1.4.0 (2018-10-04): - Implemented a streaming functionality for logistic.dma (a big thanks to Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi) - Added authors - Added unit tests 1.3-1 (2018-3-9): - Fixed issue with estimating until T (instead of T-1) - Default for argument delay changed to delay=0. 1.3-0 (2017-6-15): - Fixed output names of dma ("msemse" changed to "mse"). - Function dma now returns estimates and variances by time and model. - Minor fix in the documentation. 1.2-3 (2016-1-6): - Fixed wrong dimnames. - Imports added to namespace. 1.2-2 (2014-11-6): - Imports added and "require" removed. - Fixed a minor bug caused by missing "drop=FALSE". 1.2-0 (2013-5-2) - Change of maintainer