## ----echo = FALSE, results = "hide", message = FALSE-------------------------- require("emmeans") options(show.signif.stars = FALSE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 4.5, class.output = "ro", class.message = "re") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- noise.lm <- lm(noise/10 ~ size * type * side, data = auto.noise) anova(noise.lm) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- emmeans(noise.lm, pairwise ~ size) ## ----fig.alt = "emmip plot of type and size, with separate panels for each side. To see the same numerical information, do emmeans(noise.lm, ~ type:size|side)"---- emmip(noise.lm, type ~ size | side) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- emm_s.t <- emmeans(noise.lm, pairwise ~ size | type) emm_s.t ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- noise.emm <- emmeans(noise.lm, ~ size * side * type) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast(noise.emm, "consec", simple = "each", combine = TRUE, adjust = "mvt") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast(emm_s.t[[1]], "poly") ## 'by = "type"' already in previous result ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IC_st <- contrast(emm_s.t[[1]], interaction = c("poly", "consec"), by = NULL) IC_st ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- coef(IC_st) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test(IC_st, joint = TRUE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- emmeans(noise.lm, ~ size*type*side) |> contrast(interaction = c("poly", "consec", "consec")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- joint_tests(noise.lm) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- joint_tests(noise.lm, by = "side") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mvcontrast(noise.emm, "pairwise", mult.name = c("type", "side")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- update(mvcontrast(noise.emm, "consec", mult.name = "side", by = "size"), by = NULL) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mvcontrast(update(noise.emm, submodel = ~ side + size + type), "pairwise", mult.name = c("type", "side")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fiber.lm <- lm(strength ~ diameter*machine, data = fiber) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- emtrends(fiber.lm, pairwise ~ machine, var = "diameter") ## ----fig.height = 2, fig.alt = "Plot with three increasing lines. The one for B is highest, the one for C is lower and more-or-less parallel to it, and the one for A is steeper and crosses the other two lines near their ends"---- emmip(fiber.lm, machine ~ diameter, cov.reduce = range) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- org.quad <- lm(cbind(sales1, sales2) ~ poly(price1, price2, degree = 2) + day + store, data = oranges) org.int <- lm(cbind(sales1, sales2) ~ price1 * price2 + day + store, data = oranges) org.add <- lm(cbind(sales1, sales2) ~ price1 + price2 + day + store, data = oranges) ## ----fig.alt = "Two panels with sets of curves associated with values of price2. The panel for sales1 shows a tight bundle of curves that decrease with price1. The panel for sales2 shows a looser bundle of curves that diverge as price1 increases"---- emmip(org.quad, price2 ~ price1 | variety, mult.name = "variety", cov.reduce = FALSE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- anova(org.quad, org.int, org.add) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- emtrends(org.int, pairwise ~ variety, var = "price1", mult.name = "variety") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- emtrends(org.int, pairwise ~ variety, var = "price2", mult.name = "variety")