of output directory to avoid potential conflicts of the file names. frapplot 0.1.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Exclude certain sample(s) from the dataset by the exclude() function. * frapprocess() and frapplot() now try to validate the input before their execution. Raise Error with specific instructions when input is not valid. frapplot 0.1.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Include details of the regression results in the return value of frapprocess(). frapplot 0.1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Features: * Batch calculations and regressions for all the groups from the dataset and summarize the results by group names in a dataframe. * Access details about the regression of individual groups by simple indexing. * Generate figures in a consistent and publishable format. * Compare results of any two groups with a single command. * Have tested with a real-world dataset from a FRAP experiment.