## ---- echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE------------------------------------------------- library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(fig.width=6.5, fig.height=8, cache=FALSE, message=FALSE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(RankingProject) data(TravelTime2011) USdata <- TravelTime2011 head(USdata) # Format estimates and SEs into strings with 2 digits past the decimal USdata$Estimate.Print = formatC(USdata$Estimate.2dec, format = 'f', digits = 2) # For SEs, also drop the leading 0 USdata$SE.Print = substring(formatC(USdata$SE.2dec, format = 'f', digits = 2), first = 2) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set Colorado as the reference area refAbbr <- "CO" refRow <- which(USdata$Abbreviation==refAbbr) # Set up parameter lists for table function and plot function tableParList <- with(USdata, list(ranks = Rank, names = State, est = Estimate.Print, se = SE.Print, placeType = "State")) plotParList <- with(USdata, list(est = Estimate.2dec, se = SE.2dec, names = Abbreviation, refName = refAbbr, confLevel = .90, cex = 0.6, plotType = "individual")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Individual CIs RankPlotWithTable(tableParList = tableParList, plotParList = plotParList) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shaded Columns plot plotParList$plotType <- "columns" # Specify where to position the "Reference State:" text, # and adjust column widths from their defaults tableParList <- c(tableParList, list(columnsPlotRefLine = .7, col2 = .55, col3 = .8)) # Use abbreviations instead of full names in the table, to save space tableParList$names <- USdata$Abbreviation # Use default plotting character size plotParList$cex <- NULL # Actually draw the figure RankPlotWithTable(tableParList = tableParList, plotParList = plotParList, tableWidthProp = 2/7) # Reset defaults for future plots tableParList[c("columnsPlotRefLine", "col2", "col3")] <- NULL # Use full state names in the table for future plots tableParList$names <- USdata$State ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set smaller plot text and lower x-axis label for future plots plotParList$cex <- 0.6 plotParList$thetaLine <- 1.5 # Goldstein-Healy adjusted CIs plotParList$plotType <- "individual" plotParList$GH <- TRUE RankPlotWithTable(tableParList = tableParList, plotParList = plotParList) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Double-tiered GH plot: # inner tiers are GH CIs, # outer tiers are usual 90% CIs plotParList$tiers <- 2 # Legend auto-positioning is poor with line breaks in legend text; # we can improve it by controlling (X,Y) manually plotParList$legendX <- 12 plotParList$legendY <- 53 RankPlotWithTable(tableParList = tableParList, plotParList = plotParList) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Double-tiered GH + Bonferroni plot: # inner tiers are usual 90% CIs, # outer tiers are 50-way demi-Bonferroni-corrected GH CIs plotParList$multcomp.scope <- "demi" RankPlotWithTable(tableParList = tableParList, plotParList = plotParList) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Double-tiered GH + Bonferroni plot: # inner tiers are usual 90% CIs, # outer tiers are (51 choose 2)-way full-Bonferroni-corrected GH CIs plotParList$multcomp.scope <- "full" RankPlotWithTable(tableParList = tableParList, plotParList = plotParList) # Reset defaults for future plots plotParList[c("multcomp.scope", "GH", "tiers", "legendX", "legendY")] <- NULL ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CIs for differences from reference state plotParList$plotType <- "difference" plotParList$lwdBold <- 2 RankPlotWithTable(tableParList = tableParList, plotParList = plotParList, annotRefName = USdata$Rank[refRow], annotRefRank = USdata$State[refRow]) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Comparison intervals (Almond et al. 2000) plotParList$plotType <- "comparison" RankPlotWithTable(tableParList = tableParList, plotParList = plotParList)