## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(RMixtComp) ## ----data--------------------------------------------------------------------- dat <- list(x = rnorm(100), y = rpois(100, 2), z = rnorm(100, -3, 1)) ## ----model-------------------------------------------------------------------- dat <- list(x = list(type = "Gaussian", paramStr = ""), y = "Poisson", z = "Gaussian") ## ----algo, eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------- algo <- list(nbBurnInIter = 100, nbIter = 100, nbGibbsBurnInIter = 100, nbGibbsIter = 100, nInitPerClass = 2, nSemTry = 10, confidenceLevel = 0.95, ratioStableCriterion = 0.9, nStableCriterion = 7, notes = "You can add any note you wish in non mandatory fields like this one (notes). They will be copied to the output.") ## ----algo2-------------------------------------------------------------------- algo <- createAlgo()