REddyProc 1.3.3
- Fixed bug in plotting daily sums, where default scale (gC / day) was
of by a factor nRecInDays.
- Plotting daily sums: Uncertainty computation conservatively assumes
fully correlated errors rather than fully independent errors
- Provide argument isSplitDatetime to fWriteDataframeToFile to write
files consistent with the REddyProc web tool.
- Implement experimental version of Vekuri23 lookup-table variant of
- test breakpoint in Barr13 by more powerful pscore.test (Muggeo
- include mlegp dependency again - its on CRAN again
REddyProc 1.3.2
- Avoid strong dependency on mlegp
( Daytime partitioning,
unfortunately, now requires users to install package mlegp by hand.
- support reading basic variables from Ameriflux data files
- adapt plotting NEE vs. ustar to recent dplyr (avoid deprecation
REddyProc 1.3.1
- bug fix for day-time partitioning: Adapt default of argument
uStarScenKeep to reflect changes in naming the uStar threshold scenarios
REddyProc 1.3.0
Accumulations of improvements warrant a new version and new CRAN
- workaround bug in changepoint detection (package segmented) that
reset random generator and caused resampling the same “random” bootstrap
sample repeatedly.
- report the row and value of first non-numeric entry when checking
for numeric columns
- update vignette of aggregating uncertainty
- clarifying several points in function documentations
- improving several error messages and warnings
- allow for custom color palette in fingerprint plots
- adapt C-code to work wit R4.x
- bugfix in fLoadFluxnet15 with argument additional_columns
REddyProc 1.2.4
- Provided VPD estimate of longer gaps by assuming daily minimum
temperature at dewpoint.
- Daytime partitioning: now uses reduced LRC model if there is no
large VPD in daily subset.
REddyProc 1.2.3
- provide reading and exporting from Fluxnet 2015 formatted files and
REddyProc 1.2.2
- improved error messages on uStar problems
- deal with missing night-time data during day-time partitioning
- provide option to select uStar case for which to keep detailed
results when computing several scenarios and explain the new argument
uStarScenKeep in uStarCases vignette.
- fix error in aggUncertainty vignette of requiring nEff of at least
one instead of zero.
- check assumption of non-missing VPD at entry of daytime
REddyProc 1.2.1
- fix bug in time conversion: explicitly check for leap-years instead
of relying on strptime returning NA for implausible day-of-year.
- new function sEddyProc_sGetUstarSuffixes to get current uStar
- refactoring: replace deprecated select_ method by select
- avoid warning on replacing columns during scenarios of daytime
REddyProc 1.2
move GeoFunctions functionality to packages solartime and
implemented experimental modified daytime partitioning after
Keenan et al. 2019 where nighttime ecosystem respiration is estimated
based on nighttime estimate of respiration at reference
REddyProc 1.1.6
consistent processing across u* threshold scenarios
- also subsequent gapfilling and partitioning
- keep information about u* thresholds and scenarios in class
- adapted vignettes and overview
simplify argument naming
and defaults
- Changed argument names to exclude the type specifier suffix ,
e.g. ‘FluxVar.s’ to ‘FluxVar’. Provding the old argument names still
works, but gives a warning. However, at some future version, the old
argument names will be removed.
- Changed default column suffix in sEddyProc_sMDSGapFillAfterUstar
from ‘withUstar’ to ‘uStar’ for consistency with
improve fingerprint plots
- fingerprint plots align month axis at the 1st of month instead of
- fingerprint plots change Infinity to NA before plotting
method ‘sEddyProc_sEstUstarThreshold’
And replace by ‘sEddyProc_sEstUstarThold’ with a simpler return value
of only the component ‘uStarTh’ of the former complex return value. Use
cases relying on the other return value components can still get them
from class variable ‘sUSTAR_DETAILS’.
Currently, the method gives only a warning, but will be removed in
future in version 2.x of REddyProc.
further changes
- set default number of uStar bootstrap samples to 200 to be
consistent with the paper.
- prevent bug when calling ‘sEddyProc_sEstUstarThresholdDistribution’
with a single element vector.
- on failing ‘sEddyProc_sMRFluxPartition’ tell user how to relax
temperature range constraint
REddyProc 1.1.5
Moving profiling code and associated dependencies out of the
distributed code.
REddyProc 1.1.4
Reworking dependencies
- implementing logit and invlogit from logitnorm directly in
- moving NetCDF related functions and dependencies to separate package
REddyProc 1.1.3
Code cleanup
- replacing deprecated dplyr underscore functions by rlang syntax
- extended tests
REddyProc 1.1.2
Further CRAN issues, not affecting usage:
- avoid building computation-intensive vignette on CRAN
- fixed a small memory-leak in uStar-filtering routine
- deleted one example that still violated CRAN policy by writing to
REddyProc 1.1
CRAN policy related adjustments, not affecting the usage:
- avoid writing files outside tempdir()
- Using latex syntax instead of R function donttest() in
- Converted the realistic data example from function example section
to a series of vignettes.
There have been major code restructurings for implementing
alternative light response curves in the day-time flux partitioning. A
few non-backward compatible changes have been introduced, e.g. by
shortening function names. Hence this version is meant to be tested
before changing version number to 1.1.0.
Interface changes
- renamed usGetAnnualSeasonUStarMappingFromDistributionResult to
- renamed usGetSeasonalSeasonUStarMappingFromDistributionResult to
- removed position arguments from sMRFluxPartition consistently use
sSetLocationInfo before
Changes in Day-Time partitioning
- adopted Lasslop prior information on LRC-fit parameters as
- more options to control daytime-fitting with partGLControl
- quickly maximise compatibility with Lasslop-pvWave processing by
function partGLControlLasslopCompatible
This is a development version put to github so that all contributers
can test and contribute for preparing version 1.0.
Gapfilling - now marking half-hours for which uStar is missing as a
gap - not filtering day-time for low uStar (but kept option to do
Daytime-Flux partitioning - estimating temperature E0 with reference
temperature at median of the data - smoothing E0 estimates across time -
re-estimating prior and initial value of RRef for smoothed E0
Further changes
Migration to github
The hosting of the development moved (maybe temporarily) from
mercurial to github. Releases will still be put to r-forge, because of
its good package-checking setup for several platforms, and the help for
submission to CRAN, but versioning and development of the code will be
done on github.
A README.Rmd and this file have been added.