0.6-15 - updated noSuggests warning for dependency on MASS - added authors@R - updated CITATION 0.6-13 - pickSimes and curveSimes now call the updated functions from the hommel package. 0.6-12 - updated NAMESPACE to current standards - maximized adjusted p-values to one if hommelFast with simes=FALSE - updated maintainer e-mail. - removed gurobi dependence (hopefully temporary) - conditionalized the multtest-dependent example 0.6-11 - added function hommelFast - added function structuredHolm - changed functions pickSimes and curveSimes - fixed small bug in function DAGmethod, corresponding to the optimization option of the any-parent method 0.5-10 - added functions corresponding to the DAG procedure (any- and all-parents variant) 0.4-9 - added functions corresponding to the region procedure 0.3-7 - fixed bug in curveSimes somtimes giving too low values in the presence of selection - added check on NA values in curve/pick Simes/Fisher. - added pickMeinshausen and curveMeinshausen. - fixed a bug in the show function of closure objects 0.2-6 - added a vignette - changed output of pick, pickFisher and pickSimes to return the number of false rather than true nulls - textual changes to NAEP.Rd - repaired bugs giving an ugly plot in pick with plot=TRUE 0.1-5 - added option to closed() to calculate adjusted p-values - changed pick() to give fiducial disstribution in case of adjusted p-values - added shortlist() method - fixed bug where pick() returned inf when it should return m (the number of hypotheses). - simplified change to Pr(>|Chi|) - added input check on invalid selection to pickFisher() - added order argument to curveFisher() and curveSimes() 0.1-4 - added endpoint check to curveSimes() for speed. - changed Pr(>|Chi|) due to change in anova() in stats. 0.1-3 - rewritten pickSimes() for increased computational efficiency - changed name of first argument in pickFisher() and pickSimes() from "all" to "p" - added curveSimes and curveFisher functions - added NAEP example data 0.0.2 - Removed zipData=yes from description - man file of closure-class.Rd repaired.