Changes to Version 1.68 o Added robust standard error estimation option in logistic regression for IPTW (robust standard error estimation is the default in coxph() with IPTW). Changes to Version 1.67 o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.66 o Added function to draw violin plot. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.65 o Added function to draw sankey diagram and CONSORT diagram. Changes to Version 1.64 o Bug fix for cumulative incidence analysis when the number of group is only 1. o Add color palette selection of the previous standard color. Changes to Version 1.63 o Bug fix for adjusted survival and cumulative incidence curves. o Bug fix for cumulative incidence analysis when the number of events is zero in a group. Changes to Version 1.62 o Added functions to draw forest plot for subgroup analyses in logistic regression, proportional hazard regression, and Fine-Gray regression. o Added pairwise comparison functions with Bonferroni, Holm, and Games-Howell for Welch test. o Added function to randomly split dataset into training and validation datasets. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.61 o Added require("tcltk") for "tkbutton" error for Windows wasy install version. Changes to Version 1.60 o Added function to load dataset build on CP932 (Shift-JIS). o Added selection of file encoding (UTF-8 or CP932) in function to import text files. Changes to Version 1.56 o R version 4.2.0 has dropped support for 32-bit builds. Also, UTF-8 locales become default for Windows. o Added function to show survival rate tables for Simon-Makuch plot. o Bug fix for adjusted survival and cumulative incidence curves. Changes to Version 1.55 o Added swimmer plot and current survival function. o Enabled grouping in waterfall plot (ordered chart).. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.54 o Added Brunner-Munzel test as an option in Mann-Whitney U test. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.53 o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.52 o Enabled multiple use of time-dependent covariates in Cox and Fine-Gray proportional hazard regression models. o Added function to draw propensity score distribution graph with or without weighting. o Chaged the output of IPTW variable from a new dataset to thre original dataset. Changes to Version 1.51 o Added Fine-Gray proportional hazard regression with time-dependent covariate. o Added function to draw cumulative incidence curve adjusted using Fine-Gray proportional hazard regression. o Added network metaanalysis. o Added ordinal logistic regression€and multinomial logistic regression. o Enabled input/output via clipboard in Mac OS X. o Added an option to create dataset including stabilized weights calculated based on propensity score and assess balance of covariates between the groups in logistic refression analysis. Changes to Version 1.50 o Added linear mixed model in EZR menu. o Added functions, st.diff.binom(), st.diff.numeric(), st.diff.binom.w(), and st.diff.numeric.w(), to calculate standardized difference. o Added a function, IPTW.ATE(), to create dataset including stabilized weights calculated based on propensity score and assess balance of covariates between the groups. o Added sample size calculation for selection desgin in randomized phase II trials. Changes to Version 1.42 o Added a new function of ROC analysis for survival data. o Small bug fixes including error in box-plot of dataset with only one variable. Changes to Version 1.41.1 o Changed the scripts of cumulative incidence functions for compatability with new version (3.18) of "survival" package. o Changed the scripts of ROC curve analyses for compatability with new version (1.16) of "pROC" package. o Reanmed nchar.ZenToHan() to nchar_ZenToHan() because this function id not an S3 method. Changes to Version 1.41 o Changed the scripts of cumulative incidence functions for compatability with new version (2.44) of "survival" package. o Changed the scripts of ROC curve analyses for compatability with new version (1.15) of "pROC" package. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.40 o Added caliper matching function by changing the use of Matching package insteade of OptMatch package. Changes to Version 1.38 o Added an option to show Y-axis in percentage in survival curve graphs. o Minor changes for compatability with new version of "car" package. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.37 o Changed examples in the HistEZR function according to the changes in the car package (data sets removed). o Added "Convert underscore to period" option in import STATA file function. Changes to Version 1.36 o Changed the menu list for compatability with new version (2.4-0) of "Rcmdr" package. o Import and export STATA file function now uses "readstata13" package. o Added an option to make propensity score variable in logistic regression function. Changes to Version 1.35 o rmean.table() function now uses survRM2() package, that should be used after "Kaplan-Meier survival curve and logrank test" analysis. In addition, rmean.table.ajusted() function, that should be used after "Adjusted survival curve" analysis, was added. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.34 o Changed the scripts of cumulative incidence functions for compatability with new version (2.40) of "survival" package. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.33 o Changed the menu list for compatability with new version (2.3-0) of "Rcmdr" package. o Changed the scripts of survival and cumulative incidence functions for compatability with new version (2.39) of "survival" package. Added rmean.table() function to calcurate and compare restriction mean survival time. o Changed to use original hist() instead of hist2(). o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.32 o Changed to show summary table with text-based ruled lines. Added an option to draw Simon and Makuch plot in Mantel.Byar() function. Changes to Version 1.31 o Added functions to calculate sample size for non-inferiority trial of two means and two survival curves. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.30 o Changed to use "readxl" package instead of "XLconnect" package to read Excel files for compatibility with R commander version 2.2-0. For R commander version 2.1-7 or earlier version, RcmdrPlugin.EZR version 1.29 is required to import Excel files. o Changed to include all R commander original menu items of the latest version in the EZR menu (in "Original menu"). o Changed the scripts to draw adjusted survival curves for compatability with new version of "survival" package. Changes to Version 1.29 o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.28 o Enabled several menu items on EZR on OS X. o Man-Whitney U test now shows summary data. o Changed library() or require() to Library(). Changes to Version 1.27 o Added a function to plot ROC curve after logistic regression. o Added an option to merge datasets by matching specified columns. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.26 o Added a function to bun numeric variable to more than 2 levels with specified thresholds. o Added a function to reshape a wide format dataset to a long format dataset including all data. o Enabled grouping with two factors in frequency bar graph. Changes to Version 1.25 o Added functions to copy, rename, and merge datasets. o Added an option to pool standard mean difference in metaanalysis of continuous variables. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.24 o Added likelihood ratio test after logistic regression analysis. Changes to Version 1.23 o Added functions to output summary tables. Changes to Version 1.22 o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.21 o Added generalized Welch test. o Small bug fixes. Changes to Version 1.20 o Changed dialogue design and added apply button for Rcmdr ver 2.0-0. o Changed the method to set the breakpoints between histogram cells from "Sturges" to "Scott". Made a new function, hist2(), to fix a bug of hist(). o Changed the scripts to draw cumulative incidece function from using "etype" option to using "mstate" option, and at the same time, updated stackcuminc() for "Stacked cumulative incidences" for compatability with new version (2.37-2) of "survival" package. o Added stepwise selection function based on AIC and BIC in Fine-Gray proportinal hazard regression. o Enabled importing Excel files in EZR on OSX and on 64bit Windows using XLConnect package. Changes to Version 1.12 o Moved optmatch package from "Depends:" to "Suggests:", because the package has a license which restricts to academic use. Descriptions with regard to the usage restriction of the packages were added to the DESCRIPTION file. Changes to Version 1.11 o Updated and stackcuminc() for "Cumulative incidence of competing events" and "Stacked cumulative incidences" for compatability with new version (2.37-2) of "survival" package. o Small changes to multiple regression and logistic regression models (to show variance inflation factors). o Bug fix in changing graph size to "Medium". o Bug fix in "Dot chart" (The number of grouping variable should be 0 or 1).