censobr v0.4.1
- Minor changes
- Removed {duckplyr} from package dependency
- bug fixes
- Passing parameter
merge_households = TRUE
now returns
the expected result.
censobr v0.4.0
- Major changes
- Some functions (
) now include a new parameter
(logical) to indicate whether the function
should merge household variables to the output data. Partially closes #31
- {censobr} now imports the {duckplyr} package, which is used for
merging household data. Closes issue #31.
- New vignette showing how to work with larger-than-memory data.
Closes #42.
The vignette still needs to be expanded with more examples, though.
- Minor changes
- Updated Vignettes Closes issue #51
- Removed dependency on the {httr} package
- Now using
to download files in
parallel. This brings the advantage that the package now automatically
detects whether the data/documentation file has been updated and should
be downloaded again.
- Changes to data sets and files included in this version:
- Population microdata for the year 2000 now include a few columns
that were not included before. Closes #44
- Included additional columns and fixed minor errors in data
dictionary of 2010 microdata. Closes #45
- New data set and files included in this version:
- 1960 census Closes #32
- Interview manual
- Data dictionary for microdata of population and households
- Microdata of population and households
- 1970: fixed geography columns. Closes #52
- 1991 census: Data dictionary for microdata of population and
households. Closes #28
censobr v0.3.2
- Minor changes
- Moved {arrow} package back to
- New data set and files included in this version:
- 2022 census
- Preliminary aggregate results of census tracts
censobr v0.3.1
- Minor changes
- Moved {arrow} package from
while the {arrow} team fixes their conflict with
CRAN policies related to downloading binary software. See here.
- New package contributors:
- Diego Rabatone Oliveira
- Neal Richardson
censobr v0.3.0
- Major changes
- The
function now accepts questionnaires
of type
: "long"
or "short"
- Updated census tract data following latest update by IBGE on
Oct/2023. Closed #38. As a
result, the package moved to data release v0.3.0.
- Minor changes
- Replaced
by .onLoad
so that the
package works with censobr::function()
- Fixed documentation of various functions.
- Fixed issue to make sure censobr uses suggested packages
conditionally on CRAN
- Fixed message when user requests a data set / file for a year that
is not available
- New data set and files included in this version:
- 2022 census [New]
- Questionnaires and interview manuals
- Short questionnaires for every census between 1960 and 2022.
- Long questionnaire for the 1960 and 2022 censuses.
censobr v0.2.0
- Major changes
- New function
to read Census tract-level
aggregate data.
- New function
opens on a browser the
data dictionary of Brazil’s census data.
- New function
opens on a browser the
questionnaire used in the data collection of Brazil’s censuses.
- New function
opens on a browser the
interview manual of the data collection of Brazil’s censuses.
- New function
that allows users
to set custom directory for caching files from the censobr package.
- New data sets of 1970, 1980 and 1991 censuses: microdata of
population and households PLUS Census tract-level aggregate data for
2010. Closes #6, #7, #8 and 1#8
- New vignette on Census tract-level aggregate data for 2010.
- New vignette covering functions about census documentation and
dictionary of variables. Closes #2.
- Minor changes
- Running
censobr_cache(delete_file = 'all')
now removes
all data and directories related from censobr.
- censobr now uses suggested package {geobr} conditionally
- Data included in this version:
- 1970 census [New]
- Microdata of population, households
- 1980 census [New]
- Microdata of population, households
- 1991 census [New]
- Microdata of population, households
- 2000 Census
- Microdata of population, households and families.
- 2010 Census
- Microdata of population, households, deaths and emigration.
- Census tract-level aggregate data [New]
censobr v0.1.1
- Minor changes
- Using cache_dir and data_release as global variables. Closes #13
- Running
censobr_cache(delete_file = 'all')
now also
remove data from old data releases. Closes #14.
- Large improvement in code coverage
- Changes requested by CRAN team
- Changed location of cached data to directory inside
tools::R_user_dir(“censobr”, which = “cache”).
- The package now automatically deletes cached data from previous data
releases that might exist from previous versions of the package
- Clean cache after intro vignette and testhat checks
censobr v0.1.0
- Launch of censobr v0.1.0 on CRAN
- All data sets are now enriched with geography columns following
{geobr} name standards. This should help data manipulation and
integration with spatial data from the {geobr} package. The added
columns are: c(‘code_muni’, ‘code_state’, ‘abbrev_state’, ‘name_state’,
‘code_region’, ‘name_region’, ‘code_weighting’). Closes #5.
- Data included in this version:
- 2000 Census
- Microdata of population, households and families.
- 2010 Census
- Microdata of population, households, deaths and emigration.