Package: basetheme ================== Version 0.1.3 [2023-04-07] BUG FIXES * Theme palette is now set immediately instead of waiting for the first plot. IMPROVEMENTS * Missing color in 'num2col' and 'lab2col' was set to grey in all themes. Version 0.1.2 [2019-10-17] NEW FEATURES * Function 'num2col' for turning numbers into colors. * Function 'lab2col' for turning labels into colors. IMPROVEMENTS * Implemented consistent color palettes for all themes. BUG FIXES * Fixed a bug that ignored par(new=TRUE). Version 0.1.1 [2019-07-17] NEW FEATURES * Theme: deepblue. * Theme: royal. IMPROVEMENTS * Removed axis ticks from the "minimal" theme. * Adjusted "void" theme to be black and white. Version 0.1.0 [2019-06-14] NEW FEATURES * Theme: dark. * Theme: ink. * Theme: brutal. * Theme: clean. * Theme: void. * Theme: minimal. * Theme: default. * Created.