2018-07-02 11:52 mathieu_ribatet * NAMESPACE: Import model.frame and na.pass from 'stats' 2018-06-20 11:28 mathieu_ribatet * R/utils.R, src/utils.c: Allows NA values in predictions. Thanks to Joel Zeder for finding this gap ;-) 2018-05-28 11:15 mathieu_ribatet * NAMESPACE, R/methods.R, R/predict.R, R/psplines.R, man/predict.Rd, man/print.Rd, vignettes/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Rename pspline methods to pspline2 (issue with another package) 2018-05-28 11:09 mathieu_ribatet * R/modeldef.R: Fix a bug with the design matrix when there are missing values. Thanks to Joel Zeder! 2018-05-28 09:10 mathieu_ribatet * src/maxStableExactSimulation.c: Fix a bug for the exact simulation from Schlather process. Thanks to Alec Stephenson for this bug hunt!!! 2018-01-05 12:58 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION, NEWS: Fix some warnings that appear with a new release of R. 2018-01-05 12:56 mathieu_ribatet * R/selection.R, R/smith.R, vignettes/SpatialExtremes.sty, vignettes/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Fix some warnings that appear with a new release of R. 2017-12-12 11:17 mathieu_ribatet * src/condsimMaxStab.c: Free some "unfreed" objects--sorry about that memory ;-) 2017-09-15 11:16 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION, NEWS, R/modelChecking.R, R/simmaxstab.R: Fix a bug with the simulation from geometric processes. Thanks Zhuo Wang! 2017-08-24 15:14 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R: Fix a bug in allocation 2017-08-24 14:56 mathieu_ribatet * man/concprob.Rd: Update the reference article 2017-08-24 14:55 mathieu_ribatet * man/concprob.Rd: Change the example (now nicer) 2017-08-24 14:46 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog: Update ChangeLog 2017-08-24 14:44 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION, NEWS, src/madogram.c, src/pairwiselik.c: Use OpenMP when it does speed things (pairwise likelihood) 2017-08-21 14:28 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R, src/header.h, src/init.c, src/maxStableExactSimulation.c: Allows for exact simulation for all max-stable models (except geometric) 2017-08-20 11:41 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Summary: Spelling 2017-08-18 13:03 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog: Update ChangeLog 2017-08-18 12:50 mathieu_ribatet * NEWS: Update NEWS 2017-08-18 12:47 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R/brownresnick.R, R/concurrence.R, R/condSimMaxStab.R, R/conditionalSim.R, R/copula.R, R/extcoeff.R, R/extremalt.R, R/fitcovmat.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/kriging.R, R/latentVariable.R, R/madogram.R, R/maxLinear.R, R/randomlines.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/simgaussproc.R, R/simmaxstab.R, R/smith.R, R/spatgev.R, R/standardErrors.R, R/univfit.R, R/utils.R, src/Makevars, src/header.h, src/init.c: Finally the package now registers native routine (what a job!!!) 2017-08-18 12:46 mathieu_ribatet * R/circulant.R: Remove an empty R file 2017-08-17 13:29 mathieu_ribatet * man/SpatialExtremes-package.Rd: Remove a non existing URL 2017-08-17 13:28 mathieu_ribatet * src/init.c: Add registration of C code as now required by CRAN 2017-08-17 13:28 mathieu_ribatet * src/utils.c: Remove pragma parallel instruction (slows my code :-() 2017-08-17 13:26 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R: A small fix 2017-08-17 12:32 mathieu_ribatet * R/exploratoryAnalysis.R: Fix a bug in the legend of symbol when using mean or median 2017-08-16 14:00 mathieu_ribatet * vignettes/SpatialExtremes.sty, vignettes/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, vignettes/layout.sty: Rename layout.sty to SpatialExtremes.sty as I got an email about this from CRAN 2017-08-16 13:59 mathieu_ribatet * man/fitmaxstab.Rd: Minor change 2017-08-16 13:58 mathieu_ribatet * src/concurrence.c, src/covariance.c, src/direct.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/header.h, src/latentVariable.c, src/madogram.c, src/maxStableExactSimulation.c, src/pairwiselik.c, src/weightedPairwiselik.c: Removing pragma parallel for instruction since it slows the code (at least on MacOS). Seems like I'm not very good at parallelizing my code :-( 2017-08-16 13:55 mathieu_ribatet * R/exploratoryAnalysis.R: Try to fix the legend anotation when using which != "gev" 2017-01-24 15:32 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Dummy modification (request from R-forge to check a problem) 2017-01-18 12:01 mathieu_ribatet * src/utils.c: small improvement 2017-01-11 08:28 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION, R/concurrence.R, R/simmaxstab.R, man/concprob.Rd, man/concurrencemap.Rd, src/concurrence.c, src/header.h: Add the exact simulation for max-stable processes and a fix for Brown-Resnick processes. Allows for parallelization throughout the code whenever possible Add the computation of standard errors for the concurrence probabilities 2016-11-07 15:48 mathieu_ribatet * NAMESPACE, R/concurrence.R, R/simmaxstab.R, man/concprob.Rd, src/brownResnick.c, src/concurrence.c, src/copula.c, src/direct.c, src/extcoeff.c, src/extremalt.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/kriging.c, src/latentVariable.c, src/madogram.c, src/maxStableExactSimulation.c, src/pairwiselik.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/univllik.c, src/utils.c, src/weightedPairwiselik.c: Try to (re)use openmp with the package 2016-11-07 09:52 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c, src/direct.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/maxStableExactSimulation.c, src/pairwiselik.c: Working on exact simulation for max-stable processes and (re)implementation of openmp support 2016-11-04 16:41 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R, src/header.h, src/maxStableExactSimulation.c: Exact simulation for Brown--Resnick processes are now available 2016-11-04 16:40 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c, src/direct.c: Minor speed optimization 2016-10-18 15:33 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R: Just add a short comment 2016-10-18 15:15 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R: Summary: Faster version (and correct!) version for the bootstrap confidence intervals. 2016-10-15 09:46 mathieu_ribatet * src/maxStableExactSimulation.c: Just a small change to allow for compilation. The code is still broken though. 2016-10-14 15:44 mathieu_ribatet * R/utils.R: Summary: Fix a bug with handling NA values in the switch to unit Frechet margins using the empirical CDF. Thanks to Kate Robinson Saunders for this!!! 2016-10-14 14:13 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R: ## Lines starting with '## ' will be removed from the log message. ## File(s) to commit recursively: ## pkg/src/maxStableExactSimulation.c Start working on exact simulation for max-stable processes 2016-10-14 14:07 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Start working on exact simulation for max-stable processes 2016-10-14 14:07 mathieu_ribatet * src/maxStableExactSimulation.c: Start working on exact simulation for max-stable processes 2016-10-14 14:04 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R: Faster version for the bootstrap confidence intervals. 2016-10-14 14:04 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Update my email 2016-08-31 11:09 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c, src/weightedPairwiselik.c: Better handling of the pairwise likelihood for the Smith model 2015-10-15 08:16 mathieu_ribatet * R/concurrence.R: Summary: Add the option to get personalized x and y labels for the axis 2015-06-10 06:13 mathieu_ribatet * man/symbolplot.Rd: Summary: Document argument scale in symbolplot. 2015-06-09 14:54 mathieu_ribatet * R/exploratoryAnalysis.R: 2015-06-09 12:54 mathieu_ribatet * R/concurrence.R: Summary: Diverging version between computers. Grrrrr 2015-06-09 12:47 mathieu_ribatet * R/concurrence.R: Summary: Diverging version between computers. Grrrrr 2015-06-09 09:14 mathieu_ribatet * man/USHCNTemp.Rd: Summary: Add require(maps) in the example 2015-06-08 18:03 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R: Summary: Remove printing info while browsing the Markov chain 2015-06-08 17:27 mathieu_ribatet * man/concurrencemap.Rd: Faster example 2015-06-08 17:26 mathieu_ribatet * man/windgust.Rd: Doc. for wind gust data set 2015-06-08 17:26 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R/exploratoryAnalysis.R: Some update for EVA 2015-06-08 16:19 mathieu_ribatet * R/concurrence.R: Summary: Fix a bug with plot.border 2015-06-08 15:22 mathieu_ribatet * R/extremalt.R, R/madogram.R: Fix minor bugs 2015-06-08 15:22 mathieu_ribatet * inst/Copyright: Move copyright to the inst folder 2015-06-08 15:21 mathieu_ribatet * Copyright: Move copyright to the inst folder 2015-06-08 15:21 mathieu_ribatet * inst: Add the inst folder 2015-06-08 15:13 mathieu_ribatet * man/concurrencemap.Rd: Summary: Change the documentation to get faster executing example 2015-06-08 15:05 mathieu_ribatet * data/netherlands.RData: Remove the gadm Netherlands data set 2015-06-08 15:05 mathieu_ribatet * data/USHCNTemp.RData, man/USHCNTemp.Rd: Add the USHCN temperature data set 2015-06-08 15:02 mathieu_ribatet * man/logLik.maxstab.Rd: Unify log likelihood extraction methods into a single Rd file 2015-06-08 15:01 mathieu_ribatet * man/concurrencemap.Rd: Documenting the concurrencemap function 2015-06-08 15:00 mathieu_ribatet * man/logLik.Rd: Unify log likelihood extraction methods into a single Rd file 2015-06-08 15:00 mathieu_ribatet * man/predict.Rd: Unify predicting methods into a single Rd file 2015-06-08 15:00 mathieu_ribatet * man/predict.copula.Rd, man/predict.maxstab.Rd, man/predict.pspline.Rd, man/predict.spatgev.Rd: Unify predictin methods into a single Rd file 2015-06-08 14:59 mathieu_ribatet * man/print.Rd: Unify printing methods into a single Rd file 2015-06-08 14:59 mathieu_ribatet * man/print.copula.Rd, man/print.latent.Rd, man/print.maxstab.Rd, man/print.pspline.Rd, man/print.spatgev.Rd: Unify printing methods into a single Rd file 2015-06-08 14:59 