Documentation of defined S3 classes

This vignette documents the S3 classes defined by the StratPal package.
For documentation of functionality, see the help page of individual functions (available via ?functionname), for working examples see the vignettes (available via browseVignettes("StratPal")).

S3 class pre_paleoTS

Represents trait values of individual specimens of a lineage sampled along time or stratigraphic position. For the motivation of this class, see the vignette on usage with the paleoTS package via vignette("paleoTS_functionality").


pre-paleoTS is a list with two elements:


pre_paleoTS is constructed by functions to simulate trait evolution on a specimen level/in pre-paleoTS format. These functions have suffix _sl for “specimen level”. This is


pre_paleoTS can be modified using

Transformation into other S3 classes

pre_paleoTS can be transformed into paleoTS format using reduce_to_paleoTS


No standalone plotting procedure is implemented for pre_paleoTS. For plotting, first use reduce_to_paleoTS and plot the results via plot after loading the paleoTS package.