function for beta and gamma
mixtures when used inside of lapply
argument. For example, this can be used to calculate
the ESS of a normal mixture density representing a logit transformed
response scale.styler
whenever no responses or no non-responses are observed. Fixes issue
automatic generation of
distribution functions allowing truncated priors in brms
with mixturesgMAP
objects by
avoiding to store redundant variables.testthat
edition to version 3.ggplot2::qplot
respective calls to ggplot2::ggplot
notation for mixstanvar
generated Stan code to make generated Stan programs compatible with Stan
>= 2.33pngquant
to system requirements of package as
requested by CRAN.mixstanvar
function and disabled
integration tests on CI/CD systems as these require significant
resources due to the need to compile Stan models. The unit tests do
ensure that things are correct from the RBesT
side of
to document package
models with the new
adapter function mixstanvar
of the
EM for beta mixtures to TRUE
. This will be default
constrain the fitted parameters of each beta mixture component to be
greater than unity as required for finite ESS elir calculations.rstantools
will now report the date of the
release and the respective git commit hash used to create the sources of
the package.predict
for new studies will sample the
study specifc random effect per iteration only once. This is important
for MAP priors with covariate effects (which are pooled over the
to speed up EM algorithms &
plot when plotting a mixture resulting from
*mixfit callgMAP
analysis for
which the Stan sampler had issues due to divergent transitions or
non-convergence as indicated by large Rhatdmix
) with a defined link
function did not evaluate correctly, which was visible when plotting
mixtures (with more than one component) with link functionsAdded probability of success calculation for 1+2 sample case.
Added decision1+2S_boundary functions (and deprecated use of y2 argument of oc functions)
Added RBesT.integrate_args option for greater control over density integrations.
Correct cumulative predictive of beta mixtures to return 0/1 for out-of-range values (instead of leaving those out).
Deprecated functions oc1+2Sdecision which are replaced by decision1+2S.