mathieu_ribatet * man/windgust.Rd: Add the wind gust data set 2015-06-08 14:58 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION, R/concurrence.R, R/exploratoryAnalysis.R, R/predict.R, man/anova.Rd, man/internals.Rd, man/rainfall.Rd, man/swissalt.Rd, man/symbolplot.Rd: Minor changes 2015-06-08 12:34 mathieu_ribatet * R/concurrence.R: Add plot.border option to concarea 2015-06-08 11:54 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Update description file (not finalized though) 2015-06-08 11:54 mathieu_ribatet * R/exploratoryAnalysis.R: Fix partial arguments matching 2015-06-08 11:54 mathieu_ribatet * src/direct.c, src/latentVariable.c, src/simBrownResnick.c, src/simextremalt.c, src/simgeometric.c, src/simschlather.c, src/standardErrors.c: Fix compiler complaints/warnings 2015-06-08 11:53 mathieu_ribatet * man/symbolplot.Rd: Fix argument partial match 2015-06-08 11:53 mathieu_ribatet * R/swiss.R: Fix non ASCII character 2015-06-05 11:29 mathieu_ribatet * R/methods.R: Summary: Fix a typo (white spaces) in printing spatgev objects 2015-06-02 15:58 mathieu_ribatet * data/wind.RData: Update the wind gust data set 2015-05-29 08:35 mathieu_ribatet * R/exploratoryAnalysis.R: Summary: Try to improve symbolplot to allow for a legend. Not yet done! 2015-05-28 21:17 mathieu_ribatet * R/swiss.R: Fix the aspect ratio so that Switzerland will never be deformed ;-) 2015-05-28 21:17 mathieu_ribatet * data/wind.RData: Add wind gust data set 2015-05-28 21:16 mathieu_ribatet * R/exploratoryAnalysis.R, data/netherlands.RData, man/symbolplot.Rd: Add symbol plots 2015-05-28 18:29 mathieu_ribatet * data/wind.RData: Add wind gust data set 2015-05-28 18:29 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION, R/concurrence.R, R/utils.R: Work in progress for concurrence cell area 2015-05-28 15:13 mathieu_ribatet * vignettes/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Summary: One keyword per \VignetteKeyword macro 2015-05-28 14:59 mathieu_ribatet * man/condrmaxstab.Rd, src/header.h: Small edits 2015-05-28 14:58 mathieu_ribatet * R/concurrence.R, man/concprob.Rd, src/concurrence.c: Add code for the concurrence probabilities. 2015-05-28 14:57 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/extremalt.R, R/schlather.R: Add the extremal concurrence probability function to the fitted max-stable processes. 2015-05-27 11:31 mathieu_ribatet * R/condSimMaxStab.R: Small editing + fix 2014-01-14 10:15 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Change starting values for the extremal-t process 2014-01-14 10:15 mathieu_ribatet * R/condSimMaxStab.R, src/condsimMaxStab.c, src/header.h: Add routines for conditional simulation from extremal-t processes 2014-01-14 10:14 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c: Small improvements (factorize expression to speed up code) 2013-06-06 07:27 mathieu_ribatet * R/selection.R: Better formatting of the anova table 2013-06-04 18:48 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/extremalt.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R, R/spatgev.R, R/standardErrors.R: Fix a bug with recent changes on standard errors and missing values. Now fixed! 2013-06-04 16:14 mathieu_ribatet * src/standardErrors.c: Fix a bug! 2013-06-03 11:48 mathieu_ribatet * R/utils.R: Allows for missing values 2013-06-03 11:47 mathieu_ribatet * src/madogram.c: Allows for missing values in madogram (but *not* to the lambda madogram) 2013-06-03 11:47 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R: Allows for missing values in model checking of max-stable processes 2013-06-03 11:46 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R: Allows for missing values in madogram (but *not* to the lambda madogram) 2013-05-30 15:28 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: update version number 2013-03-04 10:21 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION, NEWS: Update the description, news and changlog files for release 2.0-0 2013-03-04 10:13 mathieu_ribatet * src/latentVariable.c: Fix a bug related to the mean of the prior distribution assumed on the regression parameters! 2013-03-04 10:06 mathieu_ribatet * R/condSimMaxStab.R: Fix a bug when no conditional simulation were performed. 2013-03-04 09:58 mathieu_ribatet * R/latentVariable.R: Missing values are now supported. 2013-03-04 09:57 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/extremalt.R, R/fitmaxstable.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/methods.R, R/profile.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R, R/spatgev.R, R/standardErrors.R, R/starting.values.R, R/univfit.R, man/TIC.Rd, man/condmap.Rd, man/covariance.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, man/fitspatgev.Rd, man/map.Rd, src/pairwiselik.c, src/spatgevlik.c, src/standardErrors.c, src/standardErrorsCommonPart.c, src/univllik.c, src/utils.c, src/weightedPairwiselik.c, vignettes/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Missing values are now supported. Change the way standard errors are computed. 2013-01-28 10:49 mathieu_ribatet * R/zzz.R: .First.lib() is no longer useful. 2013-01-28 10:48 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Forgot the authorship in the DESCRIPTION file. 2013-01-24 07:36 mathieu_ribatet * src/fft.c, src/header.h: Add fft routine since they do not belong to the R API... 2013-01-23 12:30 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION, src/header.h: Add the fft routine as they do not belong to the R API. 2013-01-23 12:29 mathieu_ribatet * Copyright, src/fft.c: Add the fft routine as they do not belong to the R API 2012-11-27 08:11 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R: Add more details for an error according to a suggestion of Carlo Gaetan. 2012-10-31 12:50 mathieu_ribatet * man/predict.copula.Rd: Reduce the complexity of the example according to CRAN policies. 2012-10-25 12:21 mathieu_ribatet * man/internals.Rd: Add several simulation techniques for Brown-Resnick processes 2012-10-25 12:21 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R, src/header.h, src/simBrownResnick.c: Add several simulation techniques for Brown-Resnick processes 2012-10-24 08:46 mathieu_ribatet * man/condrmaxstab.Rd: Small fix. 2012-10-24 08:00 mathieu_ribatet * R/condSimMaxStab.R: Small fix 2012-10-24 07:46 mathieu_ribatet * R/condSimMaxStab.R: Small fix 2012-10-24 07:41 mathieu_ribatet * NEWS: Update the NEWS 2012-10-24 07:35 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog: Update the ChangeLog 2012-10-24 07:30 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Update the version number 2012-10-24 07:29 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Add the headers for the conditional simulation functions of max-stable processes 2012-10-24 07:29 mathieu_ribatet * man/simmaxstab.Rd: Fix a missing link in the documentation 2012-10-24 07:28 mathieu_ribatet * R/condSimMaxStab.R, man/condrmaxstab.Rd, src/condsimMaxStab.c: Add functions and documentation for conditional simulation of max-stable processes 2012-07-10 12:06 mathieu_ribatet * src/simBrownResnick.c: Remove the printf calls 2012-07-10 11:41 mathieu_ribatet * src/utils.c: Fix a bug with temporal trend--these were not initialized---hmmm hmmm! 2012-07-10 11:40 mathieu_ribatet * src/spatgevlik.c: Small edits for nicer code 2012-07-10 11:39 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R: Implement model checking for the extremal-t process 2012-07-10 11:39 mathieu_ribatet * R/copula.R: Fix a bug in simulating a Student copula on a grid. 2012-06-13 11:53 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R: Implementing different (naive) simulation techniques for Brown--Resnick processes 2012-06-13 11:52 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Implementing different (naive) simulation techniques for Brown--Resnick processes 2012-06-13 11:52 mathieu_ribatet * src/simBrownResnick.c: Implementing different (naive) simulation techniques for Brown--Resnick processes 2012-06-13 11:50 mathieu_ribatet * src/utils.c: Cleaning the code 2012-06-05 13:51 mathieu_ribatet * man/map.latent.Rd, man/plot.copula.Rd: Don't run the example to save execution times 2012-06-05 13:51 mathieu_ribatet * man/fitcopula.Rd: Don't run the example to save execution times 2012-06-05 13:50 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c: Comment the OpenMP directive since it is not really efficient 2012-06-05 13:50 mathieu_ribatet * src/fitcovmat.c: Small optimization 2012-06-05 13:50 mathieu_ribatet * src/copula.c: Small optimization 2012-05-22 14:18 mathieu_ribatet * src/brownResnick.c, src/circulant.c, src/copula.c, src/covariance.c, src/direct.c, src/extremalt.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/kriging.c, src/schlather.c, src/simBrownResnick.c, src/simextremalt.c, src/simgeometric.c, src/simschlather.c, src/smith.c: Optimize memory allocation! 2012-05-22 12:35 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R: ## Lines starting with '## ' will be removed from the log message. ## File(s) to commit recursively: ## R/conditionalSim.R Fix a small bug. 2012-05-22 12:24 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R: Fix a small bug. 2012-05-22 11:59 mathieu_ribatet * src/simBrownResnick.c: Minor change 2012-05-22 11:59 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R, src/header.h, src/simextremalt.c: Use the spectral characterization for the extremal-t process! Thanks Thomas!!! 2012-05-04 13:32 mathieu_ribatet * tests/gradientPllik.R: Some minor improvements 2012-05-04 13:32 mathieu_ribatet * src/standardErrors.c: Fix some small bug 2012-05-04 13:31 mathieu_ribatet * src/direct.c: Improve lisibility of code 2012-05-04 13:31 mathieu_ribatet * src/simextremalt.c, src/simgeometric.c, src/simschlather.c, src/simsmith.c: Improve lisibility of code 2012-05-04 13:26 mathieu_ribatet * man/SpatialExtremes-package.Rd, man/covariance.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd: Update the documentations 2012-05-04 13:25 mathieu_ribatet * R/predict.R: Standard error for quantiles are now implemented if possible... 