Version 1.4.1 ------------- BUGS * Remove LazyData from DESCRIPTION (#132) * Remove dependency on hash package (#133) * Replace instances of `if (class(...))` with `inherits(...)` (#136) NEW FEATURES * Refactor BagIt serialization to match new specification (#109) Version 1.4.0 ------------- BUGS * Handle dc:creator in resource map properly (#116) NEW FEATURES * Use SHA-256 as the default hash algorithm (#117) * Added 'checksumAlgorithm' argument to DataObject initialization method (#117) * Update tests for compatibility with testthat 3e (#125) * Added 'targetPath' argument to DataObject to set 'prov:atLocation' for an object (#109) Version 1.3.2 ------------- BUGS * Ensure that a 'dc:creator' element is always present (#93) * Ensure that the resource map dcterms:modified time is always present/updated. (#93) * Ensure that a DataPackage is marked as updated after addAccessRule, setPublicAccess, clearAccessPolicy methods called (#92). * Remove dependency on redland::getNextResult (#110) NEW FEATURES * Added function removeRelationships() which can remove all or specified relationships from a DataPackage (#99) Version 1.3.1 ------------- BUGS * fixed bug in updateMetadata() that would cause package relationships for the metadata object to be lost. Version 1.3.0 ------------- NEW FEATURES * Added support for DataPackage download, edit, upload workflow. (#85) * Added new method parseRDF() to parses an RDF/XML resource map from a file. (#85) * Added new method removeMember() which removes a member from a Package. (#85) * Added new method replaceMember() which replaces the raw data or file associated with a DataObject. (#85) * Added new method selectMember(0) which selects package members based on slot values. (#85) * Added new method updateRelationships() which updates package relationships by replacing an old identifier with a new one. (#85) * Added new method updateMetadata() to update XML content of a DataOBject in a DataPackage. (#85) * Added new method getValue() which gets values for selected DataPackage member slots. (#85) * Added new method setValue(0) which sets values for selected DataPackage member slots. (#85) * Added new method removeAccessRule() to SystemMetadata, DataObject, DataPackage classes. (#78) * Added new method hasAccessRule() to DataObject, DataPackage classes. (#78) * Added new method clearAccessPolicy() DataObject, DataPackage classes. (#78) * Added new method addAccessRule() to DataPackage. class (#85) * Added new method setPublicAccess() to DataPackage. class (#85) * Access policies can now be modified for DataPackage, DataObject. (#78) * Resource map identifiers now include metadata object identifier. (#82) BUGS * fixed bug where resource maps had invalid XML names for blank node identifiers. (#79) * fixed bug where resource maps did not include creator or modification time. (#80) DEPRECATED - deprecated function addData(), renamed to addMember(). Version 1.2.0 ------------- BUGS * Fixed bug where replicationAllowed was not set correctly when parsing if it is false (#61) * Fixed bug where numberReplicas was not set correctly when parsing (#63) * Fixed bug where the `mediaType` argument to DataObject `initialize()` was not being handled correctly and resulted in an invalid system metadata object to be serialized from the DataObject. (#67) * Added argument 'mediaTypeProperty' to DataObject `initialize()` which was needed to fully support 'mediaType'. (#67) NEW FEATURES * Added new function to reset access policies `clearAccessPolicy()` (#56) * Added new function `describeWorkflow()` to add run provenance relationships to a DataPackage (#64) * Added 'Show' methods for DataObject and DataPackage classes. (#71, #73) DEPRECATED * The method `recordDerivation` is deprecated in this release and may be marked as Defunct and removed in a future release (#68) Version 1.1.0 This version was not released publically. Version 1.0.1 ------------- BUGS * Fixed bug where Roxygen example for serializePackage() was writing to the "/tmp" directory * Serializing system metadata to XML with serializeSystemMetadata() now gathers all <permission> elements together for a <subject> so that the subject does not appear under multiple <allow> elements. Version 1.0.0 ------------- NEW FEATURES * Initial version (see help topic for 'datapack', e.g. "?datapack") * Provides an API for building and serializing packages of data and associated metadata. * The package name has been changed from 'datapackage' to 'datapack' NEW S4 CLASSES * Class DataPackage for building and serializing data packages. * Class SystemMetadata and DataObject for representing a member of a data package. * Class ResourceMap for building and serializing a Resource Description Framework representation of a data package.