0.9.0 - Now supports reference data in rules, specified by the parameter 'ref' in the 'modify' function. 0.8.0 - Now supports rule-wise logging of changes by integration with the 'lumberjack' package. - 'modifier' now reads rules and metadata from data frame - Fix: constructions with single values such as if (is.na(x)) x <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE) now work correctly. - Fix: in blocks following a condition, such as if (x < 0){ x <- 10; y <- 1}, the expression y <- 1 would not be executed because the first expression in the block modifies the value of the condition. [i.e.: if(c){a;b} is NOT equal to if(c){a}; if(c){b}.] - Vignette updated and now rendered with 'simplermarkdown' - Improved documentation (thanks to Jordi van Dooren) 0.1.9 - Improved documentation (Thanks to GH user Bas) - Fix for NULL and NA in condition 0.1.5 - Added 'markdown' as Suggests, as requested by CRAN. 0.1.1 - First release