2012-05-04 13:25 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R, R/covariance.R: Minor modifications 2012-05-04 13:19 mathieu_ribatet * vignettes, vignettes/Figures, vignettes/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, vignettes/layout.sty, vignettes/references.bib: Move the vignette files to the ./vignettes folder 2012-05-04 13:17 mathieu_ribatet * inst: Move the vignettes files to ./vignettes instead of ./inst/doc 2012-05-04 13:16 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/layout.sty, inst/doc/references.bib: Move the vignettes files to ./vignettes instead of ./inst/doc 2012-05-04 13:16 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/Figures/Schlather2Sim.png, inst/doc/Figures/Smith2Sim.png, inst/doc/Figures/rmaxstabSmith.png, inst/doc/Figures/tbm.png, inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Move the vignettes files to ./vignettes instead of ./inst/doc 2012-05-04 13:12 mathieu_ribatet * NAMESPACE: Add a namespace as required by new releases of R 2012-05-04 10:29 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R: typo widths instead of width in layout 2012-05-04 10:22 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R: Some small modifications with the map and condmap functions. 2012-05-02 04:57 mathieu_ribatet * src/latentVariable.c: Fix a typo 2012-04-23 11:11 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R: Minor change 2012-04-23 11:10 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/extremalt.R, R/fitmaxstable.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R: Add an argument check.grad to compare the numerical gradient and the theoretical one. Only useful for debugging purposes. 2012-04-23 11:04 mathieu_ribatet * src/latentVariable.c: Fix a bug: going out of bound for the acceptance and external rates... 2011-11-17 22:52 mathieu_ribatet * src/simBrownResnick.c: Improve the Brown--Resnick simulation. A new method will appear soon! 2011-07-06 13:52 mathieu_ribatet * src/simschlather.c: Remove an unused C variable, i.e., zero. 2011-07-06 13:52 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Update the release number for the development version 2011-07-06 13:51 mathieu_ribatet * tests/gradientPllik.R: Test if the analytical gradient of the pairwise likelihood matches the numerical one 2011-07-06 13:51 mathieu_ribatet * tests: Add a new folder tests in the package skeleton to implement tests 2011-07-06 13:50 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/extremalt.R, R/fitmaxstable.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R, R/starting.values.R: Add a component check.grad in control to check if the analytical gradient matches the numerical one. This is used in the new folder tests! 2011-07-04 12:57 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Some problem with the producing of the vignette when saving png figures in /inst/doc/Figures. Keep the figures fixed! 2011-07-04 09:27 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION, NEWS: Update DESCRIPTION, ChangeLog and NEWS for the new release. 2011-07-04 09:19 mathieu_ribatet * src/nsgeomgauss.c: Remove nsgeomgauss as I don't plan to work on it now 2011-07-04 09:19 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R, R/copula.R, R/covariance.R, R/extremalt.R, R/fitcovmat.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/kriging.R, R/methods.R, R/modelChecking.R, R/plots.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/simmaxstab.R, R/standardErrors.R, R/starting.values.R, inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, man/TIC.Rd, man/condmap.Rd, man/condrgp.Rd, man/covariance.Rd, man/extcoeff.Rd, man/fitcopula.Rd, man/fitcovariance.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, man/fitspatgev.Rd, man/fmadogram.Rd, man/lmadogram.Rd, man/logLik.maxstab.Rd, man/madogram.Rd, man/map.Rd, man/plot.copula.Rd, man/plot.maxstab.Rd, man/predict.copula.Rd, man/predict.maxstab.Rd, man/predict.spatgev.Rd, man/print.copula.Rd, man/print.maxstab.Rd, man/print.spatgev.Rd, man/profile2d.maxstab.Rd, man/simmaxstab.Rd, src/brownResnick.c, src/circulant.c, src/copula.c, src/covariance.c, src/direct.c, src/extremalt.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/header.h, src/kriging.c, src/latentVariable.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/simextremalt.c, src/simgeometric.c, src/simschlather.c, src/smith.c, src/smith3d.c, src/standardErrors.c, src/turningbands.c, src/utils.c: Rename what was call "sill" to "nugget", i.e., nugget = 1 - sill, as it might confuse the users 2011-07-04 09:17 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.pdf: Remove the pdf vignette from the svn repos 2011-06-23 16:07 mathieu_ribatet * src/simschlather.c: Small improvement 2011-06-23 16:07 mathieu_ribatet * src/maxLinear.c: Get the code looking nicer 2011-06-23 16:06 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.pdf, inst/doc/layout.sty: Ensure that the utf8 encoding will be recognize by R CMD check. Reduce the size of the vignette by using utils::compactPDF 2011-06-23 16:06 mathieu_ribatet * R/copula.R, R/methods.R, R/modelChecking.R, R/predict.R, man/fitcopula.Rd, man/plot.copula.Rd, man/predict.copula.Rd, man/rcopula.Rd, src/copula.c, src/header.h: Fix a bug in computing the likelihood for the Student copula. A new function to get realisations from copula based models is now implemented. Prediction and model checking is also available. 2011-04-22 20:33 mathieu_ribatet * src/Makevars, src/covariance.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/header.h, src/pairwiselik.c, src/utils.c: Now use openmp and small optimizations 2011-04-22 20:32 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R: Fix a bug when using a too large number of bins 2011-03-22 13:23 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog: Update the ChangeLog 2011-03-22 13:21 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.pdf: Use png figures to reduce vignette size 2011-03-22 13:21 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R, man/SpatialExtremes-package.Rd, man/condrmaxlin.Rd, man/rmaxlin.Rd: condrmaxstab is renamed as condrmaxlin 2011-03-22 08:38 mathieu_ribatet * man/condrmaxlin.Rd: Remove condrmaxstab now named as condrmaxlin 2011-03-22 08:37 mathieu_ribatet * man/condrmaxstab.Rd: Remove condrmaxstab now named as condrmaxlin 2011-03-22 08:34 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.pdf: Use png figures to reduce vignette size 2011-03-22 08:34 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/Figures/Schlather2Sim.png, inst/doc/Figures/Smith2Sim.png, inst/doc/Figures/rmaxstabSmith.png, inst/doc/Figures/tbm.png: Add png figures to reduce vignette size 2011-03-22 08:33 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/Figures: Add png figures to reduce vignette size 2011-03-17 08:19 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc, inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.pdf: The pdf file produced by the vignette was too large so I will reduce its size manually. 2011-03-16 13:02 mathieu_ribatet * NEWS: Update the NEWS file 2011-03-16 13:01 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog: Update the ChangeLog 2011-03-16 12:59 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R: Small improvements for the conditional simulation of max-stable processes 2011-03-16 12:59 mathieu_ribatet * R/maxLinear.R, man/rmaxlin.Rd: Implementation of max-linear models 2011-03-16 12:58 mathieu_ribatet * man/DIC.Rd, man/GEV.Rd, man/GPD.Rd, man/SpatialExtremes-package.Rd, man/condmap.Rd, man/condrmaxstab.Rd, man/covariance.Rd, man/cv.Rd, man/fitcopula.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, man/fitspatgev.Rd, man/fmadogram.Rd, man/gcv.Rd, man/latentVariable.Rd, man/madogram.Rd, man/map.Rd, man/map.latent.Rd, man/rbpspline.Rd, man/simmaxstab.Rd: Updating the Rd documentation 2011-03-16 08:34 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h, src/maxLinear.c: Some minor modification for the conditional sampling from max-linear models 2011-03-13 15:00 mathieu_ribatet * src/circulant.c, src/simextremalt.c, src/simgeometric.c, src/simschlather.c: Replace the use of pythag by hypot for compatibility with R 2.14-0 (email of Prof. Brian Ripley) 2011-03-11 15:40 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R, man/condrmaxstab.Rd: Set p = 10000 for the conditional max-linear sampling. 2011-03-11 14:55 mathieu_ribatet * man/condrmaxstab.Rd: The discretized Smith model was badly defined in the doc. 2011-03-11 13:20 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION, NEWS: Prepare the 1.8-0 release! 2011-03-11 13:14 mathieu_ribatet * man/logLik.maxstab.Rd: Fix a typo. 2011-03-11 13:14 mathieu_ribatet * man/condrgp.Rd: Fix a typo. 2011-03-11 13:13 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R, man/condrmaxstab.Rd, src/header.h, src/maxLinear.c: Add (approximate) conditional simulation of unit Frechet random fields from unit Frechet max-linear processes 2011-03-03 15:52 mathieu_ribatet * src/simBrownResnick.c: Small improvement for the simulation of Brown--Resnick processes 2011-03-03 15:52 mathieu_ribatet * src/kriging.c, src/latentVariable.c: Remove unused variables 2011-03-03 15:51 mathieu_ribatet * src/copula.c: Copulas are now fully implemented 2011-03-03 15:51 mathieu_ribatet * R/copula.R, R/methods.R, man/fitcopula.Rd, man/logLik.maxstab.Rd, man/print.copula.Rd: Copulas are now fully implemented 2011-01-18 15:28 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R: Fix a bug with the isotropic Smith model 2011-01-11 16:37 mathieu_ribatet * R/copula.R: Fix a small typo. 2011-01-11 16:37 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/extremalt.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R: Add a component iso to the output of the fitmaxstab function to specify if the model is isotropic. 