--- title: "Examples of Accessible Functions" output: rmarkdown::html_document: toc: true toc_float: true toc_depth: 3 author: ["Shixiang Wang, Yi Xiong, Longfei Zhao, Kai Gu, Yin Li, Fei Zhao"] date: "`r Sys.Date()`" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Accessible Functions} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.align = "center" ) ``` Firstly, assume you have already installed **UCSCXenaShiny** package. ```{r setup} library(UCSCXenaShiny) ``` ## Tutorial Book From UCSCXenaShiny v2, we provide a comprehensive [tutorial book](https://lishensuo.github.io/UCSCXenaShiny_Book/) for introducing how to use the datasets, functions, and the Shiny application. ## Fetch Data We provide function to retrieve multi-dimensional data including genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic data from TCGA (note, this actually contains data from TCGA/TARGET/GTEx databases) and CCLE Pan-Cancer dataset for single identifier (e.g., gene, protein). Check parameters: ```{r} args(query_pancan_value) ``` For TCGA gene expression data, we use Xena dataset with ID `TcgaTargetGtex_rsem_gene_tpm` which includes 19131 samples with tumor tissue samples and normal tissue samples. The expression value unit is `log2(tpm+0.001)`. Let's check several examples. ### Fetch Gene Expression ```{r} gene_expr <- query_pancan_value("TP53") ``` ```{r} str(gene_expr) ``` ### Fetch Transcript Expression ```{r eval=FALSE} transcript_expr <- query_pancan_value("ENST00000000233", data_type = "transcript") ``` ### Fetch Gene CNV ```{r eval=FALSE} gene_cnv <- query_pancan_value("TP53", data_type = "cnv") ``` ### Fetch Gene Mutation ```{r eval=FALSE} gene_mut <- query_pancan_value("TP53", data_type = "mutation") ``` ### Fetch miRNA mature strand expression ```{r eval=FALSE} miRNA_expr <- query_pancan_value("hsa-let-7a-2-3p", data_type = "miRNA") ``` ## Data Visualization ### Visualize Single Gene Expression in PANCAN Dataset ```{r fig.width=12} vis_toil_TvsN(Gene = "TP53", Mode = "Violinplot", Show.P.value = FALSE, Show.P.label = FALSE) ``` ### Compare Gene Expression Level in Single Cancer Type ```{r fig.width=5} vis_toil_TvsN_cancer( Gene = "TP53", Mode = "Violinplot", Show.P.value = TRUE, Show.P.label = TRUE, Method = "wilcox.test", values = c("#DF2020", "#DDDF21"), TCGA.only = FALSE, Cancer = "ACC" ) ``` ### Compare Gene Expression Level in Different Anatomic Regions This function needs [gganatogram](https://github.com/jespermaag/gganatogram) package, which is not on CRAN. Please install it before using this function. ``` if (require("gganatogram")) { vis_pancan_anatomy(Gene = "TP53", Gender = c("Female", "Male"), option = "D") } ``` [Click to see the output](https://gitee.com/ShixiangWang/ImageCollection/raw/master/png/20210322130516.png) ### Visualize Relationship between Gene Expression and Prognosis in the PANCAN Dataset ```{r fig.width=5, fig.height=6} vis_unicox_tree( Gene = "TP53", measure = "OS", threshold = 0.5, values = c("grey", "#E31A1C", "#377DB8") ) ``` ### Other Functions and Data All exported data and functions are organized at [here](https://openbiox.github.io/UCSCXenaShiny/reference/index.html).