To cite this data package ResidentialEnergyConsumption in publications, please use the following:
1. Weigert A, Hopf K, Weinig N, Staake T (2020). “Detection of heat pumps from smart meter and open data.” In 8th D-A-CH+ Energy Informatics Conference Proceedings.
1. Weigert A, Hopf K, Weinig N, Staake T (2020). Residential Energy Consumption Dataset.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@InProceedings{, author = {Andreas Weigert and Konstantin Hopf and Nicolai Weinig and Thorsten Staake}, title = {Detection of heat pumps from smart meter and open data}, year = {2020}, journal = {Energy Informatics}, booktitle = {8th D-A-CH+ Energy Informatics Conference Proceedings}, }
@Manual{, author = {Andreas Weigert and Konstantin Hopf and Nicolai Weinig and Thorsten Staake}, title = {Residential Energy Consumption Dataset}, year = {2020}, institution = {Information Systems and Energy Efficient Systems Group, University of Bamberg}, }