2011-01-04 16:18 mathieu_ribatet * R/latentVariable.R, man/latentVariable.Rd, src/latentVariable.c: Improve the latent variable approach 2011-01-04 16:18 mathieu_ribatet * src/copula.c: Add the simple copula approach 2011-01-04 16:17 mathieu_ribatet * R/copula.R, R/methods.R, R/plots.R, man/map.latent.Rd, src/header.h, src/utils.c: Add the simple copula approach 2011-01-04 16:15 mathieu_ribatet * R/standardErrors.R: Fix a small bug when using isotropic Smith model and doing model selection 2011-01-04 16:14 mathieu_ribatet * R/selection.R: Fix a small bug when using isotropic Smith model and doing model selection 2010-11-08 09:24 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R: Add a function that plot predictive pointwise return level from an object of class "latent". Some works need to be done as it is pretty slow still. 2010-11-08 09:23 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R: Small improvements for conditional simulations --- still slow 2010-11-08 09:22 mathieu_ribatet * src/latentVariable.c: Some optimization for the MCMC sampler 2010-11-05 18:47 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Add simple kriging and conditional simulations of Gaussian processes 2010-11-05 18:46 mathieu_ribatet * R/latentVariable.R, src/latentVariable.c: Optimize the MCMC sampler --- no inversion ;-) 2010-11-05 18:46 mathieu_ribatet * R/conditionalSim.R, R/kriging.R, man/condrgp.Rd, man/kriging.Rd, src/kriging.c: Add simple kriging and conditional simulations of Gaussian processes 2010-10-29 08:56 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION, NEWS: Update the ChangeLog, NEWS and DESCRIPTION files for the new release! 2010-10-29 08:50 mathieu_ribatet * man/DIC.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, man/gev2frech.Rd, man/latentVariable.Rd: Fix some typos in the documentation 2010-10-29 08:25 mathieu_ribatet * R/latentVariable.R, R/methods.R, man/DIC.Rd, man/SpatialExtremes-package.Rd, man/latentVariable.Rd, man/print.latent.Rd, src/latentVariable.c: Refine code and documentation for the latent variable approach 2010-10-27 16:12 mathieu_ribatet * R/latentVariable.R, R/methods.R, man/DIC.Rd, man/latentVariable.Rd, src/header.h, src/univllik.c: Add function related to the latent variable approach 2010-10-27 16:11 mathieu_ribatet * src/latentVariable.c: Add function related to the latent variable approach 2010-09-21 11:26 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION, NEWS: Update contact info as I'm now in Montpellier! 2010-09-21 11:08 mathieu_ribatet * src/simextremalt.c: Small optimization for the simulation of extremal t processes 2010-09-21 11:08 mathieu_ribatet * src/simBrownResnick.c: Fix a bug in the simulation of Brown-Resnick processes 2010-08-29 13:38 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R: Fix a bug: simulation from the brown-resnick, geometric and extremal t were not possible. 2010-08-13 07:45 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION, NEWS: Update news, changelog and description for release 1.6-0! 2010-08-12 14:59 mathieu_ribatet * man/SpatialExtremes-package.Rd, man/SpatialExtremes.Rd: Rename SpatialExtremes.Rd to SpatialExtremes-package.Rd for new R usage 2010-08-12 14:58 mathieu_ribatet * man/SpatialExtremes.Rd, man/rainfall.Rd, man/swiss.Rd, man/swissalt.Rd: Some data sets were not documented. 2010-08-12 14:57 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Refining the starting values 2010-08-12 09:04 mathieu_ribatet * man/fitmaxstab.Rd: Update bibliography for fitmaxstab and explain how to use the geometric Gaussian and extremal t models. 2010-08-12 08:02 mathieu_ribatet * R/utils.R: Add an internal function to get the regression coefficients (trend surfaces) from the R formula. 2010-08-12 08:00 mathieu_ribatet * src/brownResnick.c, src/extremalt.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/smith.c, src/smith3d.c: Fix a bug in checking if temporal covariates were used: usetempcov[3] was called while usetempcov has length 3. No comment! 2010-08-11 13:06 mathieu_ribatet * src/weightedPairwiselik.c: Optimize the computation of the weighted pairwise likelihood 2010-08-11 13:05 mathieu_ribatet * R/utils.R: Add a small utility function to check wether a log-link function is used for the trend surfaces 2010-08-11 13:05 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/extremalt.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/methods.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R: The summary of class maxstab now depicts if weighted composite likelihood were used. 2010-08-11 11:54 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R: Reset default setting for par before quitting plot.maxstab 2010-08-11 10:09 mathieu_ribatet * src/weightedStandardErrors.c: Combined the computation of the standard errors for the weighted and unweighted cases 2010-08-11 10:09 mathieu_ribatet * R/standardErrors.R, src/header.h, src/standardErrors.c, src/standardErrorsCommonPart.c: Combined the computation of the standard errors for the weighted and unweighted cases 2010-08-11 09:00 mathieu_ribatet * src/simBrownResnick.c, src/simgeometric.c, src/simschlather.c: Removed unnecessary duplicated code (grid is either TRUE or FALSE) 2010-08-11 09:00 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h, src/simextremalt.c: Add the simulation of the extremal t model 2010-08-11 08:59 mathieu_ribatet * src/fitcovmat.c: Minor change 2010-08-11 08:59 mathieu_ribatet * man/internals.Rd: Add the simulation of the extremal t model 2010-08-11 08:59 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, man/fmadogram.Rd, man/madogram.Rd, man/rgp.Rd, man/simmaxstab.Rd, man/variogram.Rd: Changes due to the modification in the madograms like functions and in rgp and rmaxstab 2010-08-11 08:58 mathieu_ribatet * R/simgaussproc.R, R/simmaxstab.R: If grid is TRUE and only one realization is generated we don't return an array but a matrix --- easing the call to image 2010-08-11 08:57 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R: The xlim argument can now be passed to the madogram like functions 2010-08-10 08:21 mathieu_ribatet * src: Ignoring the TAGS file 2010-08-10 08:21 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc: Ignoring the auto folder 2010-08-10 08:20 mathieu_ribatet * R/extremalt.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, src/standardErrors.c: Std. err. for the Bessel family w.r.t. the smooth parameter are now available --- through finite differences. 2010-08-09 22:07 mathieu_ribatet * man/rainfall.Rd: The unit was wrong for the rainfall data set. 2010-08-09 22:01 mathieu_ribatet * src/schlatherind.c: Avoid some numerical problems for the pairwise likelihood and the independent Schlather process. Need to be refined though. 2010-08-09 22:00 mathieu_ribatet * R/extremalt.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R: Standard errors are now available when using the Whittle-Matern family. 2010-08-09 15:01 mathieu_ribatet * src/standardErrors.c: We now use finite differencies for the Whittle-Matern corr. family to get std. err. for the "smooth" parameter. Std. err. for the extremal t model are now correct. 2010-07-29 13:05 mathieu_ribatet * R/extremalt.R, R/methods.R, src/covariance.c, src/extremalt.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/header.h, src/pairwiselik.c, src/standardErrors.c, src/standardErrorsCommonPart.c: The extremal t process is now implemented. However there's still a problem with the analytical gradient w.r.t. the DoF parameter. 2010-07-26 13:11 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h, src/standardErrors.c: First implementation of the extremal t process. Still buggy! 2010-07-26 13:04 mathieu_ribatet * R/extremalt.R, R/fitcovmat.R, R/fitmaxstable.R, R/standardErrors.R, R/starting.values.R, src/covariance.c, src/extremalt.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/header.h, src/pairwiselik.c, src/simBrownResnick.c, src/standardErrors.c, src/utils.c, src/weightedPairwiselik.c: First implementation of the extremal t process. Still buggy! 2010-07-20 10:12 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Remove the dependence on the RandomFields package 2010-07-19 14:41 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION, NEWS: Version 1.6-0 of the package 2010-07-19 14:41 mathieu_ribatet * src/simBrownResnick.c: Chagne the stopping rule for B.-R. simulation. Not perfect though! 2010-07-19 14:40 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: The RandomField package is not required anymore 2010-07-14 13:34 mathieu_ribatet * src/simgeometric.c: A small optimisation for simulating Geometric processes 2010-07-14 13:32 mathieu_ribatet * src/standardErrors.c: Fix a stupid bug. The determinant in the Smith model was incidentally set to the const int type! 2010-07-08 10:29 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R: Allow for the simulation of Brown--Resnick processes. *NOT TO BE CONSIDERED AS ACCURATE* 2010-07-08 10:29 mathieu_ribatet * src/simBrownResnick.c: Allow for the simulation of Brown--Resnick processes. *NOT TO BE CONSIDERED AS ACCURATE* 2010-07-08 10:28 mathieu_ribatet * src/direct.c: Allow for the simulation of Brown--Resnick processes. *NOT TO BE CONSIDERED AS ACCURATE* 2010-07-08 10:27 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Minor changes 2010-07-08 10:27 mathieu_ribatet * src/simsmith.c: More accurate approximation for the simulation of the Smith process 2010-07-08 10:26 mathieu_ribatet * src/simgeometric.c: Optimize the simulation of geometric processes (through Gumbel margins first) 2010-07-08 10:25 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c: Optimize the evaluations of various pairwise likelihoods 2010-04-23 12:35 mathieu_ribatet * src/turningbands.c: gamma isn't defined must use gammafn!!! 