In this example we will look at how to compute flight performance for
a set of birds. We will use the birds described in Hedenström and Alerstam (1992). The pacakge has
limited capabilities for handling multiple birds in a
. We first load the data set in the workspace.
This prepared data set already has a format recognized by the bird
constructor, and can therefore be used directly as
data(climbing_birds) # Load climbing bird data set
climbing_birds <- climbing_birds#[seq(1,15,3),]
myBirds <- Bird(climbing_birds)
myBirds$coef.profileDragLiftFactor[myBirds$name=='Mute swan'] = 0
# we have to assume that swans has specialized aerofoil, as it otherwise won't be able to fly
# this may be true for other birds too, and should be investigated further...
## name massTotal wingSpan wingArea wingbeatFrequency
## 1 Mute swan 10.56000 2.23 0.540532609 3.5
## 2 Greylag goose 3.57500 1.64 0.316423529 3.8
## 3 Eider 1.79300 0.94 0.105190476 7.0
## 4 Red-throated diver 1.36400 1.11 0.100991803 5.5
## 5 Brent goose 1.36400 1.15 0.123598131 5.0
## 6 Curlew 0.79200 0.90 0.120895522 5.5
## 7 Wigeon 0.71500 0.80 0.078048780 6.5
## 8 Wood pigeon 0.53900 0.78 0.093600000 5.8
## 9 Oystercatcher 0.52800 0.83 0.079183908 5.7
## 10 Arctic tern 0.12100 0.80 0.057142857 4.1
## 11 Song thrush 0.06588 0.34 0.019266667 10.1
## 12 Dunlin 0.04998 0.40 0.014545455 8.1
## 13 Swift 0.04070 0.45 0.015340909 6.8
## 14 Chaffinch 0.02204 0.26 0.012754717 9.8
## 15 Siskin 0.01140 0.21 0.007474576 11.2
As this data set was used in relation to climb performance, we will
use the function findMaximumClimbRate()
myBirds$powerAvailable <- computeAvailablePower(myBirds)
climbperf <- findMaximumClimbRate(myBirds,maximumPower = myBirds$powerAvailable,strokeplane=20)
## speed climbRate frequency amplitude
## 1 17.437234 0.27598741 3.5 28.95810
## 2 16.085625 0.07381682 3.8 33.26917
## 3 17.923576 0.27167314 7.0 41.48678
## 4 15.314955 0.41368742 5.5 39.44518
## 5 14.640349 0.40712680 5.0 39.08424
## 6 13.151185 0.64786121 5.5 43.73877
## 7 14.122421 0.68897362 6.5 45.47488
## 8 12.467322 0.74436634 5.8 46.58590
## 9 12.320401 0.76769487 5.7 45.44499
## 10 7.033862 0.89175445 4.1 48.30411
## 11 9.882467 1.77672285 10.1 65.18206
## 12 8.455751 1.40921938 8.1 59.83829
## 13 7.277247 1.46502960 6.8 60.39518
## 14 7.546147 1.76797674 9.8 71.69574
## 15 5.013951 2.30762726 11.2 83.54983
Without prescribing an airspeed, this function searches for the airspeed that maximizes climbrate. Climbrate is computed by adding a component of the weight, Wsinγ, to the drag (here W is the weight, and γ is the climb angle), and then finding the climb angle at which the aerodynamic power requirement matches the available power. This gives a slightly different result than the traditional method of converting the power margin at minimum power speed directly, because the propulsive efficiency depends on the thrust requirement. For comparison:
minpower <- findMinimumPowerSpeed(myBirds,strokeplane=20)
climbperf.trad <- data.frame( # compute traditional climb performance
speed = minpower$speed,
climbRate = (myBirds$powerAvailable-minpower$power)/myBirds$massTotal/9.81
climbperf[c('speed','climbRate')]/climbperf.trad # compare
## speed climbRate
## 1 1.0187631 0.8421719
## 2 1.0050750 0.7932620
## 3 1.0154745 0.7406871
## 4 1.0263884 0.7817314
## 5 1.0282111 0.7873369
## 6 1.0512358 0.7836472
## 7 1.0493672 0.7673626
## 8 1.0623172 0.7776499
## 9 1.0618622 0.7891940
## 10 1.1104072 0.8354703
## 11 1.1556532 0.7702182
## 12 1.1405148 0.7948562
## 13 1.1547435 0.8160012
## 14 1.1989975 0.7780880
## 15 0.9010589 0.8540825
The climb performance of these birds was observed by radar tracking. The model can predict the maximum climbrate for these observed speeds:
myBirds$climbSpeed <- climbing_birds$climbSpeed # attach observed climb speeds to the bird data
climbperf2 <- findMaximumClimbRate(
speed=myBirds$climbSpeed, # specify observed climb speeds
## speed climbRate frequency amplitude strokeplane
## 1 16.7 0.27277198 3.5 28.95211 20
## 2 15.9 0.07353519 3.8 33.26125 20
## 3 16.9 0.26065227 7.0 41.39131 20
## 4 17.9 0.34735164 5.5 39.51922 20
## 5 16.4 0.37621073 5.0 39.13836 20
## 6 14.9 0.61239513 5.5 43.78936 20
## 7 20.3 0.25871426 6.5 45.51540 20
## 8 15.5 0.62966622 5.8 46.62685 20
## 9 13.6 0.74683532 5.7 45.47474 20
## 10 9.9 0.74390078 4.1 47.88441 20
## 11 12.4 1.63959372 10.1 64.96896 20
## 12 13.9 0.80656514 8.1 59.09936 20
## 13 10.0 1.29593370 6.8 59.79491 20
## 14 11.2 1.39915854 9.8 70.73258 20
## 15 13.4 0.77087587 11.2 75.39675 20