The goal of RmdConcord is to provide support for concordances in R Markdown files.
This is based on a suggestion and initial code from Heather Turner. Thanks!
Rmarkdown files (type .Rmd
) allow presentation articles
to be generated from simple text documents. However, if there are
errors, these can be difficult to track back to the originating markdown
text because there are often intermediate stages: the R Markdown file is
converted to plain Markdown, the plain Markdown is converted to HTML or
LaTeX, the LaTeX is converted to PDF. A concordance that allows
back-tracking of errors from the later steps is needed.
The main use for this in HTML output is to help deciphering HTML Tidy
error messages. If you replace the original driver with
, R CMD check
report locations in the original .Rmd
With PDF output using patchDVI::pdf_documentC
version 1.11.0 or newer), Synctex output will be
enabled, and it will be patched to refer to the .Rmd
This is helpful in previewers like the one in TeXworks that can link source
to a preview. This package contains
, which does part of the work
(preparing the concordance records) but doesn’t do the patching to make
previewers work with it.
The Pandoc Commonmark driver is still in development, so some
features supported in the rmarkdown
drivers will not be
fully supported using the drivers from this package. At present I am
using Pandoc 2.19.2 and I know of the following missing features:
Citations, e.g. [@doe99]
Raw LaTeX will need to be “fenced”, e.g. entered as
(The \pagebreak
and \newpage
macros receive
special treatment, so they don’t need fencing as long as they are
separated by blank lines from text above and below.)
If you notice others, please let me know, e.g. by posting an issue to the Github site.
These will not cause errors (Markdown doesn’t ever give errors!), but
they won’t be handled properly. We suggest using the
and patchDVI
drivers during early
development or to track down obscure bugs, but using the
drivers for regular production.
This version of RmdConcord
makes use of some functions
that will be released in R 4.3.0. Those functions have been copied into
, so the package should be compatible with older
versions of R.
You can install the development version of RmdConcord
from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("dmurdoch/RmdConcord") devtools
To embed concordances in an R Markdown HTML document, change the
output YAML to patchDVI::html_documentC
. For a PDF
document, use patchDVI::pdf_documentC
output: patchDVI::html_documentC
This is used in the Sample.Rmd
vignette, which contains
an error on line 23.
#> prcssC> # This example works on the file inst/sample/Sample.Rmd,
#> prcssC> # which should be a copy of the vignette Sample.Rmd. This
#> prcssC> # is convenient because RStudio doesn't install vignettes by default.
#> prcssC>
#> prcssC> # First, see the results without concordances:
#> prcssC>
#> prcssC> library(RmdConcord)
#> prcssC> dir <- tempdir()
#> prcssC> intermediates <- tempfile()
#> prcssC> infile <- system.file("sample/Sample.Rmd", package = "RmdConcord")
#> prcssC> outfile1 <- file.path(dir, "html_vignette.html")
#> prcssC> rmarkdown::render(infile,
#> prcssC+ intermediates_dir = intermediates,
#> prcssC+ output_file = outfile1,
#> prcssC+ quiet = TRUE)
#> prcssC> tidy_validate(outfile1)
#> line col msg txt
#> [1,] "359" "4" "Error: <foobar> is not recognized!" "<p><foobar></p>"
#> [2,] "359" "4" "Warning: discarding unexpected <foobar>" "<p><foobar></p>"
#> prcssC> # Next, see them with concordances by setting
#> prcssC> # the output format to use RmdConcord::html_documentC
#> prcssC> # which post-processes the document with processConcordance.
#> prcssC>
#> prcssC> dir <- tempdir()
#> prcssC> outfile2 <- file.path(dir, "commonmark.html")
#> prcssC> rmarkdown::render(infile,
#> prcssC+ intermediates_dir = intermediates,
#> prcssC+ output_file = outfile2,
#> prcssC+ output_format = html_documentC(),
#> prcssC+ quiet = TRUE)
#> prcssC> tidy_validate(outfile2)
#> line col msg txt
#> [1,] "319" "1" "Error: <foobar> is not recognized!" "<foobar>"
#> [2,] "319" "1" "Warning: discarding unexpected <foobar>" "<foobar>"
#> srcFile srcLine
#> [1,] "Sample.Rmd" "23"
#> [2,] "Sample.Rmd" "23"
#> prcssC> unlink(c(intermediates, outfile1, outfile2), recursive = TRUE)