2010-04-23 12:33 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Updating the header files 2010-04-23 12:33 mathieu_ribatet * src/fitcovmat.c: The covariance now allow sill to be greater than 1 so we need to penalise it in fitcovmat.c 2010-04-23 12:32 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Consistent parametrization of the Brown-Resnick processes with the documentation 2010-04-23 12:32 mathieu_ribatet * man/plot.maxstab.Rd: Small changes 2010-04-23 12:31 mathieu_ribatet * man/madogram.Rd: Angles should partition (0, pi) 2010-04-23 12:31 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/layout.sty: Minor change 2010-04-23 12:31 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R: Fix a bug in plot.maxstab 2010-04-23 12:30 mathieu_ribatet * R/methods.R: Modifying the printing methods as temporal covariates are available 2010-04-23 12:30 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R: Add pretty ylim in the extremal coefficient function 2010-04-23 12:29 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Consistent parametrization of the Brown-Resnick processes with the documentation 2010-04-23 12:29 mathieu_ribatet * src/simschlather.c: Cleaning simschlather 2010-04-23 12:28 mathieu_ribatet * src/utils.c: Utils function for the temporal trends 2010-04-23 12:28 mathieu_ribatet * src/standardErrorsCommonPart.c: Removing duplicate code in the gradient and share it 2010-04-23 12:27 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R, src/simBrownResnick.c: Add simulation from Brown-Resnick processes 2010-04-23 12:26 mathieu_ribatet * man/variogram.Rd: Add the empirical variogram 2010-04-23 12:24 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/fitmaxstable.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R, R/spatgev.R, R/standardErrors.R, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, man/fitspatgev.Rd, src/brownResnick.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/smith.c, src/smith3d.c, src/spatgevlik.c, src/standardErrors.c: Allowing for temporal covariates 2010-03-16 09:21 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Update the header file 2010-03-16 09:20 mathieu_ribatet * src/utils.c: Add a function that computes the distance from the origin. It is useful for the fractional brownian motion simulations 2010-03-16 09:20 mathieu_ribatet * src/turningbands.c: Fix a bug in the simulation of the powered exponential correlation function through the tbm 2010-03-16 09:19 mathieu_ribatet * src/simschlather.c: Fix a bug in the simulation of the powered exponential correlation function through the tbm 2010-03-16 09:19 mathieu_ribatet * src/madogram.c: Implementation of the empirical variogram 2010-03-16 09:18 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Add the fractional brownian motion covariance 2010-03-16 09:18 mathieu_ribatet * src/circulant.c: Minor change 2010-03-16 09:17 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Minor change in R pieces of code in the vignette 2010-03-16 09:16 mathieu_ribatet * R/simgaussproc.R: Add the simulation of fractional brownian motions -- only the direct and turning band method 2010-03-16 09:16 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R: Add the empirical variogram 2010-02-11 16:44 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Update the header file 2010-02-11 16:44 mathieu_ribatet * src/simgeometric.c, src/simschlather.c: The circulant embedding method is now available 2010-02-11 16:43 mathieu_ribatet * src/circulant.c: Small optimizations of the circulant embedding method 2010-02-11 16:42 mathieu_ribatet * man/rgp.Rd, man/simmaxstab.Rd: The circulant embedding method is now available 2010-02-11 16:42 mathieu_ribatet * R/utils.R: Internal function to check if a grid is regular 2010-02-11 16:42 mathieu_ribatet * R/simgaussproc.R, R/simmaxstab.R: The circulant embedding method is now available 2010-02-11 16:41 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R: Set appropriate ranges for x and y axes 2010-02-11 16:39 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R, man/plot.maxstab.Rd: Add a generic plot function for class 'maxstab' that check the goodness of fit of a fitted max-stable model 2010-02-08 22:04 mathieu_ribatet * src/simgeometric.c, src/simschlather.c, src/simsmith.c: Remove an if test to speed up the code 2010-02-08 21:29 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c: The covariance functions are now available when sill > 1 and hence implies changes for the respective pairwise likelihoods 2010-02-08 21:27 mathieu_ribatet * R/simgaussproc.R: Add the circulant embedding method for GRF 2010-02-08 21:26 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlatherind.R: Refined tests for the standard error computations 2010-02-08 20:26 mathieu_ribatet * R/circulant.R, src/circulant.c, src/header.h: Add the circulant embedding method for GRF 2010-01-18 14:52 mathieu_ribatet * src/smith3d.c: Small optimization: use of memset 2010-01-18 14:50 mathieu_ribatet * src/brownResnick.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/pairwiselik.c, src/randomlines.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/simschlather.c, src/simsmith.c, src/smith.c, src/turningbands.c, src/utils.c: Small C optimization: use of memset 2010-01-18 14:47 mathieu_ribatet * R/simgaussproc.R: Fix a bug: simulation on a line wasn't possible 2010-01-14 18:59 mathieu_ribatet * src/direct.c: It was impossible to simulate GP with variance larger than one. Fixed! 2010-01-14 11:10 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R: Now madogram and fmadogram can use marge = "model" i.e. transform to U(0,1) from the fitted trend surfaces of the max-stable model 2010-01-14 11:09 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION, NEWS: Update ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION and NEWS files 2010-01-14 10:48 mathieu_ribatet * src/standardErrors.c: Fix a bug in the geomgaussstderr (marginal part) 2010-01-14 10:47 mathieu_ribatet * src/madogram.c, src/utils.c, src/weightedStandardErrors.c: Slight optimizations of the C code 2010-01-13 22:40 mathieu_ribatet * src/standardErrors.c: Fix a bug in the computation of standard errors for geomgauss 2010-01-13 22:39 mathieu_ribatet * man/condmap.Rd, man/map.Rd: Minor typo in the documentation of map and condmap 2010-01-13 22:38 mathieu_ribatet * R/utils.R: gev2frech uses the rank instead of ppoints for the empirical distribution - better for the F-madogram 2010-01-13 22:37 mathieu_ribatet * data/rainfall.RData, data/swissalt.RData: Add data sets and function to plot a map of Switzerland 2010-01-13 22:36 mathieu_ribatet * R/swiss.R, data, man/rainfall.Rd, man/swiss.Rd, man/swissalt.Rd: Add data sets and function to plot a map of Switzerland 2010-01-13 22:35 mathieu_ribatet * R/standardErrors.R: Forgot to put the names gradient in the std err computations 2010-01-13 22:34 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R: Remove the dots argument in uniroot in condmap 2010-01-13 22:33 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Define new values for the Brown-Resnick processes 2010-01-06 15:10 mathieu_ribatet * R/standardErrors.R: Now we use 'crossprod' which is faster when std.err.type = 'grad' 2009-12-29 17:40 mathieu_ribatet * NEWS: Use the standard given by R for the NEWS file 2009-12-29 17:10 mathieu_ribatet * NEWS: Add a NEWS file 2009-12-29 16:51 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Update 2009-12-29 16:51 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog: Update the ChangeLog 2009-12-29 16:37 mathieu_ribatet * man/condmap.Rd: Fix a typo 2009-12-29 16:21 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/Figures: Remove the Figures folder - useless 2009-12-29 16:19 mathieu_ribatet * man/condmap.Rd: The example is now excuted and nicer 2009-12-29 16:00 mathieu_ribatet * R/utils.R: Add an invisible frech2gev function which is faster but less flexible 2009-12-29 15:59 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R, man/condmap.Rd, man/map.Rd: map and condmap can now deal with covariates through the 'covariates' argument 2009-12-29 15:57 mathieu_ribatet * src/standardErrors.c: Some code optimizations 2009-12-29 15:56 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/fitmaxstable.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R, R/standardErrors.R, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, src/brownResnick.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/header.h, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/smith.c, src/smith3d.c, src/weightedPairwiselik.c, src/weightedStandardErrors.c: Allow the use of weights in the pairwise likelihood 2009-12-17 11:03 mathieu_ribatet * man/covariance.Rd, man/extcoeff.Rd, man/fmadogram.Rd, man/madogram.Rd, man/qqextcoeff.Rd, man/rgp.Rd, man/simmaxstab.Rd: Improve the examples 2009-12-17 11:03 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R: Improve how the x and y axis limits are computed 2009-12-17 10:24 mathieu_ribatet * R/predict.R, man/predict.maxstab.Rd: Add an option "std.err" to compute or/not the standard errors 2009-12-17 10:23 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R, man/map.Rd: Rewrite the map function to allow the use of covariates if necessary 2009-12-16 19:54 mathieu_ribatet * R/methods.R: Add the display of the TIC for object of class spatgev 2009-12-16 19:53 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitmaxstable.R: Comment fitnsmaxstab - not time to implement it 2009-12-16 19:53 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Remove rgl 2009-12-16 19:51 mathieu_ribatet * src/standardErrors.c: Removing an unused declared variable 2009-12-16 11:02 mathieu_ribatet * R/starting.values.R: No warning message if fitspatgev failed to converge 2009-12-16 11:00 mathieu_ribatet * R/nsgeomgauss.R: Move nsgeomgauss.R to the development folder - no implementation planned 2009-12-16 10:27 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: All the (unecessary) gradient functions were removed 2009-12-16 10:26 mathieu_ribatet * man/fitspatgev.Rd: The fitspatgev function has now a "corr" argument to be consistent with the fitmaxstab function. 