RELEASE HISTORY OF THE "crossval" PACKAGE Version 1.0.5: - fix warning message due to changed URL. Version 1.0.4: - update URLs in documentation. Version 1.0.3: - added import statements required by R-devel. Version 1.0.2: - change of maintainer email address. - confusionMatrix() now returns the negative used as reference as attached attribute. - diagnosticErrors() now also stores the negative attribute. Version 1.0.1: - log odds ratio (lor) in diagnosticErrors() is now computed differently, to avoid integer overflow. - added example in crossval help page for linear regression with MSE as estimated error. - "sda", "care", and "binda" are now suggested packages, containing further examples and applications. Version 1.0.0: - First public release (March 2014) This package contains generic functions for performing cross validation and for computing diagnostic errors.