2009-12-16 10:25 mathieu_ribatet * src/standardErrors.c: Improving the code 2009-12-16 10:24 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R, man/fmadogram.Rd, man/lmadogram.Rd, man/madogram.Rd: Remove the use of the rgl package (warnings when building the package) and passing marge = "emp" as the default 2009-12-16 10:24 mathieu_ribatet * R/standardErrors.R: Improve the way how the asymptotic covariance matrices are computed 2009-12-16 10:22 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/selection.R, R/smith.R, R/spatgev.R: What I previously called jacobian was misleading and now I used var.score standing for "variance of the (composite) score" 2009-12-16 10:20 mathieu_ribatet * R/gradients.R, src/gradients.c: Removing the gradient files: now useless because of standardErrors files 2009-12-15 22:46 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog: Update the ChangLog 2009-12-15 22:39 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Update the version number 2009-12-15 22:36 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Small editing in view of a new release 2009-12-15 22:31 mathieu_ribatet * R/gradients.R, R/standardErrors.R: Fix a typo 2009-12-15 22:28 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Forgot that by default lmadogram uses an rgl output 2009-12-15 22:27 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Revert to a former version and reduce the grid sizes to get less heavy pdf output 2009-12-15 22:23 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/references.bib: Update ref 2009-12-15 22:22 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: New way to compute the asymptotic covariance matrix - header 2009-12-15 22:09 mathieu_ribatet * src/gradients.c: Fix a bug in smith3d 2009-12-15 22:07 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R, R/standardErrors.R, src/standardErrors.c: New way to compute the asymptotic covariance matrix 2009-12-15 16:21 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Use marge = "emp" by defaults - faster 2009-12-15 16:21 mathieu_ribatet * R/gradients.R: Small improvements 2009-12-15 16:20 mathieu_ribatet * R/methods.R: Changes the methods as now Brown-Resnick process are available 2009-12-15 16:19 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Changes the headers because of new functions 2009-12-15 16:19 mathieu_ribatet * src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c: Add the generalized Cauchy correlation function 2009-12-15 16:18 mathieu_ribatet * src/nsgeomgauss.c: Add the generalized Cauchy correlation function 2009-12-15 16:18 mathieu_ribatet * src/geomgauss.c: Add the generalized Cauchy correlation function 2009-12-15 16:18 mathieu_ribatet * src/fitcovmat.c: Add the generalized Cauchy correlation function and Brown-Resnick processes 2009-12-15 16:17 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Add the generalized Cauchy correlation function and Brown-Resnick processes 2009-12-15 16:17 mathieu_ribatet * man/lsmaxstab.Rd: This is a wrapper to the fitcovmat and fitcovariance function - to be consistent with the fitmaxstab function. "ls" stands for least squares. 2009-12-15 16:16 mathieu_ribatet * man/internals.Rd: Add the Brown-Resnick processes 2009-12-15 16:16 mathieu_ribatet * man/fitmaxstab.Rd: Add the generalized Cauchy correlation function and Brown-Resnick processes 2009-12-15 16:15 mathieu_ribatet * man/fitcovariance.Rd, man/fitcovmat.Rd: Use marge = "emp" by default and allow for non weighted least squares 2009-12-15 16:14 mathieu_ribatet * man/covariance.Rd: Add the generalized Cauchy correlation function 2009-12-15 16:14 mathieu_ribatet * man/TIC.Rd: Add the composite version of the BIC 2009-12-15 16:13 mathieu_ribatet * R/starting.values.R: Add the generalized Cauchy correlation function and the computations of starting values for Brown-Resnick processes 2009-12-15 16:13 mathieu_ribatet * R/selection.R: Add the composite version of the BIC and remove duplicated code 2009-12-15 16:12 mathieu_ribatet * R/geomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R: Add the generalized Cauchy correlation function 2009-12-15 16:11 mathieu_ribatet * R/predict.R: Get standard errors for the predicted values if possible 2009-12-15 16:10 mathieu_ribatet * R/extcoeff.R, R/fitmaxstable.R, R/madogram.R: Now it works without any problem for one dimensional index set 2009-12-15 16:09 mathieu_ribatet * R/covariance.R: Add the generalized cauchy covariance function 2009-12-15 16:08 mathieu_ribatet * R/brownresnick.R, src/brownResnick.c, src/gradients.c: Add the brown-resnick processes 2009-10-31 10:46 mathieu_ribatet * src/simgeometric.c, src/simschlather.c: Fix a bug when simulating the process on a grid: wrong iwork size 2009-10-31 10:46 mathieu_ribatet * src/simsmith.c: Fix a bug when simulating the process on a grid 2009-10-31 10:44 mathieu_ribatet * man/covariance.Rd: Fix typos in the doc 2009-10-16 08:42 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION: Update the version and ChangeLog 2009-10-16 08:37 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c, src/simschlather.c: Remove the inline attribute - not portable 2009-10-12 06:18 mathieu_ribatet * src/turningbands.c: Minor change 2009-10-12 06:17 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c: Pass the R_InLine function to the lplik??? function. When the bivariate distribution is numerically degenerates, then it now returns MINf instead of the computation of the univariate llik. 2009-10-12 06:14 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Minor change 2009-10-12 06:14 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Improvements in the variable definitions 2009-10-12 06:12 mathieu_ribatet * man/madogram.Rd, man/predict.maxstab.Rd, man/predict.pspline.Rd, man/predict.spatgev.Rd, man/print.maxstab.Rd, man/print.pspline.Rd, man/print.spatgev.Rd, man/simmaxstab.Rd: Minor changes to the documention because of complaints of the new Rd parser 2009-10-12 06:11 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/references.bib: Update the references 2009-08-24 12:32 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Some small editing 2009-08-24 12:31 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h, src/simgeometric.c, src/simschlather.c, src/turningbands.c: The argument control is now added to control several tuning parameters for the simulation algo hence the prototype for the C functions are updated 2009-08-24 12:29 mathieu_ribatet * man/SpatialExtremes.Rd: Add the entry for the simulation of random fields 2009-08-24 12:29 mathieu_ribatet * R/simgaussproc.R, R/simmaxstab.R, man/rgp.Rd, man/simmaxstab.Rd: The argument control is now added to control several tuning parameters for the simulation algo 2009-08-24 12:25 mathieu_ribatet * R/covariance.R: If dist is a matrix it now returns a matrix too 2009-07-08 13:19 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Add the simulation of the geometric gaussian process 2009-07-08 13:19 mathieu_ribatet * src/gradients.c: Fix a bug in the computation of the gradient - e.g. gwhitmat 2009-07-08 13:19 mathieu_ribatet * R/starting.values.R: Fix a problem when using nlm with the Smith model 2009-07-08 13:18 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R, src/simgeometric.c: Add the simulation of the geometric gaussian process 2009-07-08 13:17 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Fix a typo 2009-06-30 08:28 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R: Fix a bug in the map function - shape parameter maps were not produced 2009-06-30 08:25 mathieu_ribatet * man/simmaxstab.Rd: Fix a typo 2009-05-27 14:11 mathieu_ribatet * src/utils.c: Initialize dist within this function to avoid initialization outside 2009-05-27 14:11 mathieu_ribatet * src/direct.c, src/randomlines.c: Minor changes to avoid warnings from the compilers 2009-05-26 13:49 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION: Update changelog and release version 2009-05-26 13:48 mathieu_ribatet * src/Makevars: Minor change to Makevars 2009-05-26 13:39 mathieu_ribatet * src/simsmith.c: Cleaning C code 2009-05-26 13:39 mathieu_ribatet * src/direct.c, src/gradients.c, src/randomlines.c, src/simschlather.c, src/turningbands.c: Cleaning C code 2009-05-26 13:33 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, inst/doc/layout.sty, inst/doc/references.bib: Update the vignette 2009-05-18 14:44 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c, src/schlather.c, src/smith.c, src/smith3d.c: The pairwise likelihood now uses univariate density in presence of "numerical" complete dependence 2009-05-18 14:43 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: Changes due to the implementation of new C code and the use of Lapack 2009-05-18 14:42 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Minor changes - boundary cases 2009-05-18 14:41 mathieu_ribatet * man/TIC.Rd, man/anova.Rd, man/condmap.Rd, man/covariance.Rd, man/extcoeff.Rd, man/extcoeffemp.Rd, man/fitcovariance.Rd, man/fitcovmat.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, man/fitspatgev.Rd, man/fmadogram.Rd, man/lmadogram.Rd, man/logLik.maxstab.Rd, man/madogram.Rd, man/map.Rd, man/predict.maxstab.Rd, man/predict.spatgev.Rd, man/print.maxstab.Rd, man/print.spatgev.Rd, man/profile.maxstab.Rd, man/profile2d.maxstab.Rd, man/qqextcoeff.Rd, man/qqgev.Rd, man/simmaxstab.Rd: The examples now use my functions instead of the ones provided by the RandomFields package 2009-05-18 14:40 mathieu_ribatet * src/simmaxstab.c: Removed unnecessary file 2009-05-18 14:39 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R, src/simschlather.c, src/simsmith.c: New code related to the simulation of stationary max-stable random fields 2009-05-18 14:38 mathieu_ribatet * R/randomlines.R, R/simgaussproc.R, man/rgp.Rd, man/vdc.Rd, src/Makevars, src/direct.c, src/randomlines.c, src/turningbands.c: New code related to the simulation of stationary gaussian processes by using the direct and the turning bands methods 2009-05-18 14:36 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Use the isotropic definition for the extremal coefficient if iso = TRUE 2009-05-18 14:35 mathieu_ribatet * R/covariance.R: Allow for the sill to be larger than 1 as now gaussian processes are implemented 2009-05-18 14:35 mathieu_ribatet * R/geomgauss.R, R/nsgeomgauss.R, R/profile.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R, R/spatgev.R, R/starting.values.R: remove the definition of parscale in optim and avoid using Nelder-Mead optimizer for one-dimensional problems 2009-05-05 21:39 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R, man/simmaxstab.Rd, src/simmaxstab.c: Extend the simulation from the Smith model 2009-05-05 21:37 mathieu_ribatet * R/selection.R, R/smith.R, R/spatgev.R: Remove the qr decomposition for the computation of the inverse of the hessian matrix as it seems to be less robust 2009-05-05 21:35 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Add the iso as an argument of the output and compute the special version of the extremal coefficient function when iso = TRUE 2009-04-30 15:04 mathieu_ribatet * R/simmaxstab.R, man/simmaxstab.Rd, src/simmaxstab.c: A first version of a function that generates observations from a Smith random field 2009-04-30 15:03 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c: Minor changes 2009-04-30 15:02 mathieu_ribatet * man/fitcovmat.Rd: Add the control in optim as an argument 2009-04-30 15:02 mathieu_ribatet * R/spatgev.R: Minor changes 2009-04-30 15:01 mathieu_ribatet * R/profile.R: Some minor changes: control in optim, ... 2009-04-30 15:01 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R, R/smith.R: If iso = TRUE in the smith model the extremal coefficient function is then one-dimensional 2009-04-30 15:00 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R, man/fmadogram.Rd, man/madogram.Rd: The madogram plots now accept a fitted model as an argument to compare pairwise estimates and model based ones 2009-04-30 14:58 mathieu_ribatet * R/covariance.R, R/fitcovmat.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/methods.R, R/nsgeomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, man/covariance.Rd, man/fitcovariance.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, src/covariance.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/gradients.c, src/header.h, src/nsgeomgauss.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c: Implementation of the Bessel covariance function 2009-04-20 09:31 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog: Update the changelog 2009-04-17 15:48 mathieu_ribatet * src/gradients.c: Fix a bug in the computation of the gradient for smith3d. Now it's correct! 2009-04-17 15:29 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c: Minor optimization 2009-04-17 15:28 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Try to optimize the computation of all the covariance 2009-04-10 13:37 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog: Update the ChangeLog 2009-04-10 13:35 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION: Update the version number and the ChangeLog file 2009-04-10 10:06 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Minor changes 2009-04-10 10:06 mathieu_ribatet * R/geomgauss.R, R/gradients.R, src/gradients.c, src/header.h: Add the computation of the gradient for the geometric gaussian model 2009-04-09 14:18 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c: Minor optimizations 2009-04-09 14:17 mathieu_ribatet * src/gradients.c: Minor optimizations - and fix a bug in Schlather's gradient 2009-04-09 14:16 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Minor optimizations 2009-04-07 15:45 mathieu_ribatet * src/utils.c: Some minor optimizations 2009-04-07 15:44 mathieu_ribatet * src/univllik.c: Bug : replace '|' by '||' i.e. logical operator 2009-04-07 15:44 mathieu_ribatet * src/spatgevlik.c: Minor change 2009-04-07 15:43 mathieu_ribatet * src/smith3d.c: Bug : replace '|' by '||' i.e. logical operator 2009-04-07 15:42 mathieu_ribatet * src/smith.c: Bug : replace '|' by '||' i.e. logical operator 2009-04-07 15:42 mathieu_ribatet * src/schlatherind.c: Bug : replace '|' by '||' i.e. logical operator 2009-04-07 15:42 mathieu_ribatet * src/schlather.c: Optimize the computation of the pairwise likelihood 2009-04-07 15:42 mathieu_ribatet * src/pairwiselik.c: Optimize the computation of the pairwise likelihood 2009-04-07 15:41 mathieu_ribatet * src/nsgeomgauss.c: Bug : replace '|' by '||' i.e. logical operator 2009-04-07 15:41 mathieu_ribatet * src/gradients.c: Optimize the computation of the gradient and fix some errors 2009-04-07 15:40 mathieu_ribatet * src/geomgauss.c: Bug : replace '|' by '||' i.e. logical operator 2009-04-07 15:40 mathieu_ribatet * src/fitcovmat.c: Optmize the computation of weighted sum of squares 2009-04-07 15:39 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Optmize the computation of pairwise covariance 2009-04-07 15:39 mathieu_ribatet * R/starting.values.R: Minor change 2009-04-07 15:38 mathieu_ribatet * R/spatgev.R: Now fitspatgev uses all the optimizers as in fitmaxstab 2009-04-07 15:37 mathieu_ribatet * R/gradients.R: Add argument jacobian = TRUE for consistency with other functions 2009-04-07 15:37 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Change the default starting values 2009-02-19 13:05 mathieu_ribatet * man/fitmaxstab.Rd: Add references (Mehdi and Simone) 2009-02-17 13:46 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Speed up the code 2009-02-17 13:45 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Update the version number 2009-02-17 13:45 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, inst/doc/layout.sty, inst/doc/references.bib: Update the vignette 2009-02-07 21:19 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION: Update the ChangeLog and the DESCRIPTION file for the version 1.1-0 2009-02-07 21:10 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Fix an error in the definition of a elliptical covariance function 2009-02-05 23:43 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, inst/doc/layout.sty, inst/doc/references.bib: Update the vignette 2009-02-05 23:42 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Fig a bug when held fixing parameter and defining starting values 2009-02-05 15:03 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, inst/doc/references.bib: Update the vignette 2009-02-05 15:03 mathieu_ribatet * R/psplines.R: Redifine the GCV score so that it has the same scale as CV 2009-01-31 23:40 mathieu_ribatet * R/utils.R: Found a more clever way to deal with 1-dimensional coordinates 2009-01-31 23:33 mathieu_ribatet * R/utils.R: The function distance wasn't working if the coordinates where scalar, fixed! 2009-01-30 23:52 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Set weights that are really small (i.e. <= 1e-4) to more feasible values 2009-01-18 17:36 mathieu_ribatet * man/fitcovariance.Rd, man/fitcovmat.Rd, man/fitspatgev.Rd: The dots arguments was inverting with the start one 2009-01-18 17:35 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Remove draft sections from the vignette 2009-01-18 17:35 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Use different function names to avoid warning messages when compiling 2009-01-18 15:10 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Improve how starting values are defined 2009-01-18 15:10 mathieu_ribatet * R/geomgauss.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/spatgev.R: Improve how starting values are defined 2009-01-18 15:09 mathieu_ribatet * R/starting.values.R: Improve how starting values are defined 2009-01-16 17:35 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R, man/fitcovariance.Rd, src/fitcovmat.c, src/header.h: Allow the use of the independent Schlather and geometric Gaussian models for the least squares fitting procedure 2009-01-15 18:31 mathieu_ribatet * R/geomgauss.R: Fix a bug in defining the starting values for geomgaussfull 2009-01-14 23:19 mathieu_ribatet * R/extcoeff.R, R/madogram.R, inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Minor changes 2009-01-14 13:24 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Add some proofs 2009-01-14 13:23 mathieu_ribatet * R/starting.values.R: Fix a bug. I omit to specify the covariance model when computing appropriate starting values for the Schlather model 2009-01-14 13:23 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R, src/madogram.c: We now use the corrected lambda-madogram - thanks to D. Cooley 2009-01-12 09:06 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Extend the response surfaces section - not finished 2009-01-12 09:03 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Add proof for the derivation of the Smith and geometric Gaussian models 2009-01-06 15:06 mathieu_ribatet * man/lmadogram.Rd: Fix a wrong argument in the example 2009-01-03 01:58 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Improve (a lot!) the package vignette. It's for from being finished though... 2009-01-03 01:56 mathieu_ribatet * R/modelChecking.R, R/starting.values.R: Minor changes 2009-01-02 17:43 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/references.bib: Update reference list 2009-01-02 17:43 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R: Move the qqextcoeff function to the modelChecking.R file 2009-01-02 17:42 mathieu_ribatet * R/selection.R: Minor changes 2009-01-02 17:42 mathieu_ribatet * R/starting.values.R: Now starting values for the GEV margins are defined by using the fitspatgev function 2009-01-02 17:42 mathieu_ribatet * R/spatgev.R: Minor changes 2009-01-02 17:41 mathieu_ribatet * R/geomgauss.R, R/nsgeomgauss.R, R/schlather.R, R/schlatherind.R, R/smith.R: Pass defaults values for parscale and change the initialization for starting values 2009-01-02 17:40 mathieu_ribatet * R/extcoeff.R: Moving the madogram function to the madogram.R file 2009-01-02 17:39 mathieu_ribatet * R/covariance.R: If xlim is supplied the function doesn't compute appropriate x.range 2009-01-02 17:38 mathieu_ribatet * src/header.h: The header for the madogram-based approaches 2009-01-02 17:38 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c, src/pairwiselik.c, src/utils.c: Optimize the code: now fitting a max-stable process by maximizing the pairwise-likelihood is 40% times faster 2009-01-02 17:36 mathieu_ribatet * man/anova.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, man/fitspatgev.Rd, man/madogram.Rd: Update the documentation files 2009-01-02 17:35 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/Figures/geomGauss2Sim.eps, inst/doc/Figures/geomGauss2Sim.pdf: Add figures for the geometric gaussian process - 2 simulations 2009-01-02 17:34 mathieu_ribatet * R/madogram.R, R/modelChecking.R, R/univdist.R, inst/doc/Figures, man/GEV.Rd, man/GPD.Rd, man/fmadogram.Rd, man/lmadogram.Rd, man/qqgev.Rd, src/madogram.c: Add the madogram-based approaches, model checking and univariate EVD functions 2008-12-19 15:54 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Update the package Vignette 2008-12-19 10:03 mathieu_ribatet * man/SpatialExtremes.Rd: Updating the main man page. 2008-12-19 10:00 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Updating the vignette. 2008-12-18 08:35 mathieu_ribatet * man/SpatialExtremes.Rd: Wrong link to the profile2d.maxstab function 2008-12-17 21:18 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw: Correct English and grammar thanks to Anthony 2008-12-17 20:22 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R, src/fitcovmat.c: Test if we have 0 weights and set a really huge value for non feasible regions 2008-12-17 20:21 mathieu_ribatet * src/schlatherind.c: Changes due to the new way I deal with non feasible region 2008-12-16 18:49 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Improve this functions 2008-12-16 18:48 mathieu_ribatet * R/starting.values.R: The sill isn't fix for the starting values as it may cause troubles when fixing it for the model definition 2008-12-16 18:47 mathieu_ribatet * R/spatgev.R: Minor change: adding the logLik value in the output 2008-12-16 18:47 mathieu_ribatet * R/smith.R: I forgot to pass the option iso = iso when computing the variance of the score 2008-12-16 18:44 mathieu_ribatet * src/gradients.c: Fix a bug in the computation of the gradient (only present when reponse surfaces are used for the GEV parameters) 2008-12-16 18:41 mathieu_ribatet * src/extcoeff.c: Do not set pointwise estimate to 1 or 2 if they lie outsite of [1,2] 2008-12-16 18:40 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/nsgeomgauss.c, src/pairwiselik.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/smith.c, src/smith3d.c, src/utils.c: Final change for unfeasible regions: finally setting MINF to the log-likelihood for unfeasible region is the "best" way 2008-12-16 18:38 mathieu_ribatet * man/covariance.Rd, man/extcoeff.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, man/fitspatgev.Rd, man/modeldef.Rd: Update and refine the documentation files 2008-12-12 16:22 mathieu_ribatet * src/univllik.c: Improve the code for speed 2008-12-11 21:25 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R, man/fitcovariance.Rd, man/fitcovmat.Rd: Using the optim as optimizer instead of nlm - more robust 2008-12-11 15:09 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R, R/starting.values.R: Adjust the starting values 2008-12-11 15:09 mathieu_ribatet * R/gradients.R, R/selection.R, R/spatgev.R, man/TIC.Rd, man/anova.Rd, man/fitspatgev.Rd, man/print.spatgev.Rd, src/gradients.c, src/header.h: Computes the sandwich estimate of the asymptotic covariance matrix. TIC and ANOVA are thus available. 2008-12-10 20:21 mathieu_ribatet * man/fitspatgev.Rd, man/predict.spatgev.Rd, man/print.spatgev.Rd: Add a function to fit a "spatial" gev model e.g. GEV parameters are modelled through response surfaces: doc files. 2008-12-10 15:56 mathieu_ribatet * src/univllik.c: Fix a bug in testing if the scale and shape paremeters were badly defined. 2008-12-10 15:55 mathieu_ribatet * R/methods.R, R/predict.R, R/spatgev.R, src/header.h, src/spatgevlik.c: Add a function to fit a "spatial" gev model e.g. GEV parameters are modelled through response surfaces. Related methods and predictions are also implemented. 2008-12-09 16:17 mathieu_ribatet * R/nsgeomgauss.R, R/starting.values.R, src/header.h, src/nsgeomgauss.c: Add the non-stationary geom. gauss. model with response surfaces for the GEV parameters 2008-12-07 12:54 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Minor change 2008-12-07 12:18 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c, src/utils.c: Optimizing the C code: improve conditioning tests 2008-12-07 11:34 mathieu_ribatet * man/SpatialExtremes.Rd, man/TIC.Rd, man/condmap.Rd, man/extcoeff.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, man/rb.Rd: Proof-read the man pages due to a mail in the r-devel list 2008-12-06 15:34 mathieu_ribatet * src/nsgeomgauss.c: Minor changes 2008-12-06 15:34 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Fix a bug in the nsgeomgauss covariance function computations 2008-12-03 09:22 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R: Do not use the same function name whatever the iso argument is to avoid a warning message while building the package 2008-12-03 09:22 mathieu_ribatet * R/nsgeomgauss.R, man/internals.Rd: Masking the non-stationary geom. gauss. model for the moment 2008-12-03 09:21 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: There was an uninitialized variable 2008-12-03 08:33 mathieu_ribatet * src/utils.c: Remove unused variable 2008-12-02 17:15 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION: Update ChangeLog and DESCRIPTION for the new release 2008-12-02 17:02 mathieu_ribatet * R/plots.R, man/qqextcoeff.Rd: Add a function that performs a QQ-plot for the extremal coefficient 2008-12-02 15:58 mathieu_ribatet * src/nsgeomgauss.c: Change the way I deal with non-feasible regions 2008-12-02 15:58 mathieu_ribatet * man/internals.Rd: Mask the non-stationary geom. gauss. model 2008-12-02 15:57 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitcovmat.R, R/fitmaxstable.R, R/gradients.R, R/smith.R, R/starting.values.R, man/fitcovmat.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd: Implementation of an isotropic smith's model 2008-12-02 10:53 mathieu_ribatet * R/starting.values.R, src/covariance.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/nsgeomgauss.c, src/pairwiselik.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/smith.c, src/smith3d.c, src/utils.c: Change the way starting values are defined - i.e. fixing the sill Change the way we deal with non feasible regions 2008-11-28 12:12 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitmaxstable.R, R/geomgauss.R, R/nsgeomgauss.R: Add the geometric gaussian model - non stationary 2008-11-28 12:11 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c, src/header.h, src/nsgeomgauss.c, src/utils.c: 2008-11-27 14:42 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c, src/extcoeff.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/smith.c, src/smith3d.c, src/univllik.c, src/utils.c: Add comments within the code. Tweak how I deal with the unfeasible region when the GEV parameters are ill-defined 2008-11-19 13:58 mathieu_ribatet * R/starting.values.R: There was a duplicate of function .start.schlatherind 2008-11-19 11:36 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Fix a bug in geomCovariance, sigma2 was not set to the right value when it tends to get large 2008-11-19 11:29 mathieu_ribatet * src/geomgauss.c: Update some comments in the code 2008-11-19 11:20 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Pass the RandomFields packages as a dependence 2008-11-19 11:16 mathieu_ribatet * R/extcoeff.R, man/madogram.Rd: Add an angle argument in madogram() to help in detecting anisotropy 2008-11-18 15:53 mathieu_ribatet * src/schlatherind.c: Fix a bug in schlatherinddsgnmat: the non feasible region was not penalized for all cases 2008-11-17 12:57 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Changing how to deal with smooth >= 2 for the powered exponential covariance model 2008-10-31 16:45 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c, src/fitcovmat.c, src/geomgauss.c, src/header.h, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/smith.c, src/smith3d.c, src/utils.c: Change the behaviour with non-feasible regions: seems to be more robust now... 2008-10-28 13:44 mathieu_ribatet * src/covariance.c: Add an upper bound (i.e. 3) for the sigma2 parameter in the geometric gaussian process 2008-10-24 07:54 mathieu_ribatet * R/covariance.R, src/covariance.c: Update the bounds for the covariance functions to avoid numerical issues 2008-10-22 16:05 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Add a link to the project web page 2008-10-22 12:23 mathieu_ribatet * src/univllik.c, src/utils.c: Now the Gumbel distribution is considered whenever the shape parameter is <= 1-6 2008-10-22 12:22 mathieu_ribatet * R/extcoeff.R, man/madogram.Rd: Change the madogram function. Now it is computed for each pairwise distance - bins can be optionnaly passed though 2008-10-16 12:39 mathieu_ribatet * inst/doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, man/condmap.Rd, man/covariance.Rd, man/extcoeffemp.Rd, man/fitcovariance.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd, man/madogram.Rd, man/map.Rd, man/predict.maxstab.Rd, man/profile.maxstab.Rd: Modifying the vignette and example to reduce the time to build the package 2008-10-13 10:28 mathieu_ribatet * src/geomgauss.c, src/gradients.c, src/schlather.c, src/schlatherind.c, src/smith.c, src/smith3d.c: Cleaning the code: unused declared variables Fix a mistake in computing the gradient dz2shape instead of dz2scale 2008-10-11 22:45 mathieu_ribatet * man/prior.Rd: remove one copy of prior.Rd 2008-10-11 22:44 mathieu_ribatet * man/posterior.Rd: remove one copy of posterior.Rd 2008-10-09 08:53 mathieu_ribatet * R/mcmc.R: moving mcmc.R to the development folder 2008-10-07 13:45 mathieu_ribatet * R/psplines.R: Misplace conditional if resulting in cv = NA even when penalty = "gcv" or "cv" 2008-10-06 22:12 mathieu_ribatet * R/fitmaxstable.R, R/plots.R, man/SpatialExtremes.Rd, man/anova.Rd, man/condmap.Rd, man/fitmaxstab.Rd: Add the conditional quantile map and refine the documentation 2008-10-06 20:08 mathieu_ribatet * doc: Moving the package to the /pkg folder 2008-10-06 20:07 mathieu_ribatet * R: Moving the package to the /pkg folder 2008-10-06 20:07 mathieu_ribatet * doc, doc/SpatialExtremesGuide.Rnw, doc/references.bib: Moving the package to the /pkg folder 2008-10-06 20:07 mathieu_ribatet * inst: Moving the package to the /pkg folder 2008-10-06 20:06 mathieu_ribatet * man: Moving the package to the /pkg folder 2008-10-06 20:06 mathieu_ribatet * src: Moving the package to the /pkg folder 2008-10-06 19:59 mathieu_ribatet * DESCRIPTION: Move the package to the r-forge repo 2008-10-06 19:59 mathieu_ribatet * ChangeLog: Move the package to the r-forge repo 2008-10-06 19:51 mathieu_ribatet * .: re-creating the